Sunreach Hellknights Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Sunreach Hellknights

The Hellknights are an order of law and order. They will stop at nothing to ensure that laws are enforced in a kingdom and that criminals are punished. The Hellknights in Sunreach originated from the Redlands, but as of late their methods have had to be tempered due to Lucius and the Adherents of the Dawn requesting their methods not be as brutal. Their was a brief conflict between the two forces before Walter Bulivant realized he was tearing Sunreach apart after all they had been through. The Hellknights have since reserved their methods only for truly heinous acts.


The Hellknights are order and their power structure reflects that. Everyone has their place and they are to be subordinate to those above them. At the top of it all is Walter Bulivant, a Praetorian of Sunreach who founded the Hellknight order in Sunreach. He is the Supreme Arbiter of the Sunreach branch of Hellknights and his word is law amongst them. Below him are the Cainan Arbiters, mythically powered Hellknights who fought at the Battle of Titan's Fall, one notable individual is Attius Jussio who has been apart of the order since the first attack by Myzorock on Sunreach. Below the Cainan Arbiters are the standard Hellknights. They are the vast majority of Hellknights in this order are of this rank. They are the rank and file of the Hellknights and are responsible for enforcing laws and punishing criminals in the frontier provinces. Below them are Hellknight Armigers, they are the initiates into the Sunreach Hellknights. They have no power until they pass the test to be fully initiated into the order.

Public Agenda

Sunreach Hellknights are there to enforce the laws in Sunreach. They have been exclusively relegated to the frontier provinces, the Sunlands are policed by the Adherents of Dawn. Hellknights are responsible for aiding town guards through the frontier provinces of Sunreach in catching and punishing criminals. They are only supposed to deal with the worst criminals such as murderers as their methods of correction are deemed cruel by Lucius and limited to only specific individuals. The Hellknights recruit new troops from the criminals they are brought in return for making the suffering in the wailing woods stop.


Sunreach Hellknights are stationed in Kislev and have created the black fortress of New Erebus. They have taken control of the area since the redeployment of the legionnaires stationed there. They are well supplied thanks to funding from both Sunreach and supplemental funding from Walter Bulivant's own pocket. The Hellknights also have a handful of outposts and prisons throughout the Province of Barathord.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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