
The Lover

Betre is the daughter of Brandobar and the goddess of love and luck. She was commonly worshiped by star-struck lovers among pre-conquest humans.  


Betre is the youngest of the Old Ones. Born in Khalon to Brandobar and a human noble, Betre was renowned for her beauty. Suitors from across Khalon came to her, asking for her hand in marriage. For each, she would only agree if they could complete a nigh impossible task.   This continued until finally a young elf, Celdaren, came to Betre. Laughed off by her human suitors from the north, he was mocked relentlessly. Nonetheless, he persisted, and when he went to Betre he simply whispered something in her ear. She then tasked him to simply bring her a daisy. Stunned, many in the court attempted to block the marriage, forcing Celdranil and Betre to elope, fleeing on a ship traveling away from Khalon. Furious, elven and human ships chased after them. It is unclear which side fired first, but a stray shot led to the ship carrying the lovers to the bottom of the sea.   Brandobar, taking pity on his daughter's plight, elevated Betre to the Dreipalast, and placed their newborn son, the first-half elf, among a loving family on Khalon. Tragically, she was separated from her lover, Dissatisfied with his life in his small village along the southern sea, Celdaren set out to see the world. He crisscrossed Khalon, climbing the tallest mountain in the Tarums and journeying through the darkest swamps of the Muskraine Mire. Some even say he crossed the Perpetual Desert. After all this, Celdaren finally decided to head home.   On his way home, he began to hear rumors of a human noble whose beauty and wit were unmatched. Hundreds of suitors had asked for her hand, and for each she demanded an impossible task. Curious, Celdaren went to visit this woman, Betre. Initially, laughed off by her human suitors from the north, he was mocked relentlessly. Nonetheless, he persisted, and when he finally got an audience with Betre he simply whispered something in her ear. She then tasked him to simply bring her a daisy. Stunned, many in the court attempted to block the marriage, forcing Celdaren and Betre to elope, fleeing on a ship traveling away from Khalon. Furious, elven and human ships chased after them. It is unclear which side fired first, but a stray shot led to the ship carrying the lovers to the bottom of the sea.   While Betre and their newborn child, the first half-elf, was saved by her father, Brandobar, Celdaren sank to the depths. Horrified, Betre's mournful songs from the Dreipalast were enough to stir Celdaren, and to this day he continues to seek out his long lost lover. Celdaren, who in turn is now celebrated as the God of Love among some elves.  

Pre-Elven Era

In the years after her death, Betre began to be worshiped by young lovers across Khalon, enticed by her story. Unlike the other Old Ones, her oracles were largely unorganized, traveling wherever their hearts took them, performing marriages in secret while acting as midwives for pregnant women. Like her father, Betre does not typically reside in the Dreipalast, rather she travels across the planes, searching for Celdaren.  

Post-Elven Era

With the Gaulian revival, worship of the Old Ones has begun once again. Her relationship with an elf is considered by many in Gaul to be scandalous, yet still young lovers look to her for protection.

Divine Domains

Fertility, Love, Luck
Betre mourning her lost lover.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
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