Lorcan I

King of Ilyria

Lorcan Fielcomb was the most recent Monarch of Ilyria. Elected in 1435 by the nobility, he then consolidated his power greatly. His actions in Tirish Myr were controversial, with some questioning his retelling of events. Following Shabol's death in 1445, Lorcan collapsed into a withered husk, leaving the throne of Ilyria empty.  

Calamity of Tirish Myr

Following King Roland’s death, Lorcan took his forces to Myrefall to bolster the Ilyrian forces there. Wanting to claim Tirish Myr for Ilyria, he hired the party to join the expedition to a ruin he stated contained magical artifacts. Instead, he accidentally released a powerful being named Shabol. Upon releasing Shabol, he left the rest of the expedition, along with Nebir, his court mage.   Claiming Tirish Myr for Ilyria, Lorcan was able to garner enough support among the Ilyrian electors to secure the crown. His reign was marked with increasing dysfunction within the state, with western provinces under the Duke of Swordsbreak slowly drifting out of his control. Sycophants of his quickly converted to the Cult of Shabol, leading to a rise in Tiefling populations across Ilyria.   Lorcan was a puppet of Shabol for the entirety of his reign, doing as she bid. When she was finally killed by the Venatori in 1445, he collapsed into a husk, leaving behind an empty throne. The electors were unable to fill it quickly, leading to the Second Interregnum.
Year of Death
1445 EE
Place of Death


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