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The Aristocrats of Cnidaria

Vedalken society has always been closely in tune with the Dargonesti society. The Vedalkens have a group system like that of the Dargonesti, though theirs is based on ‘Clades’. The Clades are defined as groups focused on research in specific areas. Alongside with these clades, the society runs as an aristocracy. These clades are research departments run by the society’s aristocrats, with every Vedalken being involved in some way. Professions outside of these clades often include farming, trading and tasks that improve the economy and enjoyability of their society.


Each Clade is headed by an aristocrat. These aristocrats are exceptional individuals, who have greatly contributed to society. The Clades and their aristocrat representatives, as listed below:

  1. The Xanderreefs, ‘The Hull Clade’. Focused on protection and durability.
  2. The Galenos, ‘The Guardian Clade’. Focused on creating super soldiers and enhancing life forms.
  3. The Sapientis, ‘The Crypsis Clade’. Focused on intelligence and counterintelligence.
  4. The Aimilios, ‘The Fin Clade’. Focused on all things related to movement.
  5. Bamadhajs, ‘The Gyre Clade’. Focused on cyclical patterns and metamagic.
  6. The Kewaldeeps / Govindarams, ‘The Independence Clade’. Focused on independent research in all areas outside of the other clades.

The aristocrats will gather every 36 days, coinciding with the Dargonesti’s gatherings. These meetings are referred to as ‘Clade Sanctions’. These meetings are pre-sided by the ‘Speaker of Spirits’. During these sanctions, the aristocrats discuss their new findings, air their grievances, raise issues, request aid, etc. Any disputes between Aristocrats are to be resolved in these meetings. The aristocrats also set trade tariffs, alliances and boundaries for surface dwellers and other seafolks. Inter-Clade issues are decided by consensus, with the ‘Speaker of Spirits’ having the final say in all matters, as well as the ability to override any decisions.


The aristocrats often follow this sanction with festivities inspired by that of the Dargonesti, no matter the outcome. These events highlight the culture of the Vedalkens and their research, with feasts, exhibits and celebrations.


The Clades choose an aristocrat from the respective bloodline who is usually the eldest, though exceptions are made if there is an outstanding individual who is younger. There is no gender bias to who can ascend to the aristocrat position.

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