The Wandering Lovers

The story of the Wandering Lovers is an enduring legend which is well known by the residents of Khalon. Dated to the 100s PE, the legend gives the background of Betre and Celdranil, who are now both considered deities of love for their respective pantheons (Old Ones and Seldarine).


Born in Khalon to Brandobar and a human noble, Betre was renowned for her beauty. Suitors from across Khalon came to her, asking for her hand in marriage. For each, she would only agree if they could complete a nigh impossible task.   This continued until finally a young elf named Celdranil Amaren came to Betre. An explorer, it is said he traversed the entirety of Khalon, from its highest peaks to its deepest forests. Some say he had even crossed the Perpetual Desert.   Laughed off by her human suitors, he was mocked relentlessly. Nonetheless, he persisted, and when he went to Betre he simply whispered something in her ear. She then tasked him to simply bring her a daisy. Betre and Celdranil married that day, with an Oracle of Geset officiating. Stunned, many in the court attempted to annul the marriage, forcing Celdranil and Betre to elope, fleeing on a ship traveling away from Khalon. Both elven and human authorities were furious, with ships being sent after the runaway lovers. While it is debated on who fired first, a fight broke out between the two sides, causing a stray shot to sink the ship the lovers were aboard.   Betre and Celdranil sank to the bottom of the sea with their new born child, the first half-elf. Brandobar taking pity on his daughter's plight, rescued Betre, bringing her to the Dreipalast while placing their newborn son, the first-half elf, among a loving family on Khalon. Tragically, she was separated from her lover, Celdranil who was not so fortunate.   Sleeping in the depths, Celdranil Amaren was finally awoken by the mournful songs played by Betre from the Dreipalast. Again Celdranil set out, seeking his lost lover. Betre and Celdranil continue to search each for one another, with fate continually pulling them apart.


The story of Betre and Celdranil Amaren is well-known among the denizens of Khalon, with the story being a popular one to tell among bards and playwrights. A love story between an elf and human, it is popular in Ilyria and liberal parts of Morenthyr for its inclusive tone.

Variations & Mutation

In pre-conquest society, the elven and human versions of this legend disagreed on who truly sank the ship carying the lovers, but agreed on the rest of the legend. The general storyline of the legend has largely been unchanged since then, save for a new revision written in 1418 in Gaul. In that version, Betre is portrayed as a heroine who was abducted by Celdranil who forced himself upon her. She conspired with other human prisoners to sink the ship they were on before her father rescued her, condemning Celdranil to an icy grave.
Betre and Celdranil
Date of Setting
100s PE
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