Nikuma Settlement in Matera | World Anvil
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Nikuma (Nik-ooh-ma)

The easternmost village on Eternal Island, Nikuma is responsible for training deadly warriors and upholding the free spirit of the tribe.


While technically lead by the Head Charter, Nikuma has always had a hands-off approach to government, which most people free to act as they choose as long as their actions remain in the interest of the tribe. Nikuma is the only village where a regular member could easily become a Head Charter. Any member of Nikuma is free to challenge the Head Charter to a duel, allowing for the strongest to lead, although if the challenger does not show a strong understanding of the Charters duties, they will not be accepted by the rest of the village.


In addition to the many strong warriors the are forged in the village, Nikuma almost always has one of the Ra-hei giants visiting the village, as the tribe has an alliance with the giants and Nikuma is closest to their territory.

Industry & Trade

Nikuma is closest to the river, and thus often sends water, both for drinking and to be blessed for rituals to the other villages. They also partake in a large amount of fishing and mixing of the special mud used by the tribe.


Nikuma is a very chaotically crafted city, with little rules or regulations on where one can build a house or set up a stall, and thus is often changing as conflicts arrive.


Those wishing to perfect their martial power often travel to the village, and those who have trouble finding acceptance in other areas of the island often find themselves able to easily fit in to the chaotic structure of the city.


Most Nikuma houses are carved out of stone mined from nearby quarries or from the Ebon Range, allowing them to withstand attacks, or rowdy tribesman practicing combat.


Nikuma lies right on the edge of the ~ river, acting as the first line of defense from any threats that descend from the Ebon Range.
Alternative Name(s)
The Free Village
Aprox 100,000 (40,000 Tamun, 40,000 Ro Humans, 10,000 Eleyef, 10,000 other races)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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