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Proof that humanity can thrive even in the most inhospitable of places on Magnamund, Eru is a collective of small mining and farming communities in the midst of a vast and dangerous swamp. Were it not for the richness of Eru’s mines and harvests, the settlers that founded its towns would surely have moved on to a more pleasant part of the continent. The swamp itself is the least of Eru’s troubles. Drakkarim and other Darkspawn are thick in the area, making travel and trade very costly in terms of lives and lost goods

Eru's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


With the number of beasts that enter Eru from the Hellswamp and the Drakkarim raiding from the north, each citizen is expected to take part in the defense of their towns. No long time citizen of Eru goes without at least some military training, or support training.


Eru was established by Vaderish refugees fleeing the depradations of Agarash in the south. They migrated across the Tentarias and found themselves hemmed in by the mountains of Bor and the Hellswamp. Given the rich farmland next to teh swamps, and natural resources, they found themselves in a rich land with Bor being an easy trading partners.
Geopolitical, Country
1 Silver Luna = 1/4 Gold Crown
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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