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A Tier 0 property of Harmonization, Communion is the process of using a Shard to establish a psychic bond with another Shard. Through this connection, Shard-Bearers can transmit information. This can be voice, images, text, and with practice can be used to transmit more complex information like physical sensations and memories. As something of a side-effect, this connection also transfers emotions that the Shard-Bearer may feel during the conversation, and this similarly takes practice to not send along with any other information.   OOC, this is the game’s “network” functionality.

Sending Messages

To Commune with another Shard-Bearer, characters must know the other party and the other party must accept the connection, with caveats described below. Upon arrival in Kenos, characters may find the process strange, but will innately know how to use Communion or will pick it up very quickly. They will also find it much easier to reach out to those they share an Aspect with, then secondarily to those they share a faction with.  


Communion can also be “filtered”, which is comparable to a group chat. By thinking of a “group” such as all Shard-Bearers in Meridian or all Shard-Bearers of the Advocate Aspect, a character will be able to send their message only to characters that fall into these categories. While they may find it more difficult to do so, they would be able to do the same for groups they are not a part of. So for example, a Zenith Harbinger could send a filtered message to all Meridian Stargazers or simply a Zenite sending a message to all Meri.   Similarly, characters can also include multiple, specific people in a Communion, so long as they know everyone involved. e.g., Cyrus could Commune with Cetina and Kathova but exclude Yima.   Because Communion is a psychic connection, these messages cannot be “hacked” in any way and characters who are not included will have no knowledge that a message was sent. An exception to this would be characters with mind-reading powers who could theoretically spy on such messages by hopping into someone’s mind while they’re Communing. That said, this should only be done with the permission of all involved parties.  


Communion can also be blocked. The most common application is that if someone reaches out to Commune with a character who doesn’t want to talk to them, they can simply refuse. The character that reached out will be aware that the other character has done this. Whether this is like being left on read or like getting hung up on is up to player choice, aka have fun with how this works in whatever way you’d like. Characters can also engage in what's essentially a battle of wills to force another party into Communion that they can't block (or find it more difficult to do so), which is up to the players involved to decide.   However, characters of the same Aspect will find they are not able to block each other at all. Characters that share Aspects are also more likely to share their emotions with each other even if this is something they don’t necessarily want to do. The effect is more prominent when two characters are physically near each other, to the point where they may feel the emotions of the other party without having to initiate a Communion connection.


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