Gimanes Settlement in Matera | World Anvil
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Gimanes (Gee-mane-s)

The westernmost village on the Eternal Island, Gimanes is responsible for education and training, teaching survival skills, the laws of the tribe, and the proper way to honor ones ancestors.


Like all of the villages, Gimanes is ruled over by a Head Charter. Like the northern city of Uzlup, Gimanes also has a council of village elders that advise the Head Charter and often votes on decisions.


Gimanes is home to many mages and shamans, who are capable of summoning ancestral spirits to aid then in the defense of the village.

Industry & Trade

Gimanes mostly trades in knowledge, educating children on survival skills and training the magically inclined. They often send shamans to other villages to help settle family disputes or interpret tribal laws.

Guilds and Factions

Family ties are slightly less important to the members of Gimanes, with everyone acting more as one large extended family.


Gimanes is one of the most heavily traveled to village, as many youth travel to Gimanes in their early years to learn and train. The rare travelers who are allowed to travel through the Eternal Island are herded to Gimanes, so that they can learn more of the culture and ways of the tribe.


The huts of Gimanes are expertly crafted out of wood and reeds, often with large rooms and open spaces used for various rituals and practicing magic.


The village lays on the westernmost point of the Eternal Island, and unlike most of the other villages, is in a more cleared area, keeping the surrounding forest sperate from the village.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mind Village
Aprox. 100,000 (40,000 Tamun, 40,000 Ro Humans, 10,000 ~, 5,000 Pargu Tengu, 5,000 other races)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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