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The earliest settlers of the Vassa peoples were the tough nomads whotook control of the vast Sadi Desert. The reputation enjoyed by thesenomads for being the most feared and most fearless of all humanwarriors, struck terror in the hearts of their enemies for over a thousandyears.

In northern Magnamund, the God-like Majhan took the Vassa people ofthe Dry main under their wing and natured them. After the exodus of theMajhan and the northern expansion of the Dry Main, the chiefs of theVassa clans elected their own rulers and named them Zakhan. Thecurrent empire gained its wealth and status by ruthless imperialism,instigated by the exceptionally long lived Black Zakhan. By his order,Vassa armies crossed the Vakar and Chah ranges and captured swathes ofland in Cloeasia , Kakush  and Anari .

The Sadi nomads invaded Shadaki , formerly a collection of remote city states, and rose to power under the rulership of Shasarak  the Wytch-king. Its capital was built to celebrate the unification of the Vassa and Sadi peoples, and to mark the fall of Jazer, the original province of Shadaki. Shasarak dedicated himself to the expansion of the realm building a mighty iron-clad fleet in preparation for the War of the Winds. Victory inthis war brought the downfall of the neighbouring states and theiroccupation by Shadakine armies. The Shadakine empire chose to declare war on their distant relatives—the Vassagonians of NorthernMagnamund, but a massive invasion ended in disaster for the Shadaki atthe Battle of the Tentarium, in which both the fleet and the army weredevastated.

The Vassa are all descendants of fierce desert nomads and as such can bedangerous and aggressive. Yet they are effective traders and their nationshave grown wealthy, despite their poor reputations abroad.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Asmira, Beshra, Esmi, Feyrah, Hayida, Jenahir, Kaheena, Mahlia, Nadima, Nazrin, Ruqida, Tahlima, Yamira Zila.

Masculine names

Aduol, Bashri, Dhiwoud, Fahzim, Hazzat, Lamir, Jazeel, Mubek, Naseed, Razhir. Shaqullah, Wahzim, Zubai


Beauty Ideals

Vassan peoples skin tone range from a pale caucasian to a light brown. Their hair is black, and faces tend to be broader.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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