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The Red Sheaf

A comforting glow emanates from the several windows lining the first floor of the building as you approach. As you get closer, the smells of fresh baked bread, seasoned meats, and savoury stews reach your nose. Above you, an illuminated, wooden sign modestly declares this building to be "The Red Sheaf". Weary traveller, search no further, your place of respite is found.


As you enter through the large, red door, the sights, sounds, and wonderful smells are fully unleashed and you are greeted warmly by Finnan Glenfellow, a well-dressed and very pleasant halfling fellow, appearing to be somewhere on the high side of middle-aged. "Welcome friends, please do join us! As you can see, we are quite busy this evening, but never too busy to bring a few more in! Now will you be dining with us this evening, or perhaps you require a room or two for the night?" He speaks loudly enough to be heard over the din, but not so loud as to disrupt the myriad conversations taking place around the dining area. "You'll be having a meal with us, then? Delightful! Now I'm sure you're well aware of our reputation, friends, but I'm sure you'll also find our prices to be quite reasonable and even though our menu may not be the most exotic, everything on it is a blue ribbon winner, I guarantee!"


Looking around the large, bustling room, you notice that, in addition to the usual bar, there are a couple of long, rectangular high top tables in the middle of the room that appear to have sufficient open seats to accommodate your party. Finnan notices the direction of your gaze, smiles to himself, and declares, "I think I know just the spot for you all, please follow me. You'll find this spot to be a bit cozy, but if you like, you may wish to strike up a conversation with some of your fellow patrons. Share some tales of your homes and of the dreams you have for your time in Beregost! And when you're done, I'm sure you'll want to meet my wife, Lidda, to get a room for the night. She'll take good care of you, of that you can be sure!"

Purpose / Function

The Red Sheaf was the largest inn found in Beregost ... It was the favorite stop of merchants passing through town, due to its fast service and warm creature comforts.
— Red Sheaf (FR Wiki)

Rated 3/5 pipes by Volo in both quality in pricing, The Red Sheaf is nevertheless the preferred stopover for people that know Beregost best. The Glenfellows have improved both the service and food since Volo's last passage, but they've maintained the previous proprietor's position on having no entertainment in the tavern. Business-minded folk can't very well do business if they can't hear each other speak, now can they?


The Red Sheaf offered private meeting rooms, that were protected by locking doors, for 7 gp a night. The famous author Volothamp Geddarm suspected there were discreet spyholes installed within these "secure" rooms.

I find this a bit dubious, but the Glenfellows are always pushing visitors to mingle and strike up conversations, so it's possible there's something to it. Even the best-intentioned halfling innkeeper might be tempted to snoop on the dealings of their patrons, especially if those spyholes were already there and some coin was passed their way.


Put this firmly in the rumour category, but it has been reported that there is an entrance in The Red Sheaf to a network of tunnels beneath Beregost that eventually connect it to the Underdark. Originally dug by smugglers, these tunnels were later intersected by drow heading toward the surface. One can imagine that some sort of calamity ensued and the story concludes that the old wizard Thalantyr, formerly of High Hedge, was able to seal them off.

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