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Cosmon (Kos-mon)

Born of the union of mortals and the beings of balance, Cosmons are the rarest of the cosmic races, as such beings rarely interact with mortals in a way that would birth a cosmon.

Basic Information


Like all of the cosmic races, each cosmon is unique in its physicality, inheriting traits of both its divine and mortal parents. Sometimes, a cosmons cosmic power is purely mental, and it might appear as a normal member of its mortal parent species until its power is utilized.

Genetics and Reproduction

Any humanoid creature may give birth to a cosmon, but it is much more common for them to spring from humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cosmons are slow growers, often reaching adulthood five years after the normal age for their mortal parent.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cosmons often share the dietary needs with their mortal parent, but often find that need to eat much less than normal to sustain themselves.

Biological Cycle

Most Cosmons share any biological needs with their mortal parents, but are often less affected by things such as temperature or seasonal change.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

A cosmons' facial characteristics vary depending on the mixing of their mortal and outsider parents. Sometimes they appear as a normal member of a mortal race, but sometimes having more otherworldly and alien features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Being the rarest of the cosmic races, cosmons lack a true socieity of their own, and thus can be found scattered through the world. Many cosmons are born in the cities closest to Ygg, the World Tree, as many of the more mysterious outsider races descend from their.

Average Intelligence

Most cosmon posses a strange spiritual wisdom, often realizing profound knowledge that is beyond their years.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All cosmons possess darkvision, regardless of their mortal parents race.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Cosmons usually share the naming traditions of their mothers species.

Major Organizations

Cosmons are considered uniquely spiritual beings, and can often be found working in churches, especially religions tied to supreme beings such as the World Tree or even Death itself. They often become oracles or other important ritualists.

Beauty Ideals

Cosmons often have the strangest of otherworldly features, and thus struggle with their ideas of beauty, but often tie them closely to their mortal parent.

Gender Ideals

Cosmons often share the same gender roles as their mortal parent, but often find themselves at the center of important events regardless of gender.

Courtship Ideals

Most Cosmons share the courtship ideals as their mortal parent, but often struggle to attract any sort of courtship due to their extra strange natures.

Relationship Ideals

Being one of the rarer cosmic races, cosmons struggle to find their identity, and are often mistaken for either an Aasimar or a Tiefling, and are treated thusly. Their connection to the mystical world means that they struggle to relate to their peers and are often isolated and lonely.

Average Technological Level

Axions share the technological levels of their mortal parent, but don't often craft new technologies of their own. Many find themselves instinctively drawn to religious tools and iconography

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All cosmons have an innate understanding of Celestial, regardless of their formal education. The usually can speak the normal languages of their mortal parents. Some cosmons can even speak more exotic languages or even speak telepathically.

Common Etiquette Rules

If a cosmon has a more prominent and outstanding physical feature, it is often considered rude to comment on it.

Common Dress Code

While they often share the same dress code as their mortal parent, many cosmons feel drawn to long robes, especially ones that are grey or black colored.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Cosmons often follow the same traditions of their mortal parent, and often will rise to important positions in such rituals, even when they actively try to avoid becoming the center of attention.

Common Taboos

Many cosmons feel as if they have some sort of grand purpose to the universe, and thus those whos actions are actively harmful to the fabric of the universe are viewed as the most vile of creatures.

Common Myths and Legends

Most cosmons worship one of the Supremes, such as The Author, Death, or Ygg, but can be found worshiping gods of balance or even multiple gods at once.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

When understood, Cosmons are well respected by most races. They are viewed as divine arbiters of the gods, and potential avatars of the Tree of Life. More extremely aligned races mighty view them as wishy-washy cowards, and the other cosmic races often view them with jealousy, as they often don’t face the stigma and discrimination they do.

Racial Table - Cosmon: Hit Dice: D10; Class Skills: Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Sense Motive; Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier; Weapon Proficiency: Martial; Armor Proficiency: Medium
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Cosmic Lineage, Cosmic Resistances, Otherworldly Trait
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Mortal Trait
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Otherworldly Trait
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Mortal Trait, +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Increased Resistances, Otherworldly Trait
Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
Same as mortal parent +5 As mortal parent As mortal parent As mortal parent
1This category includes armigers, barbarians, bloodragers, imbuers, kineticists, leaches, oracles, psychics, ravelers, realmstriders, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists   2This category includes antipaladins, arcanist, armorsmiths, bards, brawler, cavaliers, fighters, gamblers, gunslingers, hunters, mediums, mesmerist, paladins, pantheists, rangers, samurai, shamans, skalds, slayers, spellthiefs, summoners, swashbucklers, tricksters, vigilantes, wardens, weaponsmiths, and witches.   3This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, explorers, inquisitors, investigators, jewelers, magi, monks, mortalists, ninjas, occultists, painters, travelers, tinkerers, warpriests, wizards and zealots.  
Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4
Female Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4 Same as mortal parent4
4Some otherworldly traits might cause the Cosmon's height and weight to vary greatly from their mortal heritage.  
Cosmon Aging Table
Middle Age (-1 to Str, Dex, and Con, +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Old (-2 to Str, Dex, and Con, +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Venerable (-3 to Str, Dex, and Con, +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Maximum Age (GM secretly decides maximum age)
Same as mortal parent x1.5 Same as mortal parent x2 Same as mortal parent x3 Same as mortal parent, but with 6 dice instead of the normal amount.
Random Cosmon Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Mortal Homeland (Roll on table for Mortal Parent Race)
51-90 Celestial/Infernal Stronghold Scholar of the Great Beyond
91-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland Table)
Random Cosmon Families
% Rolled Parental Status
01-50 Both your parents are alive
51-70 Only Father is alive
71-90 Only Mother is alive
91-00 Both your parents are dead
Random Cosmon Siblings (Roll separately on Mortal Parent Race for mortal half-siblings)
% Rolled # of Siblings
01-50 No siblings
51-00 1d2 Siblings
Cosmons live much longer than their mortal parent; often living up to six times the normal races lifespan.
Average Height
Cosmons usually share the same height ratios as their mortal parent, but are sometime born either unusually large or unusually small.
Average Weight
Cosmons usually share the same weight ratios as their mortal parent, but are sometimes born unusually limber or heavy set.
Average Physique
Many cosmos posses a strange connection to life, causing them to have hardy constitutions able to bear the pain of the world. This fortitude seems to come at the cost of their physical might, as they often struggle with the tasks of the physical world.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A cosmons coloration varies depending on the mixing of their mortal and outsider parents. Sometimes their skin color matches either one of their parents, but one of the most common manifestations of the cosmic races is a unique skin coloration.
Geographic Distribution


Type Outsider (Native)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength. Cosmons are hardy and wise, but lack might.
Size medium
Speed Cosmon have a base speed of 30 feet.
Language A cosmon begins play speaking Celestial and the racial language of their base race. A cosmon with a high intelligence score can pick from any of the bonus languages from their parent race.

  • Materil: Cosmon can be tied to any Materil, but tend towards the Materils of their mortal parent.
  • Darkvision: Cosmons can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Cosmic Lineage: Each cosmon is descended from a cosmic creature and gains abilities based on their lineage. Select one lineage at character creation based on the following table:
Lineage Typical Alignment Skill Training (+2) Spell-Like Ability (1/day)
Aeon N Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes) analyze aura
Elohim N Knowledge (Nature), Sense Motive speak with animals
Nephilim N Diplomacy, Intimidate enlarge person
Psychopomp N Heal, Knowledge (Religion) speak with dead
Shulsaga N Fly, Ride floating disk
  • Cosmic Resistances: A cosmon gains cold resistance, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance. At 5th racial level, these resistances increase to 10.
  • Otherworldly Traits: Each cosmon has extra abilities and traits unique to them. At character creation, roll on the cosmon abilities and features tables, gaining the abilities and cosmetic features listed. These traits are intrinsic to each specific cosmon and cannot be changed. At 3rd and 5th racial levels, a cosmon gains new otherworldly traits.
  • Mortal Traits: At 2nd and 4th racial level, a cosmon gains abilities based on its mortal parent race. Pick any ability from their mortal parents racial level table of a level equal to or lower than the cosmon racial level and the cosmon gains that ability.

Alternate Racial Trait
  • Balance Seeker: Some cosmon are innately attune to fighting off radical creatures. They gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls an to AC against outsiders with two alignment subtypes, and gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Planes) and Spellcraft checks to identify the such outsiders or effects or items created by such outsiders, and can make such checks untrained. These bonuses increase by 1 for every five hit dice beyond the 1st the Cosmon possesses. This trait replaces the Cosmic Resistances trait.
  • Divine Eyes (Sp): Some cosmon gain the ability to manifest divine power in their eyes that gives off light as a torch. A cosmon with this trait can do this as an at will spell-like ability. When using their divine eyes, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against creatures that are not of a neutral alignment, and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled. These bonus increases by one for every five hit dice beyond the 1st the cosmon possesses This trait replaces the darkvision trait.
  • Neutral Resistance (Ex): Some cosmon are more resistant to the effects of alignment magic. They gain spell resistance equal to 5 + their hit dice against spells and spell-like abilities with an alignment descriptor, as well as spells or spell-like abilities from outsiders with an alignment subtype. This trait replaces the Cosmic Resistance trait.
  • Mortal Heritage: Some cosmon are more connected to their mortal lineage. These cosmon gain the starting ability score modifiers of their mortal parent race. This trait replaces the spell-like ability of the Cosmic Lineage trait and alters the cosmons ability scores.

% Otherworldly Trait
01 You automatically sense the direction of any planar rifts within 2 miles of you. (Su)
02 You gain a +4 on saves versus effects with the emotion descriptor.
03 You gain a racial bonus on a single Knowledge check of your choice equal to ½ your Hit Dice.
04 Any weapon you wield is treated as if it had the Ghost Touch enchantment. (Su)
05 You gain a +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against outsiders with an alignment subtype.
06 You possess two claws that are treated as primary natural attacks and deal 1d4 points of damage.
07 You have blindsight 60 feet, but it only detects the presence of undead creatures. (Ex)
08 You gain a +1 deflection bonus to your AC.
09 You gain an Oracle Curse. If you would gain spells from the curse, you can use those spells as a spell-like ability 1/day each. (Sp)
10 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Strength score.
11 You automatically succeed any Knowledge checks to identify spells or spell-like abilities that heavily interacts with mortal souls, such as the spell Magic Jar or Trap the Soul.
12 Whenever you score a critical hit on a creature, that creature takes 1d4 points of non lethal damage. If you confirm that critical hit, that creature is staggered for 1 round. (Ex)
13 You can cast Floating Disk once per day. (sp)
14 You possess the unnatural aura monster ability, except that the DC to make animals come near you is equal to 10 + ½ your character level + your Charisma modifier. (Ex)
15 1/day, you can move as if your base land speed was 50 feet. (Ex)
16 You are unnaturally large, becoming one size category larger than your mortal race.
17 You can cast Protection from Outsiders 1/day. (Sp)
18 Once you’ve reached adulthood, you never seem to age, although you still take aging penalties as normal and die when your time is up. (Ex)
19 You can cast spells in any form you take, similar to the Natural Spell feat. (Ex)
20 You gain an additional +2 bonus to your Dexterity score.
21 You can communicate telepathically with any creature you remain in physical contact with. (Su)
22 You can speak and understand any outsider, as if under the Tongues spell. (Sp)
23 Once per day, you can cast Challenge Evil, save that you can use it on any creature, regardless of alignment. (Sp)
24 For a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice, you can animate a large stone to serve as a floating shield for you, granting you a +4 shield bonus to AC. (Su)
25 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
26 You gain a +4 racial bonus on Knowledge checks to identify the weaknesses of creatures.
27 Once per day, you can cast Speak with Animals. (Sp)
28 Once per day, for 1 minute, you can understand any creature as though using Tongues. (Sp)
29 Any creature you kiss must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Charisma modifier) or become staggered for 1 minute. (Su)
30 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Constitution score.
31 At the end of your turn, any creature you are grappling must make a Fortitude save (DC: DC 10 + ½ HD + Charisma modifier) or become fatigued. Creatures already fatigued become exhausted instead. (Su)
32 Once per day, you can cast Detect Thought. (Sp)
33 You are followed by a single Dancing Light that resembles a ball of embers. If the light is dispelled, it reforms at the start of the next day. (Su)
34 You can alter what age you physically look like in regards to your race, as long as you remain in your size category. It is purely cosmetic, and you gain no bonuses or penalties for those ages. (Su)
35 You gain acid resistance 5.
36 You roll twice and take the better result on saving throws against the effects of undead creatures.
37 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks.
38 Whenever you take elemental damage or positive or negative energy damage, you gain immunity to that type of damage for 1 round. (Ex)
39 Any other creature within 15 feet of you automatically fails on any roll on a d20 that results in a 1. Skill checks fail regardless of bonuses, and attack rolls become confirmed critical failures. (Su)
40 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Intelligence score.
41 1/day each, you can raise or lower the light level of an area of a 10 foot radius. This effect works even against magical darkness, but only lasts 1 round per hit dice. (Su)
42 Your skin color changes based on your emotions, and can see the emotion auras of people. (Su)
43 You are unusually short, gaining the traits of a creature one size category smaller than you.
44 Once per day, you can hold a broken item and a whole item in each hand. The whole item becomes broken, while the broken item is repaired to full function. (Su)
45 You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to you AC.
46 You gain spell resistance equal to 10 + ½ your hit dice. (Ex)
47 You feel sick to your stomach and take a -1 penalty on ability checks within 30 feet of a non-neutral outsider. (Su)
48 You can utilize Meld into Stone as an at-will, but only to meld with gravestones, cemetery monuments, lych-gates, mausoleum walls, and similar structures. (Sp)
49 Once per day, you can cast Ghostly Disguise. (Sp)
50 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Wisdom score.
51 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
52 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
53 Once per day, you can cast Invisibility. (Sp)
54 Once per day, when you are at 0 hit points, you can take a full round of actions without losing a hit point and falling unconscious. (Ex)
55 You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease.
56 Once per day, you can cast Shield. (Sp)
57 Whenever you treat a disease using the Heal skill, you gain a +1 racial bonus and roll twice and take either result
58 You heal yourself double the normal amount when resting. (Ex)
59 You have strange, stretchy arms, and gain an increased reach of 5 feet.
60 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Charisma score.
61 You can speak with spiders, and non-magical spiders never attack you unless magically compelled. (Su)
62 Once per day, you can look at the strands of your fate. You are staggered for as long as you remain in this state, but you roll twice on all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. This state lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. (Su)
63 You can cast Minor Image 1/day. (Sp)
64 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks.
65 You gain DR 1/-
66 You are immune to undead creatures' create spawn ability.
67 You gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks
68 You gain a +2 racial bonus on confirming critical hits against outsiders with an alignment subtype.
69 You are constantly under the effect of the Deathwatch spell. (Sp)
70 You gain a swim speed of 30 feet.
71 Any creature with 0 or less hit points that is adjacent to you at the start of its turn is affected by the Bleed spell with a caster level equal to your hit dice. (Sp)
72 You are immune to energy drain, ability damage, and ability drain.
73 24 hours after your death, you return to life as if raise dead was cast on you. This ability only functions 1d4 times in your lifetime. (Su)
74 You gain a +4 racial bonus to avoid environmental effects of the cold.
75 You gain sonic resistance 5.
76 You gain the ability to speak Necril.
77 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks.
78 You can touch a single item to bond with it. Once per day, as a free action, you can teleport that item to yourself. This ability doesn’t function across planar boundaries. (Su)
79 You can read and write at twice the speed of a normal person. (Ex)
80 You gain a +1 racial bonus on Reflex saving throws.
81 Once per day, you can breath out a cone of insects in a 30 foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+½ hit dice + Constitution modifier) or be sickened for 1d3 rounds. (Ex)
82 Once per day, you can cast Haste, affecting only yourself. (Sp)
83 You feel energized and gain a +1 racial bonus on ability checks when a neutral outsider is within 30 feet. (Su)
84 You gain a +4 racial bonus to resist hot environmental effects.
85 You gain the compression ability. (Ex)
86 Once per day, you can cast Continual Flame. (Sp)
87 You gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks.
88 1/day as a move action, you can grant your melee weapon you are holding the Planar enchantment. The enchantment lasts 3 rounds or until you drop the weapon. (Su)
89 Once per day, you can cast Align Weapon. (Sp)
90 You gain a +1 racial bonus on Will saving throws.
91 You roll twice and take the better results against death effects.
92 Once per day, you can form a link with a willing creature by touching them. This link lasts for 1 round per hit dice you have. For as long as you are linked, if you would take damage, you only take half the damage and the linked creature takes the other half. (Su)
93 Once per day, you can summon a Nosoi Psychopomp, as if using Summon Monster III. (Sp)
94 You can sense when creatures are pregnant, knowing exactly how far they are along. You can also sense when a creature is in its final year of life (as long as it is dying of age). (Ex)
95 You gain a +2 racial bonus to your CMD
96 You have a natural fly speed of 20 feet (poor maneuverability)
97 Once per day, as a standard action, you can suppress your cosmon qualities for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier. (Ex)
98 You receive a bonus hit point per level.
99 1/week, you can contact a cosmic ancestor, as the spell Commune. (Sp)
00 Roll on this table twice, ignoring any rolls of 00.
% Physical Feature
01 Arms: Skeletal
02 Arms: Elemental Matter
03 Arms: Stoney forearms
04 Arms: Surrounded by rings
05 Arms: Other
06 Build: Emaciated
07 Build: Unnaturally tall
08 Build: Unnaturally short
09 Build: Unnaturally heavy
10 Build: Unnaturally light.
11 Digits: Abnormally long
12 Digits: Extra digits
13 Digits: Extra joints
14 Digits: No nails
15 Digits: Odd Number
16 Ears: Bat-like
17 Ears: Missing
18 Ears: Cat-like
19 Ears: Pointed
20 Ears: Other
21 Eyes: Cyclopic
22 Eyes: No pupils
23 Eyes: Glowing
24 Eyes: Electrical
25 Eyes: Other
26 Face: Skull
27 Face: Prodigiously long nose
28 Face: Fangs
29 Face: Elongated Tongue
30 Face: Other
31 Hands: Extra thumbs
32 Hands: Skeletal
33 Hands: Flippers
34 Hands: Eyes in palms
35 Hands: Other
36 Head: Animalistic
37 Head: Mist-Shrouded
38 Head: Bald
39 Head: Insectoid
40 Head: Other
41 Hair: Plant Vines
42 Hair: Metallic
43 Hair: Goat-like
44 Hair: Vestigial
45 Hair: Other
46 Legs: Skeletal
47 Legs: Mist Shrouded
48 Legs: Overly long
49 Legs: Long Tentacles
50 Legs: Other
51 Skin: Scaled
52 Skin: Elastic
53 Skin: Crystalline
54 Skin: Patterned
55 Skin: Insectoid
56 Skin: Strangely colored
57 Skin: Translucent
58 Skin: Variable color
59 Skin: Corpse-like
60 Skin: Other
61 Shadow: Oddly colored
62 Shadow: Overly Long
63 Shadow: Unnaturally short
64 Shadow: Flickering
65 Shadow: Other
66 Voice: Raspy
67 Voice: Tongues
68 Voice: Mental
69 Wings: Skeletal
70 Wings: Avian
71 Other: Androgynous
72 Other: Constantly surrounded by orbs of light and darkness
73 Other: Avian snood
74 Other: Runic Tattoos
75 Other: Bony ridges
76 Other: Emits strange noises.
77 Other: Antenna
78 Other: Snake-like tail
79 Other: Swollen Extremities
80 Other: Exudes ethereal mists
81 Other: Halo made of both positive and negative energy
82 Other: Made of fire
83 Other: Made of water
84 Other: Incongruous footprints
85 Other: Extremely Forgettable
86 Other: Shuffling Gait
87 Other: Inhuman voice.
88 Other: Muddish-texture
89 Other: No reflection
90 Other: No shadow
91 Other: Birthmark
92 Other: Smoking breath
93 Other: Surrounded by floating stones
94 Other: Strange smell
95 Other: Ghostly appearance
96 Other: Unnatural temperature
97 Other: Hermaphroditic
98 Other: Outline Only
99 Roll Twice, ignore any roll of 99 or higher.
00 Roll Three Times, ignore any roll of 99 or higher.


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