
The activities of the party

Age of the Empire

  • 1387 AE

    4 Eleach

    Hired by Gundren Rockseeker

    The party was hired in Neverwinter by the dwarf, Gundren Rockseeker.  He and his brothers were about to embark on a very secret mining expedition, and he needed mercenaries to deliver supplies to Phandalin while he rode on ahead to make preparations

  • 1387 AE

    6 Eleach

    Gundren Captured by Cragmaw Goblins

  • 1387 AE

    7 Eleach

    Cragmaw Goblins Hideout

    The party cleared out the Cragmaw Goblin's hideout

  • 1387 AE

    9 Eleach

    Arrival in Phandalin

    The party arrives in Phandalin

  • 1387 AE

    10 Eleach

    Redbrand Hideout

    The party clears out the Redbrand Hideout and captures Glasstaff

  • 1387 AE

    11 Eleach

    Miaug Meets Badger

    More reading
  • 1387 AE

    12 Eleach


    The party arrives in Thundertree and meets the druid Reidoth

  • 1387 AE

    13 Eleach


    The party fights the dragon Venomfang, and locates he source of the shadowfell taint

    More reading
    Chapter 1-9: Venomfang
  • 1387 AE

    14 Eleach
    1387 AE

    16 Eleach

    Travel to Neverwinter

    The party heads to Neverwinter to resupply

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 1387 AE

    17 Eleach

    Cragmaw Castle

    The party defeats the Cragmaw goblin king and clears out their stronghold at Cragmaw Castle

  • 1387 AE

    17 Eleach 15:00

    Extraplanar Adventure - Stygian Prison
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The party is transported to Stygia where they free Geryon from a demonic prison

  • 1387 AE

    18 Eleach

    Return to Phandalin

    The party escorts Gundren back to Phandalin, where he gets some bad news

  • 1387 AE

    20 Eleach

    Wyvern Tor

    The party engages the orcs sheltering at Wyvern Tor

  • 1387 AE

    1 Cacolach

    Old Owl Well

    The party encounters a necromancer at Old Owl Well

  • 1387 AE

    2 Cacolach


    The party seeks out and entreats the banshee Agatha for information on Bowgentles Spellbook

  • 1387 AE

    4 Cacolach

    Return to Neverwinter

    The party makes it back to Neverwinter to help the Thieves Guild

  • 1387 AE

    5 Cacolach

    Finding the Hidden Temple
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party makes their way through the Neverwinter Sewers, to a natural tunnel system and cave network underneath the city. In a particularly large cave they came across an ancient temple.
    The party explores the Nethonris Temple, and deep inside they find an entrance to a collapsed sea cave. Inside this cavern they find an ancient aboleth, KDratai, who has been orchestrating the events in Neverwinter and gradually taking over the city since reawakening. The party defeats the creature and rescues a number of enthralled citizens.

  • 1387 AE

    8 Cacolach

    Aetilius Excommunicated
    Life, Organisation Association

    Aetilius is excommunicated from the Inquisitors of Selune

  • 1387 AE

    9 Cacolach

    Ambushed by Venomfang
    Life, Death

    The party is ambushed by the young dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Conyberry. After a hard fought battle, they manage to slay the beast.

    More reading
    Chapter 2-2: Conyberry
  • 1387 AE

    10 Cacolach

    Meet with Brughor's Orcs

    The party met with the group of orcs led by Brughor Axe Biter, and the druid Reidoth. They returned the Eye of Vroth to the orcs.

  • 1387 AE

    11 Cacolach

    Clearing Wave Echo Cave
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party arrives at Wave Echo Cave. They quickly rescue Tharden Rockseeker, then head into the Lost Mine. Once inside, they find that The Black Spider's expedition has been affected by a pervasive evil in the mine, and has gone violently insane. Nezzar is hiding in the Mine Foreman's office, behind a protective ward. The party finds him and kills him. They then make their way into the old Magi's Quarters, where they encounter the wraith of Kildrak Toledun, one member of the Magi who's soul has been trapped in the mine. He explains that the Magi were infiltrated by Nethonris agents, and betrayed to create the Eyes of Vroth. The lead Nethonris's soul, Arun Shaete, remains in the Forge of Spells and has bound the souls of the dead Magi to his service.
    The party enters the Forge and defeats Arun, cleansing the mine but destroying the Forge of Spells in the process.

  • 1387 AE

    11 Cacolach

    Aetilius becomes an Acolyte of Xanith
    Life, Supernatural

    Aetilius falls down to the centre of the world, where he meets Xanith, a bound Primordial and the source of all life and magic in Lanath. He pledges himself to Xanith's service

  • 1387 AE

    12 Cacolach

    Meet Wee Angry Tam

    The party meets Tam, a McToot living in self-imposed exile after stealing a priceless artifact from the clan. After Clootie defeats him in a wrestling match, he gives her the Golden Kazoo she has been searching for.

    More reading
    Chapter 2-9: Tam
  • 1387 AE

    13 Cacolach

    Halia frees Iarno and murders Harbin Wester

    Halia Thorton decides to leave Phandalin. She breaks into the Townmaster's House and kills Harbin, then frees Iarno from his cell. She then disguises the pair and they flee Phandalin, heading towards Conyberry and the orcs.

  • 1387 AE

    13 Cacolach

    Return to Phandalin

    The party returns to Phandalin from Wave Echo Cave.

  • 1387 AE

    13 Cacolach

    Goblins Ambush Brughor

    A group of Cragmaw Goblins, working on behalf of Halia, ambush Brughor's orcs and slaughter them, stealing the Eye of Vroth

  • 1387 AE

    14 Cacolach

    Halia sacrifices Iarno
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Halia Thornton uses the Eye of Vroth recovered by the Cragmaw Goblins to sacrifice Iarno in a Nethonris Waygate Temple under Old Owl Well. This summons an Avatar of Iquath into Iarno's husk.

  • 1387 AE

    14 Cacolach

    Party finds the orcs

    The party finds the site of the orcs ambush

  • 1387 AE

    15 Cacolach
    1387 AE

    18 Cacolach

    Iarno raises an army

    The avatar of Iquath in Iarno's corpse raises an army of goblins, bugbears and Redbrands and begins to march on Phandalin.

  • 1387 AE

    15 Cacolach

    Old Owl Well
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party find and explores the Nethonris temple underneath Old Owl Well

  • 1387 AE

    16 Cacolach

    Tari Ce Morte - Lighting the Flame
    Religious event
  • 1387 AE

    18 Cacolach

    Tari Ce Morte - Dance of Death

  • 1387 AE

    18 Cacolach 01:00

    Slaughter of Phandalin

    Iarno's army descends on Phandalin at the height of the Tari Ce Morte celebrations, and begins to slaughter the inhabitants and raze the town. It is only through the intervention of the party that any of the villagers survive

  • 1387 AE

    19 Cacolach

    Refugees to Neverwinter

    The survivors of Phandalin arrive at Neverwinter, led by the party.

  • 1388 AE

    1 Brineah

    Siege of Neverwinter
    Military action

    The avatar of Iquath leads an army of gobinoids and undead to assault Neverwinter. The army is held back by the defenders, and the party manages to kill the avatar.

  • 1388 AE

    3 Brineah

    Tari Ce Brineah
    Cultural event

    Gabriel Blackwater, Duke of Neverwinter, expands the Dance of Dawn ceremony to also remember the fallen during the Siege of Neverwinter

  • 1388 AE

    4 Brineah
    668 AE

    6 Brineah

    Seabird - Neverwinter to Leilon

    The party travels south to Leilon, aboard the pirate hunter vessel - the Seabird

  • 1388 AE

    7 Brineah

    Assassination Attempt
    Military action

    A hidden Nethonris agent attempts to assassinate Ryoko, striking her in the chest with a poisoned crossbow bolt. The poison kills Ryoko for a moment, but the Warden's Heart completes her transformation and revives her

  • 1388 AE

    8 Brineah
    1388 AE

    10 Brineah

    Journey - Leilon to Quan

  • 1388 AE

    10 Brineah

    Sisters of Akkedis Monastery
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party explores the ruined Sisters of Akkedis monastery. They discover the trapped spirits of the sisters, bound to the site by the Quaggoth who had sacked the building. The party frees the spirits. The spirit of the lead sister explains that Miaug had been born in the monastery, and the sisters had sheltered Miaug's parents when they first fled the Verani.

  • 1388 AE

    11 Brineah
    1388 AE

    13 Brineah

    Journey - to Kylydn

  • 1388 AE

    11 Brineah 9:00

    Thundertree Founded

    The town of Thundertree was founded by refugees from Phandalin, under the sponsorship of Duke Gabriel Blackwater of Neverwinter.  The party were granted the title of Barons of Thundertree

  • 1388 AE

    13 Brineah

    Ryoko's Training and Initiation
    Life, Organisation Association

    Ryoko's mentor Morlyn guided her through the final steps of her training and completed her initiation in the druidic order

  • 1388 AE

    14 Brineah 08:00

    Meeting with Nevarrym

    The party met with Nevarrym, Clan Leader of the K'Taphi tribe.

  • 1388 AE

    14 Brineah 12:00
    1388 AE

    16 Brineah

    Journey - Kylydn to Djazhck Territory

    The party travelled down the River Drach near to Dradroth, then travelled overland through the jungles down into Djazhck territory

  • 1388 AE

    16 Brineah
    1388 AE

    17 Brineah 14:00

    Journey - Djazhck Encampment

    The party was escorted through Djazhck territory to their main encampment

  • 1388 AE

    17 Brineah 15:00

    Meeting with Oarmas

    The party met with Oarmas, Clan Leader of the Djazhck tribe.

  • 1388 AE

    18 Brineah 17:00

    Badger Kidnapped
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After being ambushed by a maddened Kenedibra while hunting, Badger and Miaug were shot with powerful tranquilizers and left unconscious. Once Miaug awakened, she discovered Badger had been taken

  • 1388 AE

    18 Brineah 18:00
    1388 AE

    20 Brineah 11:00

    Journey - Tracking Badger's Captors

  • 1388 AE

    20 Brineah 11:00

    Captured by Thal'Ahd Patrol
    Political event

    The party was captured by a Thal'Ahd patrol as they crossed into Thal'Ahd territory

  • 1388 AE

    20 Brineah 12:00
    1388 AE

    2 Nadar 10:00

    Journey - to Thal'Ahd Encampment

    Escorted by a Thal'Ahd patrol into the Thal'Ahd main encampment

  • 1388 AE

    2 Nadar 11:00

    Meeting with Chaiphut
    Diplomatic action

    The party spoke to Chaiphut, the Clan Leader of the Thal'Ahd. They discovered he was secretly a Nethonris operative working for an entity known as 'the Jaguar'; who had allied the Thal'Ahd with the Verani, an oppressive magitocracy located to the east of Quan. The party overthrew Chaiphut, and encouraged the Thal'Ahd to embrace a form of democratic governance.

  • 1388 AE

    3 Nadar
    1388 AE

    5 Nadar

    Journey - Thal'Ahd Encampment to the Verani Outpost

  • 1388 AE

    4 Nadar

    Meeting with Archdruids

    The party came across Reidoth and Arava, two of the three Archdruids, camped on the eastern edge of the Quan jungles

  • 1388 AE

    5 Nadar

    Kanaalden Mort
    Military action

    The party infiltrated the Verani Outpost in the Issati Peaks, rescuing Badger, freeing a number of prisoners from slave pens deep inside the fortress, and liberating four Kenku from the library. They then fought their way out of the fortress and into the vast underground road known as the Kanaalden.

  • 1388 AE

    6 Nadar
    1388 AE

    8 Nadar

    Journey - through the Kanaalden

    The party journeyed underneath the Issati Peaks into Issastia and the Verani Republic, through the underground highway known as the Kanaalden

  • 1388 AE

    7 Nadar

    Military action

    The party was ambushed by an Aquiliath in the tunnels near the Kanaalden

  • 1388 AE

    8 Nadar
    1388 AE

    10 Nadar

    Journey - Kanaalden to Verani

  • 1388 AE

    10 Nadar

    People's Resistance Under Siege
    Military action

    The party reached the base of the Verani People's Resistance to find the rebels under siege from Verani forces. The party bolstered their defences and helped them to escape

  • 1388 AE

    11 Nadar

    Order of the Shield Warehouse Raid
    Military action

    The party infiltrated a Verani military encampment to steal three Karo Gems, useful for hiding from magical searches

  • 1388 AE

    11 Nadar 14:00

    Order of the Pen Tower Infiltration

    The party infiltrated the Order of the Pen tower and located the hidden meeting chamber

  • 1388 AE

    11 Nadar 15:00

    Volux Escapes from Dagger
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The devil Volux, who had been bound into the Dark Dagger, gained sufficient power (after consuming the soul of an innocent Verani events coordinator Ramas slew) to break the bonds of her prison. She started to consume Ramas's body, with the intention of constituting herself around his imprisoned soul in order to create a temporary body for herself while she sought a way to regain her own and exact her revenge on Levistus. Ramas managed to persuade her, by threatening to harm himself, that they could work together in pursuit of both party's goals. Volux reluctantly agreed, and has currently replaced the lower part of Ramas's right arm

  • 1388 AE

    12 Nadar 16:00

    Verani Council Meeting
    Gathering / Conference

    Based on an intercepted communication, the Resistance learned of the Verani Council's secret meeting in a hidden chamber inside the Order of the Pen tower in the Lower Ward.  With the aid of the party, they used this opportunity to set off explosive devices and assassinate the leaders of the council. 
    When they entered the ruined penthouse to confirm the success of the mission, the party discovered that the council leaders were essentially puppets under the control of monstrous creatures living inside their cranial cavities.  These creatures escaped from their fallen hosts and began to attack the party, who managed to defeat them.
    In order to escape detection from the authorities, the party were guided by the Resistance along as pre-planned escape route in the sewers.

  • 1388 AE

    12 Nadar 17:00

    Mindflayer Colony
    Discovery, Exploration

    Trying to escape, the party and the Resistance members were confused when the layout of the sewers seemed to have changed. The party were shepherded into an underground facility, where they were attacked by a horde of Quaggoths, Robazun, and Mind-Flayers.
    The party made their way into a central chamber in the facility and met the Navigator - the leader of the Mind Flayer colony. The colony were the remnants of an interdimensional slave raid who were trapped on Lanath when the Veil was created. The city of Verani was built on top of the buried Nautiloid vessel of the Mind-Flayers; who had secretly been in control of the Republic for it's entire lifetime, using it as a front for their experimentation and feeding.
    The Navigator was connected to an array of still living brains harvested from exceptional Verani children, and used this to greatly enhance his own mental capacities and abilities. The party destroyed these brains, weakening the Navigator and allowing them to defeat him. The resulting psychic backlash simultaneously killed all of the other Mind Flayers and freed the Verani Republic from their insidious control.

  • 1388 AE

    12 Nadar 18:00

    Grandmaster Mind Break
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The death of the Navigator sent out a psychic shockwave which broke the minds of all but the strongest willed Verani Grandmasters.

  • 1388 AE

    12 Nadar 18:00

    Release of the Bebelith
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    While exploring the Mind Flayer Nautiloid, the party discovered that the Illithid had been experimenting with demonic summoning, and had summoned a variety of demons and devils to harvest their brains and add to their collections.
    In one of the rooms on the lower deck of the Nautiloid, the party discovered a summoning ritual housing an invisible beast of immense size. One member of the party decided to release the creature, which revealed itself to be a Bebelith - a powerful spider-like demon. The creature attacked and the party only just managed to escape.

  • 1388 AE

    14 Nadar 12:00

    Foundation of the Verani People's Council
    Political event

    The People's Resistance and the surviving Grandmasters created a new democratic council to rule the Verani

  • 1388 AE

    15 Nadar 9:00
    1388 AE

    5 Aigh 10:00

    Travel to Sea of Glass

    The party traveled from Verani to the Sea of Glass with an escort provided by the People's Council

  • 1388 AE

    5 Aigh 10:00
    1388 AE

    8 Aigh 11:00

    Travel across Sea of Glass

    The party made their way across the Sea of Glass

  • 1388 AE

    8 Aigh 11:00

    Remorhaz Attack
    Military action

    The party stumbled into a Remorhaz hunting ground and were attacked.  They slayed the beast, but Letho was seriously injured.  Another monstrosity ambushed them, but they were rescued by an Iskathi ranger named Serax

  • 1388 AE

    9 Aigh 18:00

    Arrival in Iskaleth

    Serax led the party to Iskaleth

  • 1388 AE

    10 Aigh 14:00

    Bebelith attack

    A party of Iskalthi rangers were attacked outside Iskaleth by the Bebelith

  • 1388 AE

    10 Aigh 14:00
    1388 AE

    11 Aigh 10:00

    Travel to Gilianth

    The party travelled down the underground river from Iskaleth to Gilianth to begin their Pilgrimage

  • 1388 AE

    11 Aigh 12:00
    1388 AE

    13 Aigh 05:00

    Travel to Ihal Babak

    The party travelled down the coast of the Sea of Glass to the Ihal Babak

  • 1388 AE

    12 Aigh 07:00

    Alert the Conclave

    The party arrived in the Dragonspire Volcano, completed their Pilgrimage, and alerted the Conclave of Dragons to the growing threat of the Nethonris

  • 1388 AE

    12 Aigh 08:00

    Encounter with Zyadrum
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Aetilius encountered Zyadrum, one of the shattered aspects of Xanith, and persuaded him to reintegrate

  • 1388 AE

    12 Aigh 12:00

    Bebelith and Jaguar Ambush

    The party were ambushed by the Jaguar and the Bebelith. In the ensuing struggle, Clootie was killed and Miaug was maimed

  • 1388 AE

    12 Aigh 14:00

    Clootie's Resurrection
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Arina enacted a ritual to recover Clootie's soul and resurrect her

  • 1388 AE

    12 Aigh 15:00
    1388 AE

    14 Aigh 9:00

    Travel to Gilianth

    The party travelled back to Gilianth

  • 1388 AE

    15 Aigh 11:00
    1388 AE

    19 Aigh 17:00

    Travel to Neverwinter

    The Seabird was waiting for the party in Gilianth, having been summoned by Arava, and brought them home to Neverwinter

  • 1388 AE

    20 Aigh 11:00

    Return to Thundertree

    The party returned to Thundertree

  • 1388 AE

    3 Eleach 9:00
    1388 AE

    6 Eleach 12:00

    Neverwinter to Dymiter

    The party travelled on the Seabird from Neverwinter to the Kraken's Spine; and found the Dymiter

  • 1388 AE

    6 Eleach 13:00

    The Dymiter

    The party investigated the Dymiter.  They found the crew dead, and the refugees infected with parasites which transformed them into Vrykolakas.  The party ended up setting fire to the Dymiter to destroy the infection.  They found a single survivor, Murray, driven half mad by isolation and fear.  Clootie was infected during the fight, but the group managed to perform impromptu surgery and remove the parasite

  • 1388 AE

    6 Eleach 15:00


    The party followed Halia's trail to a mysterious island in the middle of the Kraken's Spine.  Once there they discovered the ruins of a destroyed city, evidently submerged beneath the sea for quite some time.  In the middle of the ruined city they found a mysterious tower of unknown construction.  Inside they discovered the lair of the Triumvirate, the Nethonris leaders, and a mysterious purple crystal. 
    They discovered this island was part of Sha'Rekoth, the ancient capital of the Netheril Empire, destroyed during the war with the Primordials after the Netheril betrayed the peoples of Lanath and sided with the Primordials.
    After touching the crystal, they were approached by the astral projections of the Triumvirate, who then awoke undead guardians inside the tower.  The party was nearly killed by these creatures, but managed to escape the tower.  The Triumvirate then sank the island.  The party just managed to escape back to the Seabird

  • 1388 AE

    6 Eleach 18:00
    1388 AE

    9 Eleach 17:00

    Return to Thundertree

  • 1388 AE

    10 Eleach 04:00

    The Youngsters Travelled to the Lost Mine

    Kal Alderleaf, Elsa Northbrook, Snakey the Kenku and Serax the Iskathi; slipped out of Thundertree and set off to explore and clear the Lost Mine to prove themselves

  • 1388 AE

    10 Eleach 16:00

    Youngsters Arrived at Wave Echo Cave

    Kal, Elsa, Snakey and Serax arrive at Wave Echo Cave and begin to explore the Lost Mine

  • 1388 AE

    10 Eleach 22:00

    Party Arrived at Wave Echo Cave

    The party arrived at Wave Echo cave in pursuit of the Kal, Elsa, Snakey and Serax

  • 1388 AE

    11 Eleach 01:00

    Battle with Ankheg Queen
    Military action

    The party found the youngsters fighting the Ankheg Queen. They all joined forces and defeated the Queen.

  • 1388 AE

    11 Eleach 10:00

    Arina Infected with Ankheg's Vengeance
    Plague / Epidemic

    After resting in the mine, the party awoke to find Arina suffering the effects of Ankheg's Vengeance. Patches of necrosis were spreading across her flesh. The party quickly carried her out of the mine and helped her through the forest to the Druid Circle. There, Ryoko transported her and Letho through the Druid Network to Thundertree. In Thundertree they sought out Garaele, who was able to stave off the worst of the disease and give them time to get Arina to the Sisters of Silvanus in Neverwinter for a cure.