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Terashi, City of Sinners and Saints (tear-a-she)

A floating city of sin and spirits, Terashi is a destination for sailors, gamblers and pilgrims. It was constructed after the Pirate Lord Noriko won a gambling contest against O-Namazu, Demon King of Rivers, granting his fleet their protection and a safe haven and granting the River King great wealth and worship. It is known for it's vast markets, casinos, shrines, and rice mills.


Terashi is loosely ruled by O-Namazu, with various districts overseen by shrewd pirates. Taxes are collected on imports and exports, but rates are kept low to encourage business. There is very little crime, as disrupting the operations of O-Namazu is a death sentence and part of his business is encouraging visitors and locals to feel safe and spend a lot of money at the various businesses in town. When there is crime it is approved by O-Namazu, often blackmailing, harassing, or stealing from rivals or uncooperative business partners.


The city is mostly on stilts above the water, so it does not have walls. Various dragons patrol the city and it's outskirts looking out for monsters, bandits or troublemakers. If a sizeable threat does arise O-Namazu and the other spirits will rise in defense of the city.

Industry & Trade

The most important exports of the city are rice, ships and fine metalwork. It is the industrial center of Doronuma, and processes quite a bit of raw materials from throughout the country and beyond. It's citizens are often workers in industrial areas and farms, or are artisans, merchants or servants within the Lotus Quarter.


There is quite a bit of infrastructure in Terashi. Watermills for grain and rice, plants for processing both mundane and monstrous fish and livestock, fish farms, shipyards, and other industrial elements are common throughout the city. Roads, canals, bridges and docks are well organized and maintained throughout the city to ensure commercial and common travel is quick safe and easy. There is also an elaborate sewer system integrated with hydroponics systems for growing crops. There are skiff taxi services across the city to transport people and goods, for a price.


The Market Quarter: Comprised of the docks and the market, the Market Quarter is where most of the business happens in Terashi. Cargo ships are loaded and unloaded in warehouses, shipyards repair damaged ships, scrap them for parts or construct them from local lumber. The Market is full of various merchants, established shops and pop up stalls selling all manner of items. There is quite a bit of street food, jewlery, clothing and trinkets. Charlatans will often mislead newcomers into buying faulty or cheap items to make a quick buck, but several master craftsmen call the market district home and sell very fine gear.   The Industrial Quarter: Most of the population of Terashi is employed here, working at various businesses such as timber mills, mills for grain and rice, plants for processing both mundane and monstrous fish and livestock, fish farms, and shipyards. This is the biggest area by far, as it contains vast farmland and industrial areas. Foreigners are techincally permitted here on business, but seldom visit unless they are there to solve a problem.   The Residential Quarter: Most of the population live here, those that don't live above or at their place of business. It is homey and humble, full of small family run shops and houses.   The Lotus Quarter: This is where the casinos, bath houses, spas, shrines and other recreational areas of Terashi are located. O-Namazu dwells here at his casino The Cat's Meow. Many spirits come here to be ritually cleansed of pollution or dark influences in specially ordained bath houses. Spirits are quite common here, althought they don't usually come out until sundown. There are a variety of services offered for visitors to satisfy their every desire, as long as they are willing to pay...

Guilds and Factions

The Serpent Fleet is the most active guild here, as they are frequently sent on missions by O-Namazu to extend his influence througout Kizudo. They covet his shipyards, trade connections, and spiritual power and various captains are always vying to become his favorite.


The Pirate Queen Izumi had brought the West of Doronuma under her control easily, but faced a powerful opponent in O-Namazu, Demon King of Rivers, who controlled the riverlands to the East. She sent one of her lieutenants, Noriko, to deal with O-Namazu and bring the East under her sway, or die trying. Noriko and his crew realized they could not defeat such a powerful demon in combat and sought to exploit the demon kings love of games. They arrived with gifts and sought to meet with Lord Namazu to discuss negotiations. O-Namazu agreed to meet with him and they shared a great feast. He presented the great king with a set of dice and challenged him to a wager. If Noriko could defeat him in a game, then he would agree to work with the Pirate Queen and fly her banner alongside his own. If he failed to defeat him, then the Demon King would have him and his crew as his servants forevermore. The Demon King agreed and they played a great game, full of tension and extremely close. But the Demon King's wit was beyond Noriko's and he defeated him. Then the Demon King began to laugh, echoing throughout the halls. He commended Noriko for his bravery and skill, and how much fun he had brought the River King. He agreed to work with the Pirate Queen anyways, as he was bored and lonely in his majesty and desired to learn more of the ways of mortals. He granted Noriko a boon, a blade made of one of his shed claws, and sent him back to Izumi through a watery portal. The Pirate Queen was overjoyed to hear of his success, and granted him his own Fleet, the Tiger Sharks.

Points of interest

The Cat's Meow: Casino owned by the ruler of the city, O-Namazu the Demon King of Rivers.   The Dragon's Den: Rival casino owned by the Black Dragon Kokusho. Has an impressive restaurant attached. Both Kokusho and Namazu appreciate the rivalry and competition, as it ensures neither can become complacent.   The Cleansing Baths: Self explanatory   The Terashi Market: The Market is full of various merchants, established shops and pop up stalls selling all manner of items. There is quite a bit of street food, jewlery, clothing and trinkets. Charlatans will often mislead newcomers into buying faulty or cheap items to make a quick buck, but several master craftsmen call the market district home and sell very fine gear.
Location under


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