
General Information

Ukdrus is a vengeful deity embodying hatred and treachery. Known as The Half-Faced Prince and The Unholy, he thrives in darkness and secrecy. His dark blue flame symbolizes his eternal rage and desire for power. A deity deeply scarred by familial conflict, Ukdrus is primarily worshiped by those who embrace his philosophy of strength through deception and subtle violence. His followers include evil fighters and gray dwarves, who revere him for his mastery of war, shadows, and treachery.



Ukdrus is the only son of Ondrul, the Great Blacksmith. Born from the rare and powerful metal called Onyx Luna, Ukdrus was intended to be a boon for the dwarves, but he grew to despise his father’s favoring of his creations over him. Feeling like a mere tool rather than a cherished son, Ukdrus secretly opposed Ondrul.

His betrayal reached its peak during The Purification era, where he allied with Unnur to strike at his father. During the climactic battle, Siona intervened in the last minute, delivering a devastating blow that left Ukdrus scarred with a split face. This act solidified his reputation as The Traitor. He fled to the Abyss, swearing vengeance against his father and his creations, and became the progenitor of the gray dwarves.



Ukdrus appears as a dwarf king with a beard of living black fire, reflecting his fierce and destructive nature. His visage is a fearsome sight, marked by the scar from Siona’s intervention—a constant reminder of his betrayal. His form is a blend of regal and infernal, symbolizing both his royal lineage and his dark ambitions.



Ukdrus champions strength through deception and cunning. His teachings emphasize the importance of treachery and espionage in achieving power. Worshipers of Ukdrus are encouraged to embrace deceit, disguise, and aggression to overcome their enemies. He fosters an environment of constant vigilance and ruthlessness, valuing those who can manipulate and conquer through both physical prowess and strategic cunning. His ultimate ambition is the destruction of his father and the subjugation of the dwarves under his rule.


Clergy and Temples

Temples dedicated to Ukdrus are modest and concealed, often located within treacherous caves or desolate wastelands. These sacred spaces are designed to reflect the god’s affinity for secrecy and darkness. His clerics are known for their exceptional skills in deception and disguise, typically garbed in dark blue, almost black, robes. They perform their rituals in hidden and forsaken places, reflecting the god’s preference for obscurity and shadows.



Ukdrus’s relationship with his father, Ondrul, is one of profound animosity. Created as a tool to aid the dwarven race, Ukdrus felt overshadowed and undervalued compared to the dwarves who were favored by Ondrul. This resentment festered into outright hatred, culminating in his betrayal during The Purification era. Ukdrus allied with Unnur to strike down his father, leading to a rift that has never healed. The fire that fuels Ukdrus’s rage is also a symbol of his desire to usurp his father’s legacy and dominate the dwarves who he believes wronged him.

Ukdrus and Unnur share a bond forged in mutual enmity against Ondrul. Their alliance was strategic, aimed at destabilizing Ondrul’s influence and seizing power. Unnur’s strength and destructive nature complement Ukdrus’ treachery and cunning. Together, they sought to undermine their common enemy, but their alliance is one of convenience rather than genuine trust. Ukdrus respects Unnur’s power but remains wary of his motives, knowing that their partnership could fracture if their goals diverge.

Ukdrus’s relationship with Siona is characterized by enmity and resentment. During the Great War, Siona intervened in his attempt to destroyOndrul, delivering a blow that left him scarred with a split face. This act of vengeance cemented Ukdrus’s hatred for her, viewing her as a key figure in his downfall. He despises her role as the Keeper of Souls and the protector of the natural order, believing that her interference was a personal betrayal and a significant setback in his quest for domination.

Ukdrus’ relationship with Haestrom is one of complex, albeit cautious, alignment. During the tumultuous era of The Purification, Ukdrus saw Haestrom as a potential ally in his quest to undermine Ondrul’s authority. Although their goals aligned, their relationship remains pragmatic rather than deeply trusting. Ukdrus recognizes Haestrom’s power and influence but remains guarded, wary of Haestrom’s ulterior motives and potential for betrayal, just as Haestrom remains wary of Ukdrus’s treacherous nature.

As the progenitor of the Pantheon and the father of Siona, Novirath represents a formidable figure in Ukdrus’s life. His creation and subsequent rebellion against his father has placed Ukdrus in direct opposition to Novirath.

Ukdrus and Mioran share a strained but opportunistic relationship. Both deities thrive in darkness and conflict, though their methods and goals diverge. Ukdrus respects Mioran’s mastery over plagues and chaos, recognizing a kindred spirit in her destructive tendencies. However, their alliance is tenuous, grounded in mutual benefit rather than trust. Ukdrus is wary of Mioran’s unpredictable nature and the potential for her to shift allegiances. Despite this, he occasionally seeks her aid or collaboration when it serves his broader ambitions against Ondrul and his allies.

  • Symbol: A black flame
  • Titles: The Half Faced Prince, The Unholy, The Traitor
  • Home Plane: The Abyss
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Strength, War, Fire, Shadows, Darkness, Spies, Evil, Territorial
  • Worshipers: Evil fighters, Gray Dwarves
  • Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE, N
  • Domains: Darkness, Fire, Erosion, Trickery, Destruction
  • Sub domains: Night, Ash, Deception, Greed, Hatred
  • Favorite Weapon: Greataxe
  • Sacred Animal: Hound
  • Sacred Colors: Dark Blue
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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