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Elisabeth VII

Elisabeth was brought back by her god Deus Magnus, after dying in battle against her sister. Losing her Queen's War and not knowing why her god would bring her back has left her frustrated. Consequently, her behavior can sometimes be erratic. Now, by getting a second chance at life, her primary objective is to discover a way to access Aeter Pax, even after her past defeat. Determined to prove her worth to Deus Magnus, Elisabeth is willing to exert every effort in pursuit of her newfound goal.

Currently Elisabeth is a member of The Fellowshipwreckers where her main contribution is tanking hits and insulting people.


Religious Views

Elisabeth is a devoted follower of Deus Magnus, the Caturan god of war and knowledge. She believes her worth is determined by victory in battle.

Divine Goals

Through victory in battle Elisabeth will earn her place in Aeter Pax

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sign of Deus Magnus represents the tower Mémiro in the middle with the two books, The White Book and The Black Book, on either side of it. Elisabeth lost her symbol when the Blue Rose sank, but later asked Folky Tall-Oak to professionaly carve it into her shield.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elisabeth is pretty muscular without losing her womanly features. She does have broad shoulders and pretty large hands for a woman.

Facial Features

Resting bitch face

Special abilities

Since returning from death as a lycanthrope Elisabeth has obtained some special sinister abilites. She is able to go into hybrid or full wolf form at will. Above that she's become much faster than her fellow adventurers and has keen smell and hearing. If that wasn't enough, she also has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Unfortunately it wouldn't be called a curse without some downsides. The adrenaline rush at the start of battle can make the inner wolf take over and turn on her allies. Upon being bitten by Elisabeth, friend or foe could be infected with the curse too.

Apparel & Accessories

Elisabeth wears heavy plate armor made by Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong with a black and white checkered shoulder cape. The white squares contain the sign of Deus Magnus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

…there lived a princess. And although the land was generally ruled by chaos, it was a peaceful time then. The land was called Catur and the era was the third. The princess was the seventh of her name in that era, because her name was one for princesses and the people of Catur loved traditions. And so Elisabeth VII of the Third Era was her name. Years later her sister was born, adequately named Elisabeth VIII. And then the clock started ticking...
Young Elisabeth VII

The Caturans prepared, as they always had, because they’ve never known otherwise. They enlisted, they trained, they polished their swords, vigorously prayed to Deus Magnus and when the time was right they donned their armor. Another Queen’s War had come.

The White princess of Tamerlane and the Black princess of Stanton met on the battlefield. The land once again fell into chaos while brother killed brother, fathers lost their sons and arrows found their way through fellow countrymen. Elisabeth VII had trained for this her entire life and even though this could also be said for her sister, Elisabeth VII was convinced this war was in her favor.

And then master Adalbert fell… and in one split second of weakness, Elisabeth turned around to help him. The world suddenly went quiet. She knew there was pain somewhere, as it slowly reached her wave after wave. She, too, fell to her knees and looked at the arrow sticking out of her chest. As the warmth of her blood filled her armor, she took one last look at the sky. Aeter Pax, the heaven she fought for, had never been further away than in this moment. Her back hit the wet, bloody sand of the battlefield and the world turned dark one last time.


The Blue Rose

Elisabeth was on board of the Blue Rose when it sank in a storm. After assessing her current situation, she teamed up with other adventures Khall, Nalu Ashan, Folky Tall-Oak, Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong and Buddy. They worked together to make it back to the shore of the mainland.

The Beast Within

A mission helping Lucius Ernesto led The Fellowshipwreckers down the sewers of Ysalla to retrieve information on a Brumestone delivery, where they were attacked by werewolves. The group was able to fend of the beasts with the help of Angus McGannis, but Elisabeth was bitten in the process. Ignoring any signs of impending danger, Elisabeth urged the group to continue.

A while later The Fellowshipwreckers saved a large group of prisoners from a hag underneath the arena of Ysala, but they were trapped inside with a large group of black pauldron guards waiting for them outside. As Elisabeth once led her army into battle in her previous life, she now stormed through the door and decapitated a guard with one swing of her sword. But alas, they were too many and were able to overpower her. This, however, gave the prisoners and the rest of The Fellowshipwreckers a shot to escape. Satisfied, Elisabeth took her last breath.

Yet... Her time still hadn't come. Elisabeth woke up in the cellar of McGannis's Monster Mashers, having been carried there by Buddy to preserve her body until The Fellowshipwreckers found a solution to bring her back. The Fellowshipwreckers were shocked to see their recently pronounced dead team member break out of the cellar. Not only because she was supposed to be dead, but now she also had a tail and fur! It wasn't long until Elisabeth discovered she could shift between human, hybrid and complete wolf form at will.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Was swallowed by the shambling mount, went down, got spit out, came back with one HP and slapped the shambling mount to death with inflict wounds
  • Bashed a fungal mancer's (clicker) head in with her club later apptly named 'Spore Eater'
  • Died to clear a path for a group of fey and humans the Fellowshipwreckers had saved
  • Came back from the dead as a lycanthrope
  • Took the lead of the Fellowshipwreckers during the excavation quest
  • Dealt the final blow to Qatalissa the Hive Queen together with her spiritual weapon, the White Queen
  • Won a wrestling match in the Lazy Lay in Romaz (Yes, it is a brothel; yes, Elisabeth wrestled a prostitute; no, Elisabeth still doesn't know)
  • Reached out to Deus Magnus in despair during a very difficult fight against Lucius Ernesto in his dragon form. Deus Magnus answered and brought the Fellowshipwreckers back to full health.
  • Reached out to Deus Magnus again when cultists in New Restfall had desecrated Solis' statue. Deus Magnus answered, restored the statue to its former glory, terrifying the cultists.



Personality Characteristics


On a mission to find her way into Aeter Pax

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: a satisfying fight and a good wine
Dislikes: silver! As a lycanthrope Elisabeth is terrified of silver to the point she will not accept change if these are silver coins. This often leads to one of her team members taking the change and reimbursing her with different coins.



In her former life Elisabeth was known as the princess of Tamerlane and the White Princess of Catur.

Family Ties

Elisabeth often mentions her sister. Their relationship isn't very clear to others though. They seem to have literally been at war with each other because of a strange Caturan tradition, so not exactly out of hate. For this reason she doesn't seem to grasp the meaning of normal family ties.


Elisabeth always stands up straight and keeps her head up high. This is clearly a remnant of her previous life as a noble. Consequently she has a somewhat dominant personality, not afraid to order people around. This is in sharp contrast with some habits she has developed after becoming a lycanthrope. A few wolf-like manners have found their way into her behavior like violently scratching behind her ears, drooling when she sees something tasty, sniffing people unsubtly and shaking her whole body when wet.


She speaks and understands the common language rather well, yet speaks with a heavy Caturan accent. Still, a noticeable language barrier sometimes leads to confusing or funny situations.


Elisabeth VII


Towards Elisabeth VIII, Black Queen of Catur


Elisabeth VIII, Black Queen of Catur


Towards Elisabeth VII


Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
23rd of Aes
Tamerlane, Kingdom of Catur
Radiant white
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
Puisses tu suveni - A Caturan honoring phrase meaning "may you be remembered"
Deus Magnus
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Caturan and Elvish


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