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Mosquito Ditch

Founded in the ruins of an abandoned settlement, Mosquito Ditch is a satillite settlement of Gorogoro built primarily around mining a massive powerstone deposit named Big Hiroki. It is also known for the Hiroki Hold where a branch of the Bane family of monster hunters were wiped out...


Wooden and metal palisades with a militia patrolling regularly.

Industry & Trade

They produce enough food, fur and timber to maintain their existence. They cultivate and export magical byproducts such as powerstones, mostly mined from a large powerstone called Big Hiroki that left a large impact trail outside town.


There was a logging town founded on the site named Logtown, but it was wiped out by the Squall. In 361 in the aftermath of the Squall, people found the empty ruins and built Mosquito Ditch around mining Big Hiroki. Big Hiroki drew in many monsters and created others, especially giant insects. In 368 the Bane Family moved to town, setting up the Hiroki Hold outside the city. Izanagi Bane was born in 408, expanding the stronghold. In 490, the Hiroki Hold and this branch of the Bane family was all wiped out by a mysterious group of monsters.

Points of interest

Big Hiroki: A massive powerstone mined for powerstone shards. Glows constantly, creates enlarged or mutated monsters and draws in others.
  Hiroki Hold: Once the stronghold of the Bane family of monster hunters, now burnt to the ground. The entrance to their underground vault still exists, with a magical seal preventing entry.


Mostly log cabins with street lights lit by powerstones.


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