
The Mischievous (a.k.a. The Son)

Brandobar, the youngest child of Eltertiel, is the god of chaos and change. In Khalon, he is worshiped by some among the Old Ones revival who believe he played a role in defeating Morenthyr during the Great Revolt. He is also considered a deity by those who follow the Kith & Kin.  


Brandobar's views on life were vastly different than his older brother, Geset, leading to many arguments. The pranks he played on his siblings also did not do him any favors.  

Disputed Lands

Pre-conquest halfling society greatly honored the Son. In their eyes, change was essential, the young grew old, the seasons changed, and life marched forward. This view changed as the Disputed Lands became integrated into Morenthyr. He began to be viewed as sinister, a bringer of chaos to those with stability and prosperity. When a merchant lost a wagon to bandits, the Son was said to be watching over him. The Son brought war and famine, collapse and chaos, destroying valued stability.   The view of the Son continues to divide halfling society to this day. Those who view him more positively include the Silent Stalkers, while those among the Friends of Durnholme take a far more negative view. Asking about the Son is a polite way among halflings to determine one's political leanings without directly asking.

Divine Domains

Change, Chaos, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol of Chaos (eight arrows in a radial pattern)
Divine Classification
The Brother
Symbol of Chaos


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