Treaty of Lucius Document in M'jørf | World Anvil
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Treaty of Lucius

The following document stipulates the multilateral agreement that allows the nations of Ißenaa and Nouilles into the Venasahn Defense League. Herein the nations of Ißenaa and Nouilles agree to all terms of the Treaty of the Venasahn Defense League, so too do all nations of the alliance agree to extend all terms over the Desert Kingdom of Ißenaa and the Duchy of Nouilles. Any notions of war between all sovereign entities are hereby dispelled unto such time as the termination or the finality of this treaty’s term.
Furthermore the governments of all six nations accept the responsibilities cast upon them in times of war. These are the obligations;
  1. To participate, in favour of each other, when called upon in war.
  2. Any participation in offensive wars is not required by this treaty but is encouraged.
  3. To raise troops to aid in said participation.
  4. To protect the trade of, and between, the members of this treaty.
Grounds for termination of this treaty are as follows;
  1. Failure to uphold any of the obligations of this treaty
  2. The agreement from two or more parties to the end of this treaty
  3. The wish of a new emperor of Verh’el for the termination of this treaty
  Signed,     Maan I Rutenbürge
As sovereign of
The Desert Kingdom of Ißenaa     Zazie I Démedi
As sovereign of
The Duchy of Nouilles     Tess I Näktgeburne
As sovereign representative of
The Venasahn Defense League     Signed in Lucius, on the 6th of Juïn in the Year of the Beginning
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
2nd Juïn 1 KA
Ratification Date
6th Juïn 1 KA
Expiration Date
25th Saattaa 147 KA


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