Tirish Myr

Tirish Myr was an independent dwarven mountain home located in the southern portion of the Tarum Mountains. Following the Great Revolt⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣, Tirish Myr broke with the Demarchy⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. For over seven decades, it was besieged by humans until it finally fell in 1434 during the Calamity⁣⁣⁣⁣.


Before the Calamity of Tirish Myr⁣⁣⁣⁣, the mountain had a population of around 30,000 dwarves. Of these, around 9,000 survived, abandoning Tirish Myr in search of a new home. Eventually, the Tirish settled in the Ettrian Heights on the northern border of Morenthyr, founding Tirish Var.


Pre-Elven Era

The Kalari, a pre-conquest human tribe, inhabited Tirish Myr prior to the Elven Conquest. Like other pre-conquest humans, the Kalari spoke a dialect of Old Human⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. However, unlike other groups, the Kalari used a unique alphabet that is understood by few. Their lettering has been found carved into various ruins discovered around Tirish Myr.   The Kalari were an exceptionally organized tribe for a group of hunter-gatherers. While not having permanent settlements, the Kalari would come together to build large structures which acted as meeting areas for trade, religion, and diplomacy. A deeply religious society, the exact composition of the pantheon the Kalari worshiped is unknown, but likely had similarities with the Old Ones worshiped by other pre-conquest humans. Temples dedicated to these Kalari gods have been found scattered throughout the foothills of Tirish Myr, with some dating back centuries prior to the Conquest.  

Elven Era

The subjugation of the Kalari during the Conquest was a brutal affair. The Kalari maintained an organized insurgency for a century following the initial occupation. It only ended when the Kalari were nearly wiped out by Thyrian Legionnaires in 728 following the transfer of the mountain to the dwarves. The remnants of the Kalari were sold as slaves, being scattered to the various corners of Morenthyr⁣⁣. They largely forgot their culture and traditions, leaving the Kalari extinct in eastern Khalon.   During the Thyrian golden age (700-1200 EE), trade boomed between Morenthyr⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ and the Dwarven Demarchy⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. As a show of good will, the Conclave of Morenthyr granted Tirish Myr to a group representing the Demarchy⁣⁣ in 728 EE. The remaining Kalari insurgency was finally forced off the mountain, with those who resisted being enslaved by Morenthyr.   The dwarves quickly turned Tirish Myr into a prosperous trading outpost, eventually growing into a large city over the coming centuries. The southernmost dwarven settlement, Tirish Myr served as a central trade hub between elven and dwarven traders. Tirish Myr became a cultural center where elven and dwarven artisans worked in harmony to produce great works of art.  

Post-Elven Era

Newly formed nations which arose following the Great Revolt, remembering the friendly relations between the dwarven and elven peoples, were slow to forgive the Demarchy⁣. Trade embargoes on the Demarchy greatly impacted the dwarven economy, with food shortages becoming widespread. Faced with widespread dissent and economic collapse, the Demarchy offered to pay reparations to the human and gnome-led nations in exchange for normalizing relations and an end to the embargo.   The Demarchy agreed to cede Tirish Myr to Ilyria⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣, and called on the dwarven residents to return north. However, the dwarves of Tirish Myr declared the mountain was their home and splintered from the Demarchy. With human-dwarven relations quickly deteriorating, the Demarchy⁣ declared Tirish Myr a separatist state, and supported a human-led siege of the mountain. This siege lasted for over seventy years, as Tirish Myr is largely self-sufficient, growing a variety of fungal crops while being heavily defended.   This siege came to an end in 1434, when Ilyrian⁣ forces led by Duke Lorcan finally conquered the mountain. Two-thirds of the population died, with the remainder fleeing Tirish Myr. Known as the Calamity of Tirish Myr⁣, the mountain now lies abandoned.


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Beleaguered Mountain
Underground / Vault
Inhabitant Demonym
View from its Eastern Approach


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