Kingdom of Melderyn

  • 20000 BT

    Earthmasters on Melderyn
    Era beginning/end

    The Earthmasters occupied the area around Cherafir as early as 20,000 BT.

  • 2700 BT

    Henge Culture
    Era beginning/end

    The island of Melderyn was occupied by men much earlier than the arrival of the Jarin. It is not known when they first arrived, but the Henge Culture was thriving on the island by 2700 BT.

    More reading
    The Henge Culture
  • 1300 BT

    The Coming of the Jarin
    Era beginning/end
  • 1100 BT

    Jarin Settle around Cherafir
    Population Migration / Travel

    Jarin immagrants have been known to be settling in and around Cherafir as late as 1100 BT.

  • 650 BT

    200 BT

    The Eldritch Period
    Era beginning/end

    More reading
    The Eldritch Period
  • 228 BT

    1 TR

    The Five Kingdoms
    Political event

    More reading
    The Five Kingdoms
  • 1 TR

    The Kingdom of Melderyn

    Founding of the Kingdom of Meldery by Erebir I when he united the Five Kingdoms under one banner.

    More reading
    The Biradian Dynasty
    Additional timelines
  • 1 TR

    51 TR

    Rule of King Erebir I
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir I

  • 51 TR

    88 TR

    Rule of King Erebir II
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir II

  • 88 TR

    126 TR

    Rule of King Ninon
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Ninon.

  • 126 TR

    157 TR

    Rule of King Erebir III
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir III

  • 130 TR

    Creation of Tuzyn Reckoning
    Civil action

    Tuzyn Reconing devised by Tuzyn of Melderyn, a court astronomer in the reign of Erebir III but was backdated to the founding of the kingdom. Through out the last six centuries, this calendar has gradually been adopted by all Harnic states, replacing a multitude of calenders, most too inaccurate to be useful.

    Additional timelines
  • 155 TR

    223 TR

    Kingdom of Elorinar

    The founding of the Kingdom of Elorinar and the assimilation into the Kingdom of Melderyn.

    Additional timelines
  • 186 TR

    240 TR

    Rule of King Shelir
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Shelir

  • 240 TR

    291 TR

    Rule of King Erebir IV
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir IV.

  • 291 TR

    327 TR

    Rule of King Forn
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Forn

  • 327 TR

    369 TR

    Rule of King Gemril
    Life, Career

    The founding of the Rylian Dynasty and rule by King Gemril.

  • 369 TR

    413 TR

    Rule of King Imadain I
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Imadain. Also ruled Chybisa.

    Additional timelines
  • 413 TR

    440 TR

    Rule of King Imadain II
    Life, Career

    The rule of Imadain II, also ruler of Chybisa.

    Additional timelines
  • 440 TR

    Rule of King Arabar I
    Life, Career

    The rule of Arabar I, ruler of Chybisa

    Additional timelines
  • 463 TR

    475 TR

    Rule of King Erebir V
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir V, also ruler of Chybisa

    Additional timelines
  • 475 TR

    538 TR

    Rule of King Arabar II
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Arabar II

  • 538 TR

    557 TR

    Rule of King Imadain III
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Imadain III

  • 557 TR

    585 TR

    Rule of King Poleryn
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Poleryn

  • 569 TR

    Founding of the Freetown of Thay

    They is a seaport at the mouth of the Horka River in the mainland part of the Kingdom of Melderyn. Thay is the most independent of Harn's three freetowns, as the hand of the Melderyni king has traditionally rested lightly on its affairs. Because of its origns, Thay has many similarities to Aleath.

    More reading
    The Foundation of Thay
  • 585 TR

    639 TR

    The founding of the Toron Dynasty and rule of King Lodros

    The founding of the Toron Dynasty by King Lodros

  • 624 TR

    Building of Racyn, Cundras and Fosumo Keeps
    Construction beginning/end

    King Lodros ordered the building of three keeps in the Nuem River valley.

    More reading
    The Nuem Settlements
  • 639 TR

    651 TR

    Rule of King Shelir II
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Shelir II

  • 645 TR

    The building of Yael Keep
    Construction beginning/end

    King Shelir II granted a license to crenellate to Halat Duathane. This allowed the construction of Yael Keep in the Nuem River valley.

    More reading
    The Nuem Settlements
  • 651 TR

    684 TR

    Rule of King Etobron
    Life, Career

    Rule of King Etobron

  • 684 TR

    Rule of King Chunel
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Chunel

  • 705 TR

    The Rape of Thay
    Military action

    The freetown of Thay was invaded by 40 Orbaalese Viking dragonships.

    More reading
    The Rape of Thay
    Additional timelines
  • 707 TR

    Second Attempted Rape of Thay
    Military action

    More than 100 Orbaalese Viking dragonships attempted to invade Thay, but were scattered and destroyed by a freak storm.

    More reading
    The Rape of Thay
    Additional timelines