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Lisan is a giant country of plains. Lissan is famous across southern magnamund and the quality of its mounted warriors is second only to Sommerlund.

Even with the strenght of its cavalry, Lissan is a peaceful country. It was thrown into chaos during the Great Civil War of Bhanar where units from Bhanar, Chai, used the plains of Lissan to organize their various fighthing troops.

Since then, Lissan has taken great pains to keep its neutrality while viciously defending its borders from others.

Lissan's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Lissan is dominated by nomadic Masbate tribes, making it difficult for outsiders to track how the government manages, let alone chosen. They can count that the "king" of Lissan will hold court in Rakholi, but determining the identity of other officials can be difficult.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
1 Ren (octagonal copper coin) = 1/10 Gold Crown
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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