The Jeniklin Empire Organization in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The Jeniklin Empire

Land of strength and power

The empire casts a dark shadow across the entire area of Kimaria they control, a country led with an tyrannical iron fist by humans and Drow, its sits a twisted reflection of human culture mixed with Drows, the imperials rule thru intimidation force, or when that fails they use murder and magical domination to get what they want.


The Imperials have 2 leaders at the top the hierarchy, the Empire who rules over the surface, while the Empress rules over the Underdark that connects the the Empire, the emperor is usually human while the Empress is usually a Drow, both leaders act mostly independent of the other, there is no marriage between the 2 just an agreement to respect each other and do whats necessary to expand the nation


Imperial culture tend to be dark and brutal wearing its Underdark influences right on it sleeves, the government works tirelessly to make sure propaganda is spread to each nation to drive the brutal culture forward. from teaching kids to hunt purely for sport and teaching them to have little to no respects for the nations many slaves, to even having knighting ceremony's which involve the creation of Nightmare steads for them to ride

Public Agenda

The Imperials make no secret that they believe they are the only people worthy of ruling the world and was founded on war, aggressive expansion and paying off political enemy's and this agenda has never changed thru out its history


The county of Jeniklin gained its power thru the one thing nobody would never associate with Imperials, Mortal rights, being the first place to publicly allow magic users to live freely within its borders, of course as with most things involving Imperials it was a ruse to boost its military strength, only 4 years after this announcement Jenkins invaded it neighbor, Felgast, beginning the largest military expansion in Kimarian history, a country in the far west luckily saw thru the ruse and form an alliance strong enough to stop the imperial advance, the Empire absorbed 20 nations into itself befor being stopped by the alliance since then 3 major wars lasting years befor each came to a end with ceasefire and now the 4th war seems to loom on the horizon after just over a hundred years of "peace"


Imperial Territory spans from east cost all the way inland till Alliance borders excluding only Euphoria (celment) in the south and Waltako to the north


The Imperial military is the largest in the world, using its massive military strength and there willingness to use undead and aberrations in there assaults to win battles, this deadly combination makes the Imperial army the strongest in the world the true number unknown due to much of it existing underground in the Underdark


Like the alliance the Imperials worship the Faerunian deity's but actually have less bigotry towards other religions opting instead to take whatever power is offered to them from divine and abyssal forces not to be held back by a deity's morality or limitations

Foreign Relations

Most country's around the Imperials are just trying to stay out of imperial rule, with the exception of the Vesperians who are often thought of as an imperial province as they provide the Imperials with much of their heavy magic weaponry, and top spell casters, the people of Euphoria hate Imperials and the Dwarves sell to whom ever has coin to pay, while the waltakans just try and fight for the right to not be seen as slaves to the imperials

Trade & Transport

The Imperials trade with most free nations when they can, recently the farmers of Euphoria have stopped all trade across the Imperial border and have even rumored to have interfered with transports coming from the Dwarven mountains, besides that most trade travels by sea to and from the island nations surrounding the main landmass, having destroyed the Feywild overlapping their territory and having made enemy's of powerful entidys within the Shadowfell the Imperials lack anyway to expedite trade but recently Vesparians have opened up research into astral travel but are having problems with creature within the astral plane being exceptionally powerful


any top school not found in the alliance can be found in the Empire (with the exception of the Vesparian college of magic) teaching politics, military strategy, necromancy, monster capturing and Underdark navigation.

glory to the Fatherland

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
the empire
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
weapons, luxury goods, exotic animals, slaves
Major Imports
magic items, potions, ore, alcohol
Legislative Body
The Imperial crown councils
Judicial Body
The crown court
Executive Body
the wings of the Empire
Related Ranks & Titles


the Empire and Vesperia maintain very close ties, Imperials so they can get new tech and Vesperia so they can remain autonomous and well funded

non-aggression pact

The Dwarves rarely put up with Imperial schemes but Imperial gold is good no matter how you slice it

cease fire treaty

although the current treaty has lasted over the last hundred years its been broken by the imperials, and the alliance currently holds council to decide what actions to take


An Imperial invasion has commenced


The Euphorians have arrived to assist against the Imperial invasion of Weltako and have made a show of there victories over them pushing Imperials to consider opening war on 2 fronts

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