Sveti Settlement in Matera | World Anvil
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Sveti (S-vet-e)

The southern most village in Eternal Territory, Sveti village produces the fiercest hunters and trackers of the tribe.


Like the other villages, Sveti is ruled over by the Head Charter, and their word is absolute. The Head Charter often divides responsibilities between leaders of various hunting parties.


The hunters of Sveti are keen warriors and excellent jungle strikes, and all residents of the villages begin training with a Bladebow as soon as they can hold one, making it one of the most dangerous villages to initiate conflict in. The villages also has countless traps hidden throughout, such as pit spikes and trip nooses, dealing with anyone who enters without permission.

Industry & Trade

Sveti is responsible for carving and crafting the weapons and tools that the Tribe utilizes, sending out high quality weapons to the other villages.


Due to being the primary crafted of weapons Sveti has the highest stockpile of weapons and gear of any of the villages.

Guilds and Factions

Sveti is full of various hunting parties and alliances who compete against each other for the attention of the Head Charter.


Not many outsiders travel to Sveti, as they are the most territorial and quickest to resort to eating trespassers. Many youth travel to Sveti to learn how to hunt, properly prepare meat, and utilize all the parts of a kill.


Sveti villagers craft sturdy houses, often utilizing the bones of massive beasts and the remains of foolish trespassers.


Sveti is hidden away in the southernmost part of the Eternal Island. The village allows the trees of the forest to grow heavily to help conceal the village and it's inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Sveti is home to the Humming Grove, where there unique trees grow the the tribe uses in crafting their Eternal Bladebows.
Alternative Name(s)
The Village of Bone
Aprox 100,000 (40,000 Tamun, 40,000 Ro Humans, 10,000 Half-Veca Half-Elves, 5,000 Veca Elves, 5,000 other races)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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