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Vaduzahn is the most peaceful of nations in Southern Magnamund. Aside from limited hostilities with Bautar, they have had no military conflicts beyond small skirmishes. This peace is often attributed to the role the Shianti, or elf played in the origination of the country. According to Vaduzahn lore, the Shianti, or elf worked with the Mythenish peoples of Vaduzahn in MS 289 and helped form the seeds of their government.

Vaduzahn's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Like Siyen, the Vaduzahn government is more inclined to negotiate than engage in open conflict. In fact, they are even more likely to make concessions to avoid conflict than any other nation in Southern Magnamund.

Public Agenda

Vaduzahn devotes its considerable resources to the development of its internal infrastructure, and the betterment of its peoples. It is completely devoted to its self-improvement and has no aim at expansion.


Vaduzahn was formed in MS 289 by Mythenish immigrants. The Shianti, or elf assisted them in the formation of their initial government before leaving them to their own devices. Their society remained at peace until the Great Civil War of Bhanar.

The civil war tore the nation asunder and lead to the formation of the country of Bhanar. The more violent aspects of the society seived the lands that became Bhanar, while the more peaceful contingents settled and created Vaduzhan.

Since then, Vaduzahn has existed in peace.
Founding Date
MS 289
Geopolitical, Country
1 ren (octagonal copper coin) = 1 silver lune
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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