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Lyris is a wealthy kingdom located in the heart of the Stornlands. The King of Lyris has long sought more land and more power, and floods himself with advisors and religious beliefs that reinforce his conquest.  At present, Lyris frequently clashes with Casiorn  and Delden.

Lyrisians- especially King Lysander- view the citizens of Casiorn as weak, profiteering artists, and see that the profits of of that country rightfully belong to Lyris.

In the case of Delden , Lyrisians view their military aggression as a sign of barbarism and they see the financial success of Delden as another opportunity for conquest abroad.

Lyris's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.

Demography and Population

A full third of the human population are Vaderish , while the rest of the population of Lyris are of assorted lineage.  Lyris, in the center of the Stornlands, is a cosomopolitan country where people of most races and ethnicities are welcome.


Lyris embraces many faiths, and most towns are home to at least one major temple. This leads to a number of state-sanctioned religious-military orders. Knights, priests, clerics, and paladins are very common in Lyris.

Agriculture & Industry

The metal of choice is iron, and the blacksmiths of Lyris are never without employment. Outside the realm of political conflict, Lyrisians find nourishment in a huge network of fruit orchards throughout the country, and fruit is a national favorite. Apples, apricots, pears, crabapples, persimmons, cherries, and domesticated Quickbeam fruits are common in Lyrisian cuisine.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Major Exports
The climate of Lyris also warrants the growing of large amounts of Wormlau, a potent spice,which is exported to many other lands
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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