Vesperia Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The land of progress

Vesperia is the largest and most advanced of the Island countries surrounding Kimaria, located southeast of the Imperial coastline Vesperia is best known for its scientific contributions to both magical and physical sciences, Vesperians are known to put the advances of sciences before morals and rights of citizens, here in the land of progress the ends always justify the means.


Vesperia is ruled over by their high lord sorcerer the strongest mage in the nation, under him is the wizardry council who help with major decisions and each are in charge of overseeing their own massive experiments approved by the High Lord


Vesperian culture revolves around scientific discovery, holding those who make the advances, regardless of how they do this, in the highest regard. the strongest mage in the kingdom being made High Lord, and leaders of major research projects being put on the wizardry council, and those who cant assist with research becoming the test subjects or being sent into the general labor force

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Vesperians is clean cut, scientific and magical progress at all costs, and assisting the Empire as long as they continue to condone and fund Vesperian projects


Vesperia began as a large group of mages escaping prosecution on the main land and would remain hidden from world well into the brimstone era. Vesperia took its first steps into its current state in 464 with the divinity project, a research project led by king Howard the last king of Vesperia, this project involved testing if using magic could increase the longevity of a persons life which ended in failure. This project was conducted in secret and it would be almost 300 years before details of the project would be released into the public. this trend would continue with many experiments lost to time. when the Imperials rediscovered the Vesperians in 734 they had an abundance of scientific and magical advances above the Imperials but lacked the miltary to fight them, so an ultimatum was served to the Vesperians, Vesperia would remain an independent nation and supply the imperials with magical weaponry and tech or the imperials would take it by force, with a new war brewing with the expanding alliance the Imperials wished to limit losses here. In the deal Vesperians will exclusively aid and do weapons trade with the Empire and in exchange Vesperia maintains it autonomy from them, which has been maintained, many still consider Vesperia to be an Imperial province but they remain independent from Imperial governance but rumors tell of weapons sales to other countries which violates the deal. since they aligned themselves with the Imperials Vesperian has been in a constant state of research, the biggest atrocity created by this is the Viger islands, an archipelago south of Vesperia entirely populated by Shifters, humanoids who's DNA have been spliced with DNA of beasts, many different Shifters exist none by their own volition, in 1236 the Vesperians conducted project Bestial warfare, a experiment to make super soldiers thru splicing human and animal DNA thru magical means, the details are not publicly available but the results speak for themselves. the experiment is considered a partial success, while the experiment succeeded in creating human/animal hybrids they did not become as obedient soldiers as intended, due to the interference from a secret order of knights under command of the goddess Selune who watches over the good Lycanthropes of the world, these knights broke into the research facility and planted an artifact connecting the people who had been changed and gave them back their freedom of will, completely destroying the intended use of the soldiers, the project was abandoned and the archipelagos left to the Shifters who have been trying to establish a form of government but Vesperia actively sabotages these efforts hoping to one day force them to give themselves to the military willingly. On the other side of the spectrum of course tho is the Vesperians biggest advancement to science used worldwide, weapon elemental absorption, a technique used by Vesperian blacksmith to channel the power of elemental gems found thru out the land directly into a weapon of any kind as long as this port is built into it, this science has become the most widespread invention used by all military, mercenary and adventurers groups across the world becoming standard issue in 1237, 10 years after its invention.

Demography and Population

the population of Vesperia is largely human and Elvin, although the islands in the south have the Shifter population as well as a city of changelings in the northern section


Vesperia is a rather small nation not much bigger than Euphoria it claims the island mass south east of the Empire and claims all the smaller islands surrounding it as well numbering at 7 smaller islands including the Viger islands


Vesperia has little in the way of military mostly relying on the Imperials for defense but does boast a large number of magical and non-magical WMDs as well as a large force of highly trained mages who are often sent to act as negotiators and supporters in Imperial matters

Technological Level

Vesperian technology is the the very peak of Kimaria if they cant make it likely nobody can. everything is justified if its to progress the nation, lives are meaningless in this march and all who would slow its progress must be stamped out and forgotten this is what it means to be a true Vesperian


Vesperia is known as the least religious nation often trying to side step the deities all together seeing them and their various codes as more of a hindrance than a help but some dp pay respects to Primus for maintaining the scientific laws of the universe when he could just as easily not

Foreign Relations

Vesperia has less than great relations with most other nations duer to there experiments but doe maintain a close relationship to the Empire and Dwarven mountains mostly for supply of ores and funding for there experiments

Agriculture & Industry

Vesperia has little in the way of agriculture ostly relying on trade from the Imperials to do so, although they have a small section of land dedicated to farming it could hardly supply the entire nation with a sustainable supply of food if something were to happen. In regards to industry tho Vesperian factories work tirelessly to pup out magical and non-magical weapons which they use for trade, boasting the most flexible factories in the lands the heavy influence of magic on these buildings has made it easy to rework and re purpose them to build newer and better versions or even entirely new projects all together

Trade & Transport

Vesperia has many Trades routes and even has a few dedicated trade boats purchased from the Dwarves but still lack any form of inter-planar travel methods to expedite the process further, currently Project Projection, led by lead researcher Herman keflin, seeks to find a way to use the astral plane to do so but currently poses to much risk due to a particularly powerful native race and has also proven to be exceptionally difficult to transport physical goods thru without them being lost to the plane, so as it stands Vesperians mostly rely on conventional methods to conduct trade. Travel is a different story tho as Vesperia has the most intricate network of teleportation circles in Kimaria, complete with civilian access, access codes for restricted areas and even intruder detection abilities, making travel within the country a breeze.


Vesperia is home to the Vesperian crown college of the arcane, the most prestigious school in all the land for practitioners of magic. Many of the worlds greatest artificers, including Arin Artificer, graduated from this school and the school excepts many noble children from the Empire into its halls. this keeps each generation of Vesperians at the top of the scientific game.

to uncover the secrets of the universe

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
weapons, magic items, weapon gems, slaves
Major Imports
Ores,food, luxury items, slaves
Legislative Body
Wizardry council
Judicial Body
the deciders
Executive Body
Vesperian high guard
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


the Empire and Vesperia maintain very close ties, Imperials so they can get new tech and Vesperia so they can remain autonomous and well funded

trade agreement

The dwarves have no problems with Vesperia they always pay on time and even in advance, and the dwarves have little care for what happens to those outside its own borders


The Alliance very rarely ever deals with the Vesperians and if the do its usually to denounce an experiment

Trade agreement

Vesperia has secretly sold weapons to Weltako and violated the Imperial agreement but evidence from  Euphoria shows this isn't the first time

trade agreement

Euphoria has made attempt to contact and assist the residents of the Viger islands, which has raised alarm in Vesperia and have publicly denounced euphoria equating these actions to an pseudo invasion

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