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Goro-Goro, Sapphire of the Sands (gohr-oh gohr-oh)

An ancient Storm Giant Citadel, the oasis city of Goro-Goro stands as a testament to the resilience of the Wastes and the hopeful attitude of it's people in this new age. Lush growth defines this place, with many on the surface living in massive hollowed out plants.


Gorogoro has been ruled by the Chamber of Five for 133 years, a council of five representatives called Keepers, each with their own associated office and duty.
  The Shield Keeper: Manages the defense of the city, the guards and armory. Current Keeper is Daigo Cloudcrest, a male Storm Giant who has lived in the city since it's founding and singlehandedly defeated the necromancer Jin Rattles and his army in a siege in 300 AD.
  The Coin Keeper: Manages trade and industry and collects taxes. Current Keeper is Jun Gin, a Tiefling woman who moved here from Doronuma.
  The Basket Keeper: Manages agriculture, raising livestock and crops. Conducts various rituals to maintain crop yield and the lush conditions of the city. Current Keeper is Chikara Thresh, a hill goliath woman descended from Chikako.
  The Shrine Keeper: Leads the Intercessors in managing divine and spiritual affairs, maintaining wards throughout the city and relationships with local spirits. Current Keeper is Kazuo Kazumi, a weretiger shifter man who worships O-Miyako and maintains the Nightpeak Observatory as a temple to her.
  The Foundation Keeper: Manages the cities infrastructure, particularly public works and roadways and new constructions. Current Keeper is Midori Renga, a gnome woman who was the architect behind downtown.


The massive stone wall, guarded by various mortal troops, harvester drones, ballista, and a storm giant veteran. There are a few drawbridges, with moats underneath.

Industry & Trade

Gorogoro sells a lot of food to travelers passing through the Wastes to Isamaru or Kazanshiro, as well as supplying various outposts throughout Shibui. It sometimes sells automatons to various interested miners or adventurers, as well as metals, but trade routes are dangerous in the Wastes so business is usually local.


Much of Gorogoro's industry was destroyed in the Squall, but most of it has been rebuilt. There are water wheels for milling flour in the gristmill, hammering wrought iron, machining, ore crushing, pounding fibre for fabric and providing power for other areas. The Nasha Mine is operational but dangerous, helped along by various helper and harvester frame drones produced in the nearby Tamago Foundry. Various crops are grown in and around the lake in various hydroponic farms* with many fish** in Lake Nasha. Many in the Lakefront as well as up on Mount Ibiki in the Grapevine live within the preserved husks of giant plants such as gourds or on the massive grapevines that give the area it's namesake. There is also a massive crescent stone wall around Gorogoro, bristling with defenses. Inside Mt. Ibiki in Downtown there are mushroom farms alongside the mine, as well as various houses honeycombed into the stone.   *such as grapes, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, bok choy, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, strawberries, watercress, celery, rice, basil, chives, cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, barley, oats, wheat, sorghum, and corn
**tilapia, catfish, bass, carp, trout, freshwater shrimp, crawfish, crabs, lobster, eels, octopus and mussels (don't eat mussels, they're filterers)


Lakefront: The agricultural district of Gorogoro, the Lakefront is full of hydroponics farms, fish farms, and various water wheel powered industries. There are plenty of stands nearby selling freshly caught fish and vegetables at the Lakefront Market, and Fish in a Barrel as a permanent waterside dining experience. Various buildings are made of massive dried vegetables.
  The Clank Tank: The old industrial district, full of various refineries that supply the Tamago Foundry, which produces automatons as well as other various metal products.
  Downtown: The subterreanean area that provided refuge during the Squall, Downtown is within Mount Ibiki. Homes honeycomb the cavern walls, connected by a lattice of catwalks and elevators. Further down is the Ibiki Mine, where locals struggle to gain control of the mine from the various monsters within.
  The Grapevine: Winding around the face of Mount Ibiki is a massive grape vineyard planted when Chikako brought her plants to the city. Leaves provide shade and the vines provide room for houses with a stellar view.

Guilds and Factions

All of the Guilds are active here, each having a representative on the Council of Five, but it is far away from most centers of power so concerns are much more practical and local than idealogical.
Diago Cloudcrest personally knew Kumano, having served with him briefly.
Jun Gin is a former member of the Fairy Fleet
Chikara Thresh is a member of the Circle of Hikori.
Kazuo Kazumi was raised by the Risona Striders, helps coordinate their efforts with signals from Nightpeak Observatory.
Midori Renga attended the Akato Academy before it's destruction and has regular corrospondance with members of the Seizan Spires.


Gorogoro was founded on the shores of Lake Nasha by Akemi of the Arashi Clan, who saw the lake from atop Mount Raiun glinting in the sun. She founded a modest mining town there in 150 AD, mining silver, copper, gold and tin. The town was a quiet outpost, selling metal mostly to Doronuma, as Kazanshiro had plenty of closer mines. As the Kasai Shogunate began to look outward they paid more attention to Gorogoro in 258 AD, building fortifications, refineries and construction yards for automatons. Gorogoro was where Harvester frames were first forged in 298 AD. Starting the following year attacks intensified but were repelled each time until the Sundering Squall began in 317 AD. They lost contact with Kazanshiro and retreated to Downtown underneath in the underdark for fifty years until Chikako of the Kufuku Clan and a party of explorers made contact in 367 AD. The town above had been mostly reduced to rubble through various magical storms, the once verdant forests around it reduced to frigid desert in the north and grasslands in the south. Chikako had brought a bag of magic seeds that they used to reestablish themselves aboveground. The seeds grew into giant vegetables and fruit that they used for food and shelter, many building homes inside giant gourds. Since then it has become the most powerful settlement in Shibui, a rare lush oasis supporting a network of smaller outposts working to make the Bitter Steppes safe for travelers and one day even habitable again.

Points of interest


Fish in a Barrel, the premier seafood place in Gorogoro, owned by Tai the Shrimp-Cursed.
Bridle and Brand: A small ranch specialised in mounts and farm animals.
The Potent Pumpkin: Apothacary and alchemist shop.

The Clank Tank

Tamago Foundry: The Foundry is known for producing automatons and warforged but also produces various metal items such as arms, armor, and parts for various machines.
Strongarm Steel: Armor and weapon smiths that offer militia training.


Ibiki Mine: A sprawling mine with openings throughout Mt. Ibiki, contested with various monsters throughout.

The Grapevine

The Chamber of Five: An old Giant keep, the chamber of the five stands as a symbol of the diversity of Gorogoro's people and their commitment to building a better future on the foundations of the past.
Nesting Nook: Arcane bookstore in the shape of a massive nest.
1 Dwarf
2 Human
3 Firbolg
4 Genasi
5 Beastfolk
6 Goliath
7 Minotaur
8 Renyu
9 Warforged
10 Birdfolk
11 Catfolk
12 Shifter
13 Elf
14 Hobgoblin
15 Bugbear
16 Fairy
17 Orc
18 Goblin
19 Tiefling
20 Satyr


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