The Kingdom of the South-Northpole Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of the South-Northpole

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of the South-Northpole is a kingdom in the south-east desert of Venasahn. The capital of the Kingdom of South-Northpole is Pina. Their national animal is the bee. The citizens of South-Northpole are the Miedemates. The ruling dynasty of South-Northpole are the Woutertjes. Their titles include King of the South-Northpole, Lord of Pina, Regent of the Compass and Sandsailor. Their current sovereign is the King Rutger I Woutertjes.

The Flag

The flag of South-Northpole simply depicts the two moons in the night sky. The position of both moons only happens once every 138 years, the last time this happened was the founding of the Kingdom of the South-Northpole. Other than that the moon has a special meaning in the religion of South-Northpole.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Western Circlets


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