Blast Shadows


In the wake of a devastating explosion, those unfortunate enough to be caught in its full force are instantly reduced to ash. Their outlines, burned into the surrounding surfaces, serve as grim reminders of their final moments, frozen in terror-stricken poses. Tragically, these ashen remnants become a prime resource for nefarious necromancers, either resurrecting the fallen or shaping ethereal apparitions born from the victims' sheer terror and despair. These haunting figures exist solely to perpetuate their own anguish and spread terror to others.   Manifesting as shadows or two-dimensional outlines, as if sketched with charcoal, each blast shadow retains the distinct features of its original form, including gender, size, weight, and even the attire it wore in life—be it armor, noble garments, or a helmet. These spectral shadows actively seek out individuals whose gender, size, and shape align with their own. Patiently lurking within normal shadows, they observe their chosen targets until nightfall, when the person settles down to rest. It is then that the spirit strikes, launching itself at the victim in a final leap and aligning with the person's shadow, effectively blending into it.   Once connected, the blast shadow commences its feeding process. It becomes an insidious devourer, drawing strength from every wound it inflicts upon its victim. As the individual sustains more injuries, the Blast Shadow gradually extends its influence, progressively enveloping the person in darkness. To an observer, it appears as though the victim's own shadow expands like a monstrous black cocoon, gradually consuming their being. Eventually, the person is entirely submerged beneath a sooty black blanket, as the haunt strips away their flesh and essence. Throughout this macabre transformation, the undead entity deliberately preserves the shadow, occasionally carrying it for hours as if to maintain an illusion of substance. Yet, inevitably, even the shadow succumbs to the ravenous appetite of the Blast Shadow, leaving only the spectral entity behind, ceaselessly seeking its next victim.

Historical Basis

Rumors of Blast Shadows began shortly after the Yuan-Ti Elven conflict. After Ilimitar Kaine ordered the complete destruction of the Yuan-Ti people the elven armies used explosive and fiery magics over several of their cities, burning many of those civilians into marks into walls or the floor.  Several members of the elven army disappeared over time without a trace, during the occupation of these destroyed cities. Eventually the elven people abandoned these posts after claiming that spirits of darkness were devouring their comrades during the night.    The Blast Shadow, was turned into a tale to scare elven children into behaving, and that tale is still prevalent today.    Many members of the The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society have recorded humanoid ashes in several ruins linked to the Yuan-Ti, although have not noted any missing members or odd qualities on them. Several ancient elven records were found in ruins describing "Shadow Demons."   In the factories of Strum-Heim, there have been several notes on missing individuals. Several health inspection notes, talk about uncleanable markings near many of the furnaces of the factories.    The Zehass Family warn their children to not wander into the factories due to rumors of murderous shadows.
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