
God of Hope & Love

Celdaren is a deity of hope and love among the Endaril. His worshipers are primarily concentrated among the elves of Morenthyr, but unlike many other elven gods, he maintains a following among other races in Khalon.Dissatisfied with his life in his small village along the southern sea, Celdaren set out to see the world. He crisscrossed Khalon, climbing the tallest mountain in the Tarums and journeying through the darkest swamps of the Muskraine Mire. Some even say he crossed the Perpetual Desert. After all this, Celdaren finally decided to head home.   On his way home, he began to hear rumors of a human noble whose beauty and wit were unmatched. Hundreds of suitors had asked for her hand, and for each she demanded an impossible task. Curious, Celdaren went to visit this woman, Betre. Initially, laughed off by her human suitors from the north, he was mocked relentlessly. Nonetheless, he persisted, and when he finally got an audience with Betre he simply whispered something in her ear. She then tasked him to simply bring her a daisy. Stunned, many in the court attempted to block the marriage, forcing Celdranil and Betre to elope, fleeing on a ship traveling away from Khalon. Furious, elven and human ships chased after them. It is unclear which side fired first, but a stray shot led to the ship carrying the lovers to the bottom of the sea.   While Betre and their newborn child, the first half-elf, was saved by her father, Brandobar, Celdaren sank to the depths. Horrified, Betre's mournful songs from the Dreipalast were enough to stir Celdaren, and to this day he continues to seek out his long lost lover.

Divine Domains

Hope, Love
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Related Myths


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