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Chojo, Seething Summit

Atop Mount Kabuto's cleft summit stands the palace of Dragonlord Junpei, The Sudden Storm.


Located atop Mount Kabuto, Dragonlord Junpei's imposing prescence radiates across his territory.


Chojo is well defended.

Industry & Trade

Mount Kabuto has a similar vein of lightning infused iron as Sakura the Stormkeep, infused after a legendary Rite of Proving sundered the summit of the mountain and crowned Makora the Mountain Splitter. They produce potent weapons and armor infused with the power of the storm.

Points of interest

The view from atop Mount Kabuto is breathtaking, it's rumored you can even see Jonai the Jubilant Hall from the summit.
  There is a massive temple to Teiyo the Storm Sheep.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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