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A massive kingdom ruled over by a supposedly immortal dictator, the country of Bhanar is leld together by the will of Autarch Sejanoz. He has razed much of the farmland and logged many of the forests to build the huge armada that Bhanar fields in the Chai sea. He is rumored to be unhuman. No one knows yet why he is amassing such a fleet.

Bhanar's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Bhanar is a fearful country where the citizens keep an eye open for the secret police of the Autarch, and fear being taken by their government. The people work and toil, but avoid drwawing any attention to themselves for fear of "disappearing".


Bhanar was founded after the Great Civil War of MS 1620, a vilent year in which much blood was spilled over petty squabble and plays for power that ended in the decimation of the population. Bhanar actually rose fom teh ashes of this struggle stronger that the individual colonies had been before, due to the founding Autarch.

Though Sejanoz drew the colonies together, he did not deliver on the promses he made. The people he drew under his rule became more oppressed than ever. He drew huge levies of men of fighting age and taxes to hold onto his power. Facing an imminent rebellion, he made a deal with Agarash for power and longevity.

Since then he has ruled Bhanar with an iron fist.

Agriculture & Industry

Bhanar has rebuilt its farms and logging industry. In addition, it boasts extensive shipbuilding facilities and repair docks. It has many ilver, copper, and jadin mines.

For the Autarch...

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
1 Ren (octagonal copper coin) = 1/10 Gold Crown
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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