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The Uplifting

Following Cyrus's assassination and the slumber of the Shard-Bearers, the election for the next Tribune swiftly transpired, aiming to restore stability to Meridian. Agapitos Voreen, a prominent figure known for his adeptness in the city's commerce, secured a resounding victory and assumed the mantle of leadership. With his vision and experience, Agapitos wasted no time in charting a bold new course for Meridian, leading the city forward into a new era.   However, anti-Zenite sentiment rapidly increased, fueled by the ever-present threat of Kowloon's relentless assaults. In response, Agapitos sought out unconventional alliances and turned to the enigmatic figure known as Aetós, harnessing their unparalleled intellect and apparent mastery of Shimmer to combat the looming menace — and thus began a clandestine collaboration to devise innovative solutions and safeguard Meridian's future. Though the details of what transpired are unknown, Voreen worked with the wizard over the following decade by providing them research, resources, and anything else that might be needed to cut out the Zenite cancer below.   In a momentous event known as “The Uplifting,” Springstar underwent a dramatic transformation under the leadership of the 35th Tribune. Portions of the city ascended skyward, defying gravity's constraints and ascending towards the twin suns. The city was renamed "Skysong," now ensconced among the heavens. Meri praise the efforts of the pair and their new, beautiful city of Skysong, but the event wasn't without controversy. Though the Uplifting was announced to the people in preparation for the ascent, not all agreed with the drastic course of action or the alliance with the mysterious, masked wizard. To this, the Tribune's solution was simple and uncompromising: those that disagree can stay in Old Springstar while Skysong rises.   Though there were conflicts and confrontations, these are all footnotes in books that can be found about the subject. Skysong citizens brush it off easily, saying that luddites are always afraid of progress. But ask those in Old Springstar or Kowloon, and they'll give a different answer: these uprisings were brutally oppressed by the Legionary, since the military backs the Tribune fully. However, it's still rather difficult to find someone willing to speak about a conflict that was so long ago.   However, one notable token remains that hints at the sort of brutality that occurred as Meridian fought back against the forces below. A single Shard is displayed in a place of prominence within Heliopolis as a trophy to this day: Yura Szczepański.


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