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Timeline of Aldernord

  • 41

    Stealing of the Flame (Attributed)
    Life, Supernatural

    According to one prominent theory, this was the year in which Hrenisha achieved apotheosis, and thereafter elevated the other Daughters of Null to divinity.

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  • 1

    Foundation of the Katari Empire

    The Basilisk Queens unite the city-states of Varozhay, Kamvozh, and Tel-Yan to form the Empire of Kataris

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  • 544

    Fall of the Katari Empire

    Beset by the rebellion of their auxillary forces and the famine caused by the eruption of Mat Zadat, the Katari Empire collapses.

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  • 546

    2 /11

    Baltha's Landing

    Baltha Sturmdottir, Jarl of the Volsangan Clan Vattenkrig, lands at the site of what will later be called Trolfjord. Her clan settle the area, and begin a campaign of conquest of the nearby land.

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  • 688

    16 /7

    Erastes' Landing

    Erastes Tideborn lands in the Bay of Ysber. She will go on to found the nation of Aldernord.

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  • 689

    Annexation of Kalamak
    Diplomatic action

    Following protracted negotiations, the Collegium Coniuratio at Kalamak submit to the authority of Erastes Tideborn. In exchange for their loyalty, the Collegium is offered a charter of independence, and their archmage elevated to the nobility through a political marriage to one of Erastes' daughters, founding House Canthor.

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  • 691

    Annexation of the Ysberwaal
    Diplomatic action

    An alliance between the Alderni and the Prince of Ulfbroeg, sealed through marriage to one of Erastes Tideborn's daughters, brings the greater part of the Ysberwaal under Alderni control, and results in the foundation of House Ysern.

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  • 692


    War of the Frog
    Military action

    A series of military campaigns by the Alderni in Zudemoeras eventually lead to the defeat of the bullywugs of the Batrarchiarchy of Verag and their goblin allies in the fens.

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  • 694

    Accession of Sassenheim
    Political event

    A strategic marriage between Erastes Tideborn's  daughter Theomache and Jarl Dag Sigmundsson of Sassenheim leads to foundation of House Sarren, and allows Aldernord to secure the vitally important coastal road to the north.

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  • 694


    Accession of Malaborg
    Diplomatic action

    The Principality of Malaborg enters into an alliance with Erastes Tideborn and the newly created House Sarren, joining the nation of Aldernord.

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  • 697


    The Alderni-Balthan War
    Military action

    After several years of increasing tensions, Aldernord and Balthas go to war over territorial disputes. The war last until 709 AK, when it is brought to an end by the Treaty of Tolheim; many of the major Balthan jarls marry into the High Houses of Aldernord or are granted titles of lesser nobility in exchange for their support, though the easternmost parts of Balthas remain staunchly independent.

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  • 711

    Death of Erastes Tideborn
    Life, Death

    Queen Erastes Tideborn dies after several months of ill health. Her daughter, Pyronike, ascends to the throne.

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  • 718

    26 /4

    Battle of the Mitstoen
    Military action

    Ilse Sarren van Malaborg leads the Dread Cohort of Malaborg to a decisive victory over the Batrarchiarchy of Verag near the site of the ancient Mitstoen north of modern-day Westerholt, bringing the War of the Frog  to an end.

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  • 718


    Howling Hill Rediscovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Ilse Sarren van Malaborg rediscovers the ancient site known as the Howling Hill, abandoned for more than a century following the Fall of the Katari Empire. The town of Gildenschloss will later be built upon that spot.

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  • 719

    The Purging of Rostog
    Military action

    House Bheuren launch a concerted campaign to eradicate the Collegium Necromantia from the city of Rostog.

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  • 720

    Construction Begins at the Gilded Tower
    Construction beginning/end

    Under the supervision of Ilse Sarren van Malaborg, construction begins on the Great Tower of Gildenschloss, otherwise known as the Gilded Tower.

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  • 721


    The War of the Queen's Knife

    After a decade of increasingly tyrannical rule, Queen Pyronike of Aldernord is assassinated by her granddaughter, Heliodora. A civil war breaks out, in which Heliodora is eventually victorious, having won the support of many of the Baltho-Alderni nobility including a number of the Jarls who dissented from the Treaty of Tolheim. Heliodora becomes the third Queen of Aldernord, and is simultaneously acknowledged as Jarl of Jarls in the Balthan territories, thereby succeeding at uniting the two nations under one banner as even Erastes could not do.

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  • 730

    Annexation of Vaagesstad
    Military action

    House Canthor of Aldernord besiege the independent city-state of Vaagesstad, which capitulates after three months.

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  • 731

    Gilded Tower Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Great Tower of Gildenschloss is completed. The citadel will later be greatly expanded over the following centuries.

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  • 756

    Tonnenkreek Schloss completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Over thirty years after the foundation stone is laid, Tonnenkreek Schloss is completed. Its architect, Ilse Sarren van Malaborg is said to have looked out from the highest tower of the castle and pronounced her life's work complete, before taking to her bed and dying a scant few days later.

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  • 784

    Unification of the Calendars
    Cultural event

    Queen Margaretha I Erastes of Aldernord issues an edict reforming the Alderni calendar; the new year is formally fixed at the date of the Winter Solstice as was the custom of the Katari Empire, rather than the Aldish tradition of the first New Moon following the Winter Solstice.

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  • 799


    Kepeshkamolik Rebellion

    The dragonborn of Clan Kepeshkamolik rebel against the hegemonic rulership of the Five Great Dragons of Mandragore. Though they find some allies in Aldernord under Queen Margaretha II Erastes and win a number of victories against their overlords, they are ultimately defeated. Many of the dragonborn settle in the Dragonmarch of northern Aldernord.

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  • 806

    Death of the Golden Queen
    Life, Death

    Whilst returning from a diplomatic visit to Freeport Reserta where she had been attempting to negotiate a peace treaty between Clan Kepeshmolik and the clans loyal to the Five Great Dragons, Queen Margaretha II Erastes of Aldernord's ship is caught in a storm and lost, with no survivors.

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  • 808

    The Unexpected Queen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Princess Chrysomatea Erastes, the heir to the Alderni monarchy, renounces her claim to the throne in favour of Hildegard Ysern, much to the consternation of many members of the High Nobility.

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  • 854

    Liberation of Paralberti
    Military action

    After a protracted campaign, the Savu-majority city of Paralberti is liberated from the hegemonic control of Mandragore by the forces of Aldernord.

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  • 858

    Battle of Skinweaver Marsh
    Military action

    Alderni forces are ambushed whilst crossing Skinweaver Marsh as they attempt to flank the Mandragori army besieging Fort Briani. They suffer a resounding defeat, in which Queen Emelia I Ysern perishes.

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  • 900


    Disappearance of Hildegard III Ysern
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Queen Hildegard III Ysern of Aldernord visits Ket Azel, where magicians of Kalamak and the Gilded Tower have successfully created a portal linking the ancient site to Ket Brezi. The Queen asks to witness the portal first hand, and enters with several of her advisors - but disaster strikes, and the portal collapses in on itself several minutes later. Neither the Queen, nor any of her companions, are ever seen again.

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  • 900


    The Year of Six Queens

    Civil war in Aldernord following the disappearance of Queen Hildegard III Ysern within a portal linking Ket Azel and Ket Brezi.

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  • 930


    War of the Serpent Reach
    Military action

    Many years of disputes over the taxation of traders from Zar Tagar passing through the Valley of Mestios to reach Mandragore escalates into violence. When neither the Alderni nor the Tagari will back down, war ensues. After five years of intermittent raiding, a peace agreement is eventually reached.

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  • 951


    The Twelve-Year War
    Military action

    A series of territorial conflicts between Aldernord and Corlindale, resulting in the annexation of all lands west of the river Nyel by the Alderni.

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  • 954

    Accession of Vash Hamokar
    Diplomatic action

    The Dwarven city state of Vash Hamokar formally joins the Sovereignty of Aldernord, granted the status of an allodial duchy.

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  • 1000

    The Byial Campaign
    Military action

    Alderni forces attempt to clear the Labyrinth of Byial and retake Achellon's Tower, intending to drain the swamp for farming as was done in Zudemoeras centuries earlier. They are unable to make significant headway, and after six months the campaign is given up as a lost cause.

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  • 1008

    Battle of Leagallow Hollow
    Military action

    An Alderni incursion into the Hything of Jeddrum faces defeat at the hands of Corlish cavalry as they approach the Fields of Brynnellee. Queen Hildegard IV Sarren of Aldernord takes the field, but is wounded and taken prisoner by Corlindale; she is ransomed back several months later at great expense.

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  • 1042

    Fall of the Howling Tower
    Disaster / Destruction

    A magical calamity occurs in the citadel of Hennetoren, which results in the transformation of many of its occupants into troll-like creatures, and the death of almost all of those who are not transformed. The citadel - henceforth referred to as the Howling Tower - begins to emit a terrible keening wail which brings forth a great horde of trolls from the nearby lakes, which rampage across the surrounding lands.

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  • 1054


    The Rheumatic Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    An epidemic spreads through the Ysberwaal, killing several thousand people including Queen Emelia II Ysern of Aldernord.

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  • 1074


    War of the Seas
    Military action

    The sahuagin launch a campaign to invade the coastal waters of Aldernord. They are eventually driven back by the Alderni.

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  • 1086

    Accession of Khut Oros
    Diplomatic action

    The dwarven freehold of Khut Oros joins the Sovereignty of Aldernord as an alloidial barony.

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  • 1094

    Commencement of the Three Lesser Festivals
    Religious event

    Queen Altea II Vottellian of Aldernord declares the Fifth, Eighth, and Eleventh new moons of the year to be public holidays, dedicated to the Daughters of Null as a whole

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  • 1100

    Pact of Understanding
    Diplomatic action

    An economic treaty is agreed between Aldernord and Khut Gezarat

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  • 1112


    First Lyskan Epidemic
    Plague / Epidemic

    Following an unusually warm and rainy spring in 1112AK, an outbreak of Lyskan Fever spreads throughout Aldernord. Many members of the High Nobility isolate themselves away from the lower orders while the peasantry bear the brunt of the plague.

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  • 1114

    Alderni Bread Laws
    Financial Event

    Queen Altea III of Aldernord passes laws fixing the prices of wheat, bread, and ale.

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  • 1119

    Revolt of 1119 AK

    Peasants in Kjelslund take up arms against the nobles of Aldernord following several years of economic hardship and food shortages. They are joined by a number of knights and minor nobles. The rebellion is quashed by the better-armed and equipped Alderni armies, and the ringleaders are executed to make an example of them. The survivors retreat to the forests, and turn to banditry.

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  • 1121

    Edict of Surety
    Political event

    Queen Altea III of Aldernord passes laws which further limit the rights of serfs, including granting courts the right to impose collective punishments upon peasant families and communities.

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  • 1124

    16 /2

    Oath of the Heirs of Baltha
    Political event

    Twelve Baltho-Alderni barons swear an oath that they will rise up against the High Houses and reclaim the land that they consider rightfully theirs from Alderni rule.

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  • 1124


    Lyndhoff Uprising

    The Heirs of Baltha lead an insurrection against their Alderni rulers, marshalling an army in the Vale of Lyndhoff. This is later recognised as being the first conflict in the Long War.

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  • 1124


    The Long War
    Military action

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  • 1126

    11 /3

    Battle of the Wyvenwald
    Military action

    Queen Beatrix I Mettvergen's forces clash with the Heirs of Baltha in the Wyvernwald near Lyndhoff. The queen takes the field herself, and leads her army to victory, routing the insurgents and driving them into the lake of Alusee. Beatrix sustains an injury from a rebel archer during the battle, but refuses to withdraw; she collapses and dies minutes after the battle's end, the slow-acting poison upon the arrow claiming her life and rendering her body impossible to revive.

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  • 1132

    Assassination of Queen Ekatarina
    Life, Death

    Queen Ekaterina Mettvergen assassinated by Balthan separatists.

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  • 1133

    The Silent Siege
    Military action

    The Heirs of Baltha besiege the castle of Rinunslott, managing to completely cut the castle off from all means of contacting the outside world. The castle falls to their control six weeks later, without Aldernord as a whole learning of it, and becomes a major staging post for their military activities.

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  • 1149

    Siege of Loshavslott
    Military action

    The castle of Loshavslott falls to the Heirs of Baltha after several months of fierce fighting.

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  • 1150

    Dissolution of the Grand Council
    Political event

    Queen Mathilda I Bheuren dismisses the Grand Council due to the failings of the eastern nobles in dealing with the Heirs of Baltha, ruling by decree for the remaining two years of her reign.

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  • 1160

    Hildegardian Military Reforms
    Political event

    Queen Hildegarde V Bheuren of Aldernord reforms the structure of the Alderni military, centralizing the "steel motley" into the Nine Grand Regiments.

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  • 1162

    Queensknife Abolished
    Political event

    The office of the Queensknife is abolished, and its functions merged with the newly-created Royal Guard of Aldernord.

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  • 1164

    Vaagesstad Rebellion

    Balthan nationalists in Vaagesstad overthrow the rule of House Canthor and side with the Heirs of Baltha.

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  • 1165

    Gilded Tower Abolished
    Political event

    The Gilded Tower is abolished and its functions taken on by the Ninth Grand Regiment of Aldernord.

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  • 1165


    Seven Year Siege
    Military action

    Vaagesstad comes under siege by Alderni forces, but they are unable to take the city, defended by Corlish mercenaries and supported by the Heirs of Baltha.

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  • 1169

    First Zallenkirk Peace Conference
    Diplomatic action

    Queen Margaretha III Bheuren of Aldernord invites delegates of the Heirs of Baltha and the burghermeisters ofVaagesstad to a peace conference in Zallenkirk, under the auspices of the temple of Kriophona. The result is the Treaty of the Kiska.

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  • 1170


    Treaty of the Kiska
    Diplomatic action

    A cessation of hostilities between Aldernord and the Heirs of Baltha, ceding all lands east of the river Kiska to the control of the newly-founded Grand Jarldoms of Balthas. Universally unpopular, this treaty was violated frequently on a small scale until hostilities resumed in 1178 AK.

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  • 1175

    Grand Council Reconvened
    Political event

    In response to increased discontent among the High Houses, Queen Margaretha III Bheuren of Aldernord reconvenes the Grand Council.

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  • 1178

    Death of Queen Margaretha III Bheuren
    Life, Death

    Queen Margaretha III Bheuren of Aldernord dies after a short period of illness. It is widely rumoured that she was poisoned by a political opponent, or by the Heirs of Baltha, or perhaps even by the office of the Queensknife.

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  • 1180


    War of Bloody Arrows
    Military action

    Orcish clans of the Reach of Bloody Arrows begin robbing Alderni trade caravans and raiding border settlements in the north. They are eventually driven back by the Alderni forces.

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  • 1193

    Battle of Vasilika
    Military action

    Balthan agents infiltrate the tower of Vasilika with the aid of mercenary mages trained at Ira's Flame, and successfully capture the arcane citadel. The Alderni attempt to retake the tower, and a bloody battle ensues; Queen Altea IV Bheuren is killed in battle whilst leading the Aerial Lance, and the Alderni forces retreat in disarray.

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  • 1193


    The Inheritance War
    Military action

    Following the death of Queen Altea IV Bheuren of Aldernord, civil war erupts as three factions back different claimants to the throne: her two daughters Ekaterina and Agnetha, and her sister Beatrix.

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  • 1193



    The Regency of Beatrix
    Political event

    The forces of Beatrix Bheuren, one of the three claimants to the throne of Aldernord, seize control of Ysberinge and take her niece Ekaterina, porphyrogenitus daughter of Queen Altea IV Bheuren, into "protective custody". She rules as regent for several months, before the 14-year old Princess Ekaterina dies (allegedly having succumbed to a fever, but most likely murdered on her aunt's orders), before declaring herself Queen Beatrix II Bheuren.

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  • 1193



    The Battle of the Massenkust
    Military action

    Exploiting the opportunity afforded by the Inheritance War, the Grand Jarldoms of Balthas launch raids along the southern coast of Aldernord, with the aid of Corlish mercenaries, seizing control of the towns of Svarstad and Masenhaven.

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  • 1194

    Fall of Fleskport
    Military action

    Balthan forces attack the city of Fleskport in a daring sea-raid which bypasses the city walls. After four days of intense fighting, the city is theirs.

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  • 1194

    The Hidden Heir
    Life, Birth

    Agnetha Bheuren, one of the two surviving claimants to the throne of Aldernord, gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Helena. The child is said to have been sent to be raised in secret by one of Agnetha's retainers; her eventual fate is unknown.

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  • 1195


    Vattenkrig Triumphant
    Military action

    The Balthan Clan Vattenkrig, claiming themselves the true successors of Baltha Sturmdottir, lead the advance into Aldernord, retaking the town of Trolfjord and the surrounding land. By the end of 1196, all land south of the Alu is under their control.

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  • 1197


    Battle of Bauslott
    Military action

    Clan Vattenkrig launch an attack on Bauslott, the seat of House Canthor's power. Though greatly outnumbered, the defenders are able to repel the attacking forces though the use of powerful magic.

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  • 1197


    Fall of Lyndhoff
    Military action

    Balthan forces cross the river Alu and seize control of Lyndhoff. By the end of the year, they will control all of Alumark save for Bauslott

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  • 1198


    Twenty Year Siege
    Military action

    Balthan forces engage in a protracted encirclement of Bauslott, the mages of House Canthor being more than able to weather a protracted siege. It only falls following the awakening of Knagger in 1218AK.

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  • 1199

    Battle of Wissenborg Pass
    Military action

    The forces of Agnetha Bheuren, one of the two surviving claimants to the throne of Aldernord, clash with those of her aunt Queen Beatrix II Bheuren. Agnetha dies in the battle, and her army routs. Her claim now broadly unopposed, Beatrix pardons those of Agnetha's supporters who surrender, and makes examples of those who do not.

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  • 1201

    The Ysern Conspiracy
    Criminal Activity

    An assassination attempt against Queen Beatrix II Bheuren is foiled after several elves are caught attempting to break into the royal palace under cover of nightfall. One is captured, and under torture confesses to have been hired by Duchess Relinde Ysern, who had sided with Agnetha Bheuren during the Inheritance War. The Queen has Relinde Ysern arrested and executed for treason, strips all members of House Ysern of their noble rank and title, and seizes the entirety of the Ysberwaal as her personal demesne. Many members of House Ysern are killed in the following weeks, whilst others renounce their loyalty to Aldernord and side with the Balthan Jarls.

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  • 1202

    The Alliance of the Alterwald
    Political event

    Queen Beatrix II Bheuren of Aldernord declares war on the elves of Lith Tarsen and Lith Neygil, accusing them of being in league with the elements of House Ysern that had plotted against her. In response, the elves enter into an alliance with the Grand Jarldoms of Balthas.

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  • 1202

    Grand Council Purged
    Political event

    Queen Beatrix II Bheuren purges the Grand Council of those she sees as threats to her rule, and drastically reduces its powers.

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  • 1202


    First Kjelslund Campaign
    Military action

    Balthas, with assistance of exiled members of House Ysern, pushes north along the Alderni coast, conquering the entirety of Kjelslund over four years of campaigning. These four years are said to have been some of the bloodiest of the Long War.

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  • 1205

    Scorran Rebellion

    Following a series of purges against those that Queen Beatrix II Bheuren suspected of plotting against her, a number of nobles and peasants in the Scorran Valley rise up in rebellion against Aldernord. The rebellion is brutally quashed, and the Royal Guard orchestrate massacres of all those suspected of supporting the rebels. It is said that the road from Staggia to Mesoscorrana is lined with gallows, and that ashes from the pyres of those slaughtered by the Royal Guard rain down across the entire valley.

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  • 1206

    Death of Beatrix the Cruel
    Life, Death

    Queen Beatrix II Bheuren of Aldernord collapses and dies during a banquet in honour of her daughter Rosemund's eighteenth nameday. A second inheritance war is feared, but does not come to pass, as Rosemund publically acknowledges the porphyrogene claim of her younger sister Mathilda to the throne. Rosemund acts as her sister's regent until she comes of age, before stepping down to allow Queen Mathilda II Bheuren to reign in her own right. Years later on her deathbed, Rosemund admits to having poisoned her mother in order to end her reign of terror.

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  • 1207

    Grand Council Restored
    Political event

    Queen Mathilda II of Aldernord, through her regent Rosemund, restores the Grand Council to its former power and institutes a number of reforms to the law to appease those who had suffered at the hands of Queen Beatrix II Bheuren.

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  • 1207

    House Ysern Pardoned
    Political event

    Following the death of Queen Beatrix II Bheuren, the exiled members of House Ysern are offered a full amnesty and pardon. Many return to the Alderni cause, bringing the Balthan advance through Kjelslund to a halt.

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  • 1208

    Restoration of the Offices
    Political event

    The Alderni Office of the Queensknife and the Gilded Tower are restored by royal edict.

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  • 1218

    Knagger Awakens
    Disaster / Destruction

    A powerful spirit, later called the Knagger awakens in the southern parts of the Alterwald, taking the form of a gigantic turtle which is said to have been hundreds of feet in length. It proceeds to make its way out of the forest and down the Alu valley, crashing through the Balthan army encircling Bauslott and partially demolishing the tower itself - allowing the remnants of the Balthan forces to seize control of the tower. It continues its march down the valley, nigh-impervious to all attempts to stop it or get it to change its course, before swimming out to sea in when it reaches the coast. It is said that it is still out there somewhere, occasionally mistaken for an island by sailors blown off course. It leaves behind a great crater that became known as the Pits of Knagger.

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  • 1231

    Second Zallenkirk Peace Conference
    Diplomatic action

    A second peace conference is held in Zallenkirk between Aldernord and the Grand Jarldoms of Balthas, but fails to produce an accord.

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  • 1235


    Second Lyskan Epidemic
    Plague / Epidemic

    Widespread flooding near Lak Zallen brings an outbreak of Lyskan Fever. The clerics of Zallenkirk find themselves unaccountably unable to cure the disease, which is said by some to be a punishment from the Daughters of Null for the loss of the Alumark and Kjelslund to the Grand Jarldoms of Balthas. Among those who perish are Queen Mathilda II Bheuren and her daughter, Crown Princess Altea Bheuren.

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  • 1235

    The False Helena
    Political event

    An individual claiming to be the Hidden Heir presents herself to the Grand Council of Aldernord after the death of Queen Mathilda II Bheuren. Though some find her story persuasive, she is later found to be an imposter, and flees the country before she can be arrested on a charge of treason.

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  • 1242


    Second Kjelslund Campaign
    Military action

    Alderni forces make a sustained attempt to retake Kjelslund from Balthas. After three years of intense fighting, the Balthans retreat to the river Alu.

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  • 1243

    Siege of Dyrdenslott
    Military action

    The Alderni castle of Dyrdenslott falls to Balthan forces, aided by mercenaries from Khut Helev.

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  • 1262

    Battle of Bos Vild
    Military action

    Alderni forces led by Queen Helena III Bheuren attempt to outflank a much larger Balthan army on the Lyskan plain, clashing on the north shore of Lak Doal only a few miles from where Queen Baltha Sturmdottir had fallen in battle centuries earlier. Anointed as the champion of all Nine of the Daughters of Null, Queen Helena leads the charge and routs the Balthan army, fighting on despite grievous injury until her victory is assured - at which point she collapses and dies, her wounds and sheer exhaustion finally catching up with her.

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  • 1266


    Battle of the Bull
    Military action

    Queen Hildegard VI Bheuren of Aldernord, increasingly erratic in her decisions, dismisses Grand-Marshall Arcadio Sarren from his post and issues confusing and contradictory orders to the armies in the Lyskan plain in advance of a battle against an invading Balthan force. The result is nothing short of chaos as the Alderni forces lose all cohesion and are routed by the warriors of Clan Vildstrom. Within weeks, all the ground gained under Helena III is lost as the Balthan forces surge toward the river Lyska, encircling the Alderni army in Kjelslund.

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  • 1266


    First Battle of Rostog
    Military action

    Balthan forces attempt to ford the Lyska to attack Rostog, but are driven back by the regrouping Alderni army.

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  • 1266


    Second Battle of Rostog
    Military action

    Balthan forces successfully take the city of Rostog.

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  • 1267

    The Knife Invoked
    Life, Death

    With Queen Hildegard VI Bheuren's behaviour becoming increasingly erratic, her daughter Mathilda, the Queensknife, attempts to persuade her to abdicate. The queen flies into a rage, and attempts to kill her daughter for the insubordination. The two magicians duel, Mathilda gaining the upper hand and subduing her mother, who dies shortly after, apparently of sheer exhaustion. Mathilda allows the throne to pass to her elder sister, Hildegard VII Bheuren.

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  • 1268


    War of the Witch Hills
    Military action

    Balthan forces push further into Hexenhugel, though they meet stiff resistance from the Alderni - who are aided by the goblins of the Rubezh tribe, allegedly in repayment of an ancient debt to House Bheuren. Nonetheless, they are successful in their advance, eventually pacifying the region as far as the river Tuva.

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  • 1276


    A Road Rebuilt
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Researchers from the Gilded Tower and the Collegium Coniuratio experiment with reopening the portal between Ket Azel and Ket Brezi.

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  • 1276


    Great Famine of 1276-1279
    Disaster / Destruction

    Unseasonable weather and a series of poor harvests in western Kataris lead to severe food shortages. Aldernord is severely hit, but manages to avoid outright famine; Balthas and Corlindale are likewise badly affected.

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  • 1277


    War of the Ants
    Military action

    Beset by famine, some of the clans of Balthas fall to infighting, especially in the region of Kjelslund which is particularly badly hit. The once powerful Clan Haraldsson is almost entirely destroyed by the ascendant Clan Hemskaber, who pillage their way across the Lyskan plain to feed their soldiers.

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  • 1282


    Zallen Offensive
    Military action

    Balthan forces advance through the duchy of Zallen. Considering much of the duchy lost, the Alderni abandon Haraldslott and fortify the river Boya, constructing a line of makeshift forts along the western bank. The Balthans attempt to cross the river, but are forced back, and another stalemate ensues.

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  • 1284


    March of the Red Wolf
    Military action

    Balthan forces loyal to Clan Hexvarg cross the river Tuva, and continue to advance through the Hexenhugel. Their progress is slow, but by 1291AK they have seized Hexenholm and Innikfoss.

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  • 1291


    Siege of Klauslott
    Military action

    The Alderni castle of Klauslott comes under siege from Balthan forces. The Alderni eventually withdraw and fortify the Sternespass.

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  • 1295


    The Helenist Imposter
    Political event

    A woman calling herself Isobella Bheuren travels Aldenord, claiming to be the great-granddaughter of the so-calledHidden Heir, Helena Bheuren. She makes no claim for the throne of Aldenord, but enjoys the hospitality of many of the High Nobility who are discontented with the rule of Mathilda IV Bheuren. It eventually emerges that she is not who she claims to be, and is in fact a runaway serf named Katerin Martensdottir, who had hit upon a scheme to con money from the High Houses. She is arrested on charges of fraud and sedition, and sentenced to death; however she escapes from imprisonment the night before her execution, and is never recaptured.

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  • 1300



    Siege of Stars
    Military action

    The Alderni fortress of Sterneslott comes under siege by Balthan forces; it holds out for three months before the attackers breach the walls and seize control of the area.

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  • 1301

    16 /4

    Coronation of Queen Margaretha IV Bheuren
    Political event

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  • 1301

    15 /5

    Road of the Flame-Stealer
    Military action

    The recently-crowned Queen Margaretha IV Bheuren of Aldernord launches a last-ditch counterattack on the Balthan armies, sending eight cavalry lances each three-hundred strong through a portal opened between Ket Azel and Ket Brezi. Though the portal collapses before all the soldiers cross it, resulting in the complete loss of two of the eight lances and substantial losses in two others, more than one and a half thousand heavy cavalry emerge from Ket Brezi and launch a surprise attack into the Lyskan Valley. The portal is opened twice more before it becomes too unstable to be operable, and a further twenty thousand soldiers make the crossing, albeit with heavily mounting casualties from the fluctuating passage.

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  • 1301

    20 /5

    25 /5

    Battle of the Swan's Road
    Military action

    An army of Alderni soldiers, plus thousands of peasant levies, the entire city watch of Schwannenholt, and countless others besides, assembles at the edge of the city. Queen Margaretha IV Bheuren takes personal command of the army, telling the assembled troops that this was the day in which Aldernord lives or dies. She leads the charge against the larger Balthan force, and against all odds is victorious, routing the advancing army and driving them back towards the river Lyska - where the Alderni army that emerged from Ket Brezi is waiting for them, having marched more than two hundred miles over the ten preceding days. More than half the Balthan army surrenders when they realise that they are surrounded; the rest desperately attempt to break through and reach Haraldslott, and are slaughtered in their hundreds as they attempt to cross the Lyska.

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  • 1301


    Retaking of Zallen
    Military action

    Alderni forces drive the Balthans back, retaking much of Zallen and the Lyskan plain.

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  • 1302

    Order of the Three Swords Declared Non-Compliant
    Political event

    The Order of the Three Swords is declared non-compliant by the Apertors of the Daughters of Null, and stripped of its clerical backing. It reforms as a secular Free Company.

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  • 1303


    Second Siege of Rostog
    Military action

    Alderni forces recapture the Sternespass and attempt to seize control of Rostog; however they are unable to breach the city, and a protracted siege results before the army is eventually redirected toward Kjelslund.

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  • 1314


    War of Fire and Salt
    Military action

    Kjelslund once more plays host to a protracted and bloody conflict as over a course of more than a decade the Alderni armies retake the once-fertile duchy from the Balthan Jarls. Over the course of the campaign numerous villages and small towns are put to the flame, and tens of thousands of civilians are killed or displaced from the land.

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  • 1326


    Alumark Offensive
    Military action

    Aldernord launches a pincer attack on Alumark, seeking to retake the rebuilt castle of Bauslott; they are forced to retreat as the insurrection in the north progresses.

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  • 1326

    18 /1

    Triponzo Revolution

    Following several years of rising discontent and anger against corruption and abuses of power by the low nobility, unrest breaks out in the city of Triponzo. The arrest of several members of the Society of the Flame Rekindled leads to rioting in the streets, and a popular uprising promptly ousts the burghermeisters of the city - denounced as being little more than the puppets of House Riddacci - and installs a provisional government.

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  • 1326



    Siege of Triponzo
    Military action

    Several Alderni infantry cohorts are sent to retake Triponzo from the rebels that have seized control of the city. Expecting little resistance, they are met by a mixture of civilian militias and professional soldiers from free companies, hired by the city's merchants; the defence of the city is orchestrated by the mercenary captain Dracomallion Anaximander, who is proclaimed a hero by the rebels when he leads them to victory against the Alderni.

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  • 1327

    Revolution in Mesoscorrana

    When a protest against an increase in taxation to pay for the campaign to retake Triponzo is harshly quashed by the forces of House Riddacci, rioting breaks out in Mesoscorrana. After several weeks of intense fighting, the rebels seize control of the city and declare themselves independent from Aldernord.

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  • 1328


    Everarda's Offensive
    Military action

    Grand Jarl Everarda Sidselsdottir leads a counterattack against the Alderni in Alumark and Kjelslund whilst their armies are forced to deal with the Savuran insurgency in the North. Her advance only slows when in 1333 AK Aldernord signs the Ceasefire Treaty with the rebels, freeing up enough forces to cut her advance on Haraldslott.

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  • 1329

    Revolution in Campocavola

    Three cohorts of sailors and naval infantry from the First and Second Grand Regiments of the Alderni military mutiny against their commanders and join the growing insurrection against Alderni control in the Dragonmarch.

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  • 1329

    16 /9

    Treaty of the Three Cities
    Diplomatic action

    Representatives of the provisional governments of Triponzo, Mesoscorrana and Campocavola meet to discuss their common struggle for freedom against Aldernord. They agree band together under the banner of The League of Savura, and to create an elected senate consisting of representatives from each of the three cities.

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  • 1331


    Staggian Revolution

    Unrest in Staggia grows as the forces of House Riddacci crack down on any dissent against Alderni rule. Emboldened by the mutiny in Campocavola, the city's garrison sides with the rebels and seizes control of the city, declaring their allegiance to The League of Savura.

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  • 1331


    Battle of the Karst
    Military action

    In the Pangratic Karst, Savuran insurgents defeat an Alderni army thrice their size. Among the dead are said to be Anastasia di Gratiano and her husband Urseo.

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  • 1331


    Siege of Vash Hamokar
    Military action

    The city-state of Vash Hamokar, an alloidial vassal of Aldernord, comes under siege from the forces of the League of Savura. The siege continues until the signing of the Zallenkirk Accord which formally cedes control of the city to Savura, despite the prostestations of the Hamokari.

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  • 1332

    Revolution in Baletto

    Following the Alderni defeat at the Battle of the Karst, radical elements among the dragonborn of Clan Kepeshkamolik begin to advocate openly for widespread reforms to the feudal system, including the abolition of serfdom and an increased right to self-determination for the dragonborn clans. When the Alderni crack down on these protests, almost the entire clan takes up arms against House Riddacci, joining The League of Savura and liberating the ancient "City of the Wyrm", Baletto

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  • 1333


    The Ceasefire Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    As the Alderni armies are forced to retreat south of the River Posso, a ten-year ceasefire is agreed with The League of Savura. Aldernord does not give up its claim of sovereignty over the northern provinces, but negotiations begin on granting increased autonomy and other concessions to the northern provinces. These eventually break down in 1335 AK - in part due to the increasingly demagogic rhetoric of Dracomallion Anaximander di Sola di Triponzo - when the Savuran senate unanimously votes to uphold their independence from Aldernord, but to keep to the terms of the ceasefire in the hope of renegotiating a more lasting peace.

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  • 1337

    24 /3

    Rebellion in Vinzaglio

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  • 1337


    Order of the Three Swords Suppressed
    Political event

    For their part in the Rebellion in Vinzaglio  the Order of the Three Swords is declared a seditious organisation in Aldernord, with membership punishable by death.

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  • 1338

    25 /4

    Battle of Auditore
    Military action

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  • 1338

    11 /7

    Lapis defect to Savura
    Political event

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  • 1339

    6 /7

    Battle of Cameri
    Military action

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  • 1339


    Third Zallenkirk Peace Conference
    Diplomatic action

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  • 1340

    20 /5

    Battle of the Ford
    Military action

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  • 1340

    6 /10

    Battle of Cancellomare
    Military action

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  • 1341

    10 /4

    First Battle of Fianicci
    Military action

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  • 1341


    Sundering of the Circles
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 1341

    24 /9

    Battle of Sabartia
    Military action

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  • 1341

    16 /11

    Fourth Zallenkirk Peace Conference
    Diplomatic action

    Ceasefire agreed between Savura and Aldernord

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  • 1341

    1 /12

    Massacre at Fianicci
    Criminal Activity

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  • 1342

    5 /4

    Battle of Sassenheim
    Military action

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  • 1342

    8 /5

    Assassination of Duke Arturo Riddacci
    Life, Death

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  • 1342

    16 /6

    Zallenkirk Accord
    Diplomatic action

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  • 1344

    3 /6

    4 /6

    Everstorm Covenant Suppressed
    Military action

    A party of adventurers in the service of Princess Beatrix Bheuren unearth the existence of the Everstorm Covenant, a conspiracy backed by the Primordial Qi'eka'a which seeks to overthrow House Bheuren. In the course of two days they apprehend or kill the majority of its leaders, destroying the organisation before it is able to launch a coup against the Gilded Tower.

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