The Dwarven mountains Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The Dwarven mountains

all Trade leads to Fireburst

The dwarven mountains, are a vast mountain range in the south between the alliance and Euphoria, the longest standing country there are seven mountains that stand out but the range includes 26. most of the worlds ores, tools and volcanic goods come from, this has made them the economic center of the world, and the dwarves sit on a hoard fit for several ancient dragons, the dwarves have used this well to stay out of becoming apart of the great powers and maintain their independence which they value fiercely.


at the top of Dwarven hierarchy is the King who rules over the mountains under him are noble dwarven family's who own various mountain sections and chunks of land above and below ground when it comes to dwarven politics money talks best.


Dwarven culture is centered around mining and trading so most dwarves fit into these 2 categories although those who don't can be found gambling or fighting in taverns, life in the mountains is often tuff and short, although the one thing all these dwarves have in common is a life circled around money. Not particularly open to outsiders most can only effectively navigate these lands with a heavy coin purse or friends in high places, the most friendly places to go are the local taverns were dwarves will talk for a of ale or a good round of dice although traveling deeper underground will usually require a pass from the local noble family or mining company as dwarves have many secrets they wish to keep from public eye.

Public Agenda

The dwarven governments top priority is maintaining good trade relations and keep the mines running, and over the many times the throne has changed hands this has always stood true and it has made the country very prosperous, the government also makes sure to maintain an impartiality when it comes to matters of global politics and puts trades above the disputes of the other lands as long as they respect the dwarves independence.


Dwarven history is a long history one full of adventure and revolution. starting with that the first revolution that started in 120, with the original dwarven king, king Gruffnick, was overthrown and the first generation of dwarven nobles forced underground a second age of nobility came in in 122, after this an age of peace began and the dwarven mines came back to life and the first king of the Mountains, King Helmswork, started to establish trade agreements with nearby settlements beginning what would become the greatest trade center of Kimaria, this prosperous age would last until 256, the first Duergar invasion, when the ancestors of the first dwarven nobles would return to revealing their twisted pale evolution to there once brethren, eventually they were pushed back by King Helmswork the second and his volcano raiders. peace would last for a short 50 years after as the son of Helmswork the second, Jerand Helmswork, was extremely corrupt and forced miners to work the mines tirelessly, instigating the second dwarven revolution which would last a lengthy 4 years as the new generation was much better funded and equipped but the inexperienced eventually was overtaken by the revolutionary military leader Sergio von Jergoth a long standing military man. This brought in a age of civil rights for the common dwarves. Sergio spent his years in power sending out his men to secure the surrounding mountains of the range to claim as much mining land as they would need for ages to come. Peace in the dwarven mountains would last until the second Duergar invasion in 671, when the Duergar had amassed a massive military force and successfully surprised dwarven forces in the city of Kiev and took the city, this war would last for 36 years as the Duergar had help from Underdark creatures bred to follow them into battle and weapons they had bought from deep gnomes, the dwarves were ill prepared for this level of invasion and bloody battle after bloody battle ensued , in the end the Duergar would be forced back into the Underdark. The dwarves decided to continue to chase after their once kin to make sure they wouldn't rise again, chasing them further into the Underdark then ever before but eventually the genocide was halted as it became to costly to continue to chase the Duergar any longer. this would lead to the Duergar retreating and falling silent for many hundreds of years until they would join the Empire under the promise the Dwarven mountains would be granted to them (the dwarves of course are unaware of these dealings as publicly they are just another conquered peoples), and all would become peaceful once more in the dwarven mountains until the third era, when the first war between the Empire and alliance began. Both sides came to the dwarves for assistance but both were told that the Dwarves would remain neutral continuing trade with both powers and offering no assistance to either nation, this trend has continued to the present day, but the dwarves do tend to lean towards the alliance now as they distrust the Empires motives and are suspicious of their connection to the Duergar and Deep Gnomes in the Underdark. since the rise of the 2 great nations only 2 more dwarven revolutions have occurred one in 1124 and another in 1456 both times revolutions successfully turning over the crown to a new leader, the current royal family line is the Serlont Family with there third king Fizzle-beard Serlont as the current king.

Demography and Population

The dwarven Mountains of Course are home to mostly dwarves but they are also home to various tribes of kobolds, goblins, Dragonborns and Minotaur's, some of which live under the same government and some of which don't.


The dwarven mountains are in the south of Kimaria next to Euphoria and spans across the land above and far underground and into the twenty-six Mountains in the borders even connecting to the Underdark although these tunnels are closely guarded


As long standing as the dwarves have been their military has always been lacking is not usually used beyond quelling the protests of its own people, having seen so little action the military is often considered under experienced and lacking of any real combat experience, although they still have their own notable heroes and platoons such as The Scorchers, (an elite military unit tasked with defending the Capital), The Delvers of Darkruin, (a platoon specializing in dealing with Duergar incursions and other Underdark monstrosities) and Dekamors Decapitators ( a mercenary group famous for defending many mines from demonic and otherworldly forces on many occasions)

Technological Level

The Dwarves may not have the Magical science of Vesperia or the military power of the alliance but they have the fastest boats and best beasts of burden to transport goods as well as the strongest understanding of elemental planes and how to traverse them this gives them many advantages when building structures and transporting goods.


The dwarves have their own pantheon that they worship known as the Morndinsamman pantheon consisting 18 deities, of a shine to each god spread throughout the Dwarven kingdom with Moradins shrine, the pantheons chief deity, being located in Fireburst next to the kings castle.

Foreign Relations

Most relations can be usually be broken in down into who pays on time and is willing to pay the most, although they have put embargos and tariffs on Imperial trades when they take land closer to their borders, and when the Imperials would push against Celment, but have not done the same for Euphoria

Agriculture & Industry

The dwarves use the land above ground to produce foo but the land is not extremely fertile, leading to the dwarves relying on the alliance and Euphoria for many of its crops, but what they lack in agriculture though they more than make up for in minerals and resources, also having some of the best breweries in the land, making the mountains a bustling center of industry and trade providing many jobs to countless peoples.

Trade & Transport

Being the center of trade that it is the Dwarves have many systems of trade from underground tunnels to some of the fastest boats in Kimaria, the dwarves have made many advances in transportation even having some executive level corporations trade carts hauled by metal horses powered by magic that haul much faster than an average horse and have no need to stop and rest or eat and drink.


While they don't have any top institutions, there are many schools to attend in the Mountains. Many of best teach geological studies as well as trade commerce but there are many schools to learn diplomacy and politics as well. On large dwarven people tend to not attend school but those who do usually end up being well educated and highly paid.


The dwarves have worked long and hard to construct there large underground cities and securing them so that even an erupting volcano wont collapse the citys on the heads of their citizens, coating the surface of these caves with a clay from the elemental plane of earth that prevents stone from eroding away or decaying, making the ancient caverns as strong as the day it was built. The capital of the Mountains is Mount Fireburst the first colonized were the Dwarven treasure hoard is kept. the second most important location is Mount Steele, were all ore is taken to be processed and refined before being sent out across Kimaria being shipped to either, Mount runoff to be shipped out by sea, Picental to be shipped into the west or to Mount Sergont to be shipped east. The main mines of the mountains are the Sergont mines of the east, Jerang mines in the west and the largest mine located in Mount Fireburst is the Lords mine, who's profits go straight into the kingdoms coffers

from crates full of ore to barrels of ale

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
ores, fire gems, metal mechanisms, vehicles
Major Imports
food, luxury goods, weapons, slaves
Legislative Body
Dwarven high council
Judicial Body
Dwarven noble body
Executive Body
Lawmen of the mountain
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

non-aggression pact

the alliance has respected the dwarves independence for hundreds of years and as a result have a flourishing trade agreement

trade agreement

Weltako rarely trades with the dwarves due to distance but have good standing with the Dwarves

trade agreement

The dwarves have no problems with Vesperia they always pay on time and even in advance, and the dwarves have little care for what happens to those outside its own borders

trade agreement

Euphoria is still building trust with the dwarves

non-aggression pact

The Dwarves rarely put up with Imperial schemes but Imperial gold is good no matter how you slice it

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