The Knights of Irach Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Knights of Irach

The Knights

The Knights of Irach are a knightly order in the Na’zon river delta. The capital of the Knights of Irach is Venach. Their national animal is the seal. The citizens of Irach are the Irachi. The Knights of Irach is a stratocracy. The titles of their sovereign include Lord-Commander of Irach, Marshall of the Realm, Anvil of the People of Irach and First Irachi. Their current sovereign is the Lord-Commander Kylian Buijs.  

The Flag

The flag of Irach is of a triangular shape. The center field is bordered with a triangle of black and charged with a steel four-pointed star. The star signifies the militaristic virtue of Irach and the black triangular form stands for the mourning of the men who died for the country.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Iron Folli


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