Uzlup Settlement in Matera | World Anvil
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Uzlup (Uh-zz-lup)

The northern most village on the Eternal Island, Uzlup exemplifies the Tribes love of the natural world and it's beauty.


While all matters are decisions are run by the Head Charter, Uzlup has a council of village elders that advise the Head Charter and help inform their decision.


Uzlup is home to many druids and other defenders of nature, and thus many fearsome beasts dwell in the village and prowl it's outskirts, ready to strike at sources of danger.

Industry & Trade

Uzlup is the primary grower of vegetables, livestock and medicinal herbs for the Tribe, providing food and aid to the other villages.


Uzlup is the home of many Lyr-Kel and Junglings who have moved away from their native lands in the north. Many members of the other villages who becom sick or are suffering from other afflictions travel to the village in the hopes of alleviating their symptoms.


Uzlup estols the virtues of nature, and thus strives to be as unobtrusive as possible when constructing their houses. Most houses are carved out of trees or utilize other existing natural structures, with as little modification as possible.


Uzlup is located in the northernmost territory of the Eternal Island, and is surrounded by many secluded groves and wooded areas.

Natural Resources

Uzlup is home to Jaremba's Grove, a massive grove that grows many powerful medicinal herbs. The Grove is watched over by awakened panther known as Jaremba.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of the Wild
Aprox (100,000) (40,000 Tamun, 40,000 Ro Humans, 10,000 Junglings, 5,000 Lyr-Kel, 5,000 other races
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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