Cietoken Settlement in Matera | World Anvil
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Cietoken (See-Toe-ken)

The capital city of the territory of the Tribe of the Eternal Way, Cietoken incorporates much from the surrounding four villages. Many members of the other villages train diligently in the hopes of one day been selected to serve in the capital.


Cietoken is ruled over by the Soul Charters, who work meticulously to ensure that all the villages continue to work in harmony.


Cietoken has many small waterway channels between it's massive temples that would make it difficult for an invading force to navigate, and it's influx of resources from all four other villages means that the city never lacks capable defenders.

Industry & Trade

Members from each of the other four villages are constantly arriving in Cietoken to trade goods and news with each other, and often even use Cietoken as a recruiting zone to pick up fresh apprentice's.


Cietoken is home to the Shrine of Eternity, the first shrine crafted to Adinos and the Tribes most holy site.


Cietoken was the first of the villages to be created by Adinos after his exodus from Matera Prime, and thus has the most historical significance to the tribe.


While many tribe members from the other villages make periodic pilgrimages to the capital, those outside the tribe are rarely ever allowed to venture so far into Eternal Territory.


While there are many common and standard mud-huts and treehouses, Cietoken's most notable features are the towering ziggurats that are crafted from stone and obsidian. These ziggurats serve as the homes of the Soul Charters, and act as massive temples for following the practices of Adinos.


Cietoken lays directly in the center of Eternal Territory, in an area known as the Eternal Valley.

Natural Resources

While Cietoken provides some minor farming, a majority of it's resources are imported from the other villages. The residents of Cietoken instead focus on educating it's members on the values of the tribe, and ensuring that resources are properly distributed from one village to another.
Founding Date
8th of Arda, ~
Alternative Name(s)
The Soul Center
Aprox. 400,000 permanant residents (150,000 Tamun, 150,000 Ro Humans, 100,000 other races)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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