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Strongarm Steel

HS is Hacksilver, the currency for armor, weapons and magic items that could hurt someone. G is Gold, for everyday stuff.



5HS Belt of Throwing Axes, Daggers or Darts*
5HS Ammo Pouch*
8HS Quiver of Arrows, Bolts or Javalins*
Masterwork for 10x cost**
12HS 10 Fire Arrows: On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
20HS 10 Acid Arrows: On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
*You have unlimited nonmagical ammo to use as the plot deems reasonable
**These are also unlimited but are now nonmagical +1 weapons


5HS Mace or Spear
6HS Light Crossbow or Shortbow
8HS Flail, Morningstar
5HS Versatile Martial Melee Weapon
6HS Finesse Martial Melee Weapon
10HS Heavy Martial Melee Weapon
10HS Hand or Heavy Crossbow
8HS Longbow
12HS Pistol
15HS Musket
Masterwork for 10x cost


10HS Studded Leather
12HS Chain Shirt or Scale Mail
15HS Breastplate
20HS Half-Plate
12HS Ring Mail
15HS Chain Mail
25HS Splint
50HS Plate
Mount Armor for 2x the cost
Masterwork for 10x cost


10-50G Furniture
20-60G Decor
20-40G Outfit

Purpose / Function

Selling arms, armor, militia training and various smithing projects.


A humble two story stone building with a slanted triangular roof with a few windows. There's a sign on the left of the door with two arms clasped like the meme, the left one being mechanical. Inside there's various arms, armor and clothing displayed on racks and a glass counter with display pieces. There are two doors, one leading to a fitting room and another upstairs to the forge.


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