The Duchy of North Kronia Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of North Kronia

The Duchy

The Duchy of North Kronia is a duchy to the north of the Strait of Blue Kroon. The capital of the Duchy of North Kronia is Rosenburgh. Their national animal is a she-wolf. The citizens of North Kronia are the North-Kronian. The ruling dynasty of North Kronia are the Rose. Their titles include Duke of the Duchy of North Kronia, Lord of Rosenburgh, Rose of the Kronian and Thorn-Sword of the Northern Wrath. Their current sovereign is the Duchess Bente I Rose.

The Flag

The flag of North Kronia depicts a white rose on a field of red. The white rose is the sigil of the House of Rose, the ruling dynasty of North Kronia. The addition of the Rose’s thorned branch is a homage to the Order of the Northern Wrath, set up by the first Rose Duke and continually the royal knight's order. The field of red is merely there by courtesy of the existence of red roses, there is no further cultural or historical reason behind the colour.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Jorvik Pennies

  • 1 KA

    1 Juïn

    Worker's Strike in Castle Hog

    My duchess, we are sorry to report on this day, 1st of Juïn, that the peasantry of Castle Hog have laid down their tools and refuse to work. Several craftsmen and farmers have joined them in their protests. The worker’s demand that you relieve them of the hard conditions in which they work.
    Our faithful duchess, Bente I Rose, thought to relieve some of the harsher working conditions.


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