Walter Bulivant Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Walter Bulivant

Praetorian Walter Bulivant

Praetorian of Sunreach, Walter is the leader of the Hellknights within Sunreach. Responsible for law enforcement in the frontier provinces the Hellknights are feared by criminals and citizens alike. The hellknight's are brutal in their enforcement of laws, but due to friction between Lucius and the Adherents of Dawn with the hellknights Walter has reigned in his practices to maintain a degree of autonomy in his practices.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Walter is one of the initially promoted praetorian during the first siege of Sunreach. Due to his bravery and skill in fighting off the orc armies he was promoted to praetorian, one of the few stations in Sunreach with increased powers and rights. Walter was a hellknight from the Redlands who migrated to Sunreach early in its history seeing new opportunity there. After being promoted to Praetorian he has used his power and wealth to create his own order of hellknights that police Sunreach. During the war with Myzorock he was put in charge of maintaining order while the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun were off trying to get a weapon powerful enough to kill Myzorock. During that time the hellknights used brutal intimidation tactics to make an example out of deserters putting their heads on pikes after a long and brutal death.   After the defeat of Myzorock Lucius and Percy attempted to reign in the severity of punishments that the hellknights were doing. This angered both Walter and the rest of the hellknights who didn't want their traditions to be destroyed. After a significant amount of conflict with the Adherents of the Dawn and the hellknights, Walter finally realized if this continued on for much longer the conflict may tear Sunreach apart. He placed himself under the command of Percy who took charge of policing crimes through Sunreach. Once Walter had shown he had tempered his methods he was given the authority to police the frontier territories of Sunreach. Since then the Hellknights have been trying to keep their traditions while keeping their methods mild enough or out of sight enough to continue being autonomous.


Walter is a praetorian of Sunreach and is the Royal enforcer responsible to enact the punishments set by the judge who oversees a criminal case. If the crime is severe enough they are sent to Kislev to be dealt with by the hellknights in whatever means they see fit. Walter also sends his hellknights out to capture criminals should the guards be incapable of doing so, but this again is reserved only for serious crimes such as murder or treason. Walter tries to only punish the worst of the worst so that way they can maintain their autonomy by only doing it to people who can reasonably be thought of as the worst of society.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
New Erebus
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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