Cassion Alliance Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Cassion Alliance

Where the magic flows free and pure

An alliance of multiple country's formed to stop the expansion of the Jenklin empire, that eventually turned into its own kingdom ruled by the elven king Renaldo Finnigan the third.


the top of the alliance is the king of cassion, and under him is the council of provincial kings who rule over the separate provinces and govern them each as there own country would within the confines of alliance law


the people of the alliance value the faerunian deity's and their personal freedom from the imperials, although many cultures exist across the different provinces of the alliance

Public Agenda

the alliance exist to form a military alliance strong enough to hold and possibly defeat the imperials massive army, other than that they maintain human rights withen there own borders as well as in countrys countrolled by neither nation


the alliance formed long ago in order to prevent the Jenklin empire from forcibly taking over the world, also declaring magic practice to be legal within the confines of safe practice and use of self defense and monster hunting, in order to recruit magic casters into their military as well, many country's fell into the alliance in order to protect themselves from the impending Imperial onslaught and eventually it was slowed and stopped since then the longest war in history nearing a a thousand years of conflict. Many cease fires have been declared and thru the skirmishes the borders have moved back and forth little over that time, most becoming accustomed to the uneasy balance between the two nations since both have expended most outlets to gain more power over the other and each search tirelessly to find the key that will break the balance


their territory spreads from the western coast to the center of the kimarian continent were there borders meet with the Empires excluding only the southern country's of the dwarven mountains and Euphoria (Celment)


having the second largest military in the planet they focus on using strategy mixed with magical firepower, some famous platoons attributed to the alliance are The Bronze knights (rumored to consist of actual bronze dragons), The crimson crusaders (knights dedicated to Kelemvor), deaths door (assassins rumored to travel the shadowfell), and Cassion's Platinum shield ( the alliances most elite core called in to protect the most important locations and turn the tides of unwinnable battles

Technological Level

the citizen of the alliance freely enjoy the comforts of a magic society, some of nobler class having access to teleporters and rights to true resurrections (under a specified age varying for each race), the general public having access to potion shops high quality food and abundant housing, the very highest mages having access to 10th level magic, most country's magically warded from powers such as wish spells and meteor swarms, and having trade routes coursed thru the Feywild for faster travel


The people of the alliance revere the Faerunian Deity's above all others and tend to have bigotry towards those who follow other pantheons

Foreign Relations

the alliance maintains good relations with most of its neighbors mostly using there military to stop independent country's from being invaded by Imperials, they currently maintain an uneasy treaty with the imperials but many say the 4th great imperial/alliance war may happen soon, especially with the breach of the treaty with the imperial invasion of Weltako

Trade & Transport

the alliance economy focuses heavily on selling and distributing good to other country's along maintaining close trades ties to the dwarven mountains


The alliance contains many tops school in the world teaching magic, history, politics, acting, geography and even monster hunting containing a few blood hunter monastery's

unity. freedom. security.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
the alliance
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
weapons, radiant gems, magic items, alcohol, potions, luxury goods
Major Imports
ore and gems, grain, fish, mercenary's
Legislative Body
council of provincial kings
Judicial Body
The supreme court
Executive Body
The eagles of Faerun
Related Ranks & Titles

defensive pact

Weltako has put a strain on relationships by revealing long buried secrets and the alliance has delayed its response to the current crisis

non-aggression pact

The Euphorians sending troops to assist Weltako before the alliance has made them appear less reliable and has slightly deteriated their already strained relationship from the changing of power within Euphoria

non-aggression pact

the alliance has respected the dwarves independence for hundreds of years and as a result have a flourishing trade agreement


The Alliance very rarely ever deals with the Vesperians and if the do its usually to denounce an experiment

cease fire treaty

although the current treaty has lasted over the last hundred years its been broken by the imperials, and the alliance currently holds council to decide what actions to take

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