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Talestria is a nation that has rebuilt itself over and over again.   Talestria is once again a beautiful nation of river valleys and lush green fields.  War has scarred this nation and left the northern provinces in shambles over and over again.  Ruins of past fortresses dot the landscape, and many parks surrounding past battlefields commemorate those struggles.

Talestria's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


The vaderish people that moved into the area now knowns as Talestria quickly spread across the land and established farming and fishign communities.  They enjoyed centuries of prosperity until the citizenry of Ogia invaded.  Their predations persisted for generations until Talestria was able to mount a defense.

Since then, there has been a cycle of conflict with Ogia with Talestria holding its own, and then being savaged by Drakkarim soldiers.  More recently under the leadership of Queen Evaine, Talestria has enjoyed decades of relative peace and security.

Foreign Relations

Talestria has a strong relationship with the nation of Ilion. They regularly exchange trade goods and military support. A contingent of the Knights of the Sword are stationed in Talestria to support the nation's queen.

In addition, Talestria is a member of the Freelands Alliance, a mutual defense pact aligned against the Darklandss.

Agriculture & Industry

Talestria has a strong basis in farming and fishing that has served as the backbone of their wealth.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
1 silver luna = 1/4 gold crown
Major Exports
Talestria exports foodstuffs to many neighboring coutries.
Major Imports
While it has a strong fishing industries, Talestria does not have a strong shipbuilding tradition.  Coastal cities maintain repair facilities but Vessels are purchased from other nations.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Freelands Alliance Member

Freelands Alliance Member

Freelands Alliance Member


Freelands Alliance Member

Freelands Alliance Member

Freelands Alliance Member


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