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History of Människar

This timeline is an extract from the Sarusian Encyclopedia of History, by Edmondo Colina and Varo Vespuccio.

Ancient Times

... 5000 IL

The first few millenia of mankind's history, a time of savagery, mystery and myth.

  • Around 8000 IL
    The Settling of the First Tribes
    Era beginning/end

    Gathering the knowledge of various tomes and with careful study of relics and existing artifacts, it is estimated that it was roughly eight thousand years ago when the first Men set foot in Människar, possibly from the northern or central, western coasts.

  • Around 8000 IL
    The Gröni
    Military action

    Soon after setting foot in the continent, the tribes of men met the Gröni, who seemingly already inhabited the lands for ages. Stories tell of the immediate savagery of the green-skinned creatures and how conflict marked the first contact between the two races. Bloody, unending wars were then led against them, escalating further later on in time.

  • Around 7000 IL
    Men meet the Dagriin
    Gathering / Conference

    Old stories tell of a time when both men and dwarves inhabited the surface; the first, expansionists and ambitious and the second, secluded and greedy. It is said that during this time, the first civilizations of mankind would raid and wage war against the Dagriin in an attempt to seize their wealth.   The dwarves themselves agree to this version of history.

  • Around 7000 IL
    The Dagriin Diaspora

    Having to deal not only with the Gröni, but also with the increasing raids and attacks from human settlements, the dwarves left their cities in the surface and proceeded to live underground, inside mountains. This marks their first contact with the Under Realm, which, according to their reports, already had the Labruntine doors.

  • Around 6000 IL
    Southrons and Northerners
    Population Migration / Travel

    Records tell that, by 6000 IL, there were already very different people living in the world, with the southrons having lighter, less rough features and an overall upbringing mood, in contrast to the robust, warlike northerners who lived near the Guardian Peaks.   There is little trace of men who lived further to the North.

  • Between 6000 and 4000 IL
    The End of Dragons

    Although it is widely debatable whether or not the fire-spewing, winged creatures truly existed, most written documents and clues suggest the creatures were driven extinct at sometime between 6000 IL and 4000 IL

  • Around 5000 IL
    The Culling of the Wilds

    Although relics and artifacts tell of a time when men lived among magical creatures and spirits, it was roughly 6 thousand years ago that the Culling of the Wilds really escalated, when mankind became determined in conquering the continent for themselves, driving other races such as the larger Gröni almost extinct and showing no mercy for forest creatures and other beasts of the wilds.

Innan Länkningen

5000 IL 1 IL

A time before the rise of the Creepers and the explosion of magic, encompasses the Second Era of Mellanvärlden, after the Culling of the Wilds or Ancient Times.

  • Around 5000 IL
    The Culling of the Wilds

    Although relics and artifacts tell of a time when men lived among magical creatures and spirits, it was roughly 6 thousand years ago that the Culling of the Wilds really escalated, when mankind became determined in conquering the continent for themselves, driving other races such as the larger Gröni almost extinct and showing no mercy for forest creatures and other beasts of the wilds.

  • Around 4000 IL
    Ascension of Darkness
    Disaster / Destruction

    With no reports of creatures such as werewolves, vampires and abyssal creatures living in the world before 5000 IL, it is around this date that they become included in the stories. They tell of a time when the night became the source for fear to the peasantry and women would hide their children from the horrors of the dark, with Winter becoming a symbol of death and harshness.

  • Around 3000 IL
    Dawn of Magic
    Life, Supernatural

    Following the rise of foul creatures from the night, those born with the strange ability of conjuring matter from the beyond and spewing fire and lightning from their hands were slowly integrated into society, using their powers to fight off evil. This is deemed as the time when Magic became widespread around towns and old civilizations, with wall carvings depicting wizards protecting the realms against the darkness.   Before to this date, those born with such abilities were outcasted, killed or ill-treated as freaks or inhuman.

  • Around 3000 IL
    The Kaliin
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first expeditions from the southern continent of Brandjörden arrive at the coast of Människar, in which the inhabitants of the latter are astounded upon seeing the tanned-skinned people and their ships of triangular sails. However, the Manniskarian soon learn of their odd customs and religion, the culture barrier then soon becomes reason for xenophobia, and the desert people are outcast and a strong sense of hate arises between the two groups.

  • Around 3000 IL
    Founding of Ellard

    The old city of Ellard, located to the east of the Guardian peaks, where it then further developed into the Ellardian civilization, an animistic people who venerated the stars and lasted for centuries.

  • -1875 IL

    The Founding of Engelia

    During the Winter Solstice of 1875, the Crown City of Engelia was founded at the top of Peak Gudomling, destined to conquer all, to achieve what mankind had never before.

  • Around 1600 IL
    The Engelian Expansion
    Military action

    After consolidating itself in the north, the Engelian Empire started a series of military campaigns in order to not only expand their influence and culture, but to conquer everything and everyone.

  • Between 1400 and 1350 IL
    Fall of Ellard

    Despite it's efforts against the Engelian Empire, Ellard was finally subdued and torn apart by the northerners, after a fabled siege that lasted for over a year.

  • Around 1000 IL
    The Foundation of Bratislen

    Following it's consolidation over other nations and civilizations that existed in the norhtern region of Människar, the The Engelian Empire † builds and founds the largest city that had ever been built, made of entirely out of white marble, it would serve as the heart of the empire, a sigil of their power and a strategical center of bureaucracy.

  • Around 600 IL
    The Engelian Dominion
    Population Migration / Travel

    Engelia experienced its golden age, and although the empire allowed most of it's citizens some degree of freedom, three things were demanded from them: To pay taxes, to abide the law and to demonstrate utter patriotism to their own heritage. However, there were those who did not feel as part of the empire, those that were shunned and cast away. Skinnier, with lighter hair, the Susans and Urans were persecuted for their differences, not only in their appearance, but due to their very way of being. Eventually, it became too much, and they fled, thousands fled, migrating south, to the very edge of the continent, where later on they would found the Twin Cities.

  • 300 IL
    The Foundation of Sarusa

    Following the migration of the southern peoples, the Urans and Susans, upon reaching the edge of Manniskar decide to establish their great bastion against Engelia, a city settled at the edge of the world, to stand against the tyranny of Engelia. Sarusa was first founded to act as a citadel, a fortress to be able to withstand years of siege, to be able to repel any army, made of red brick, in honor of those who died and had their blood spilled by Engelia.

Efter Länkningen

0 IL and beyond

The Third Era of Mellanvarlden starts roughly 8 thousand years since the settling of mankind, with The Linking of Magic marking its start.

  • 0 EL

    The Linking
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Somewhere in the world, a great catastrophe happened, when an arch-wizard attempting to attain unlimited power establishes a strong link between Mellanvärlden and Kunskar, further increasing it's effects on the world. Yet, with the linking came the Creepers, terrible and hideous creatures devoid of feeling or remorse and that had one sole purpose: To kill and devour all those whose souls were marked, all those capable of spellcasting. Bloodshed followed everywhere, as the population of wizards was massacred, with innocents and non-casters suffering greatly as collateral damage. This event split time in before and after The Linking.

  • 215 EL

    The Foundation of Umera

    As the susans and urans banded together and founded Sarusa, they prepared for the onslaught of Engelia. Yet, with time, the power of the Empire started to weaken and stagnate. Thus, the urans broke away and migrated out of Sarusa, searching for more fertile lands. They wandered north along the coast and found their settlement by the shadow of the Sky Peak range, the city of angels, Umera. 

  • 327 EL

    330 EL

    The Independence of Snadov
    Military: War

    With the decadence of Engelia, the central peoples of Människar grew dissatisfied and rebellious of the northern rule. And so, in 327, the military leader and general Niklaus Snadov organized a coup and took control of Bratislen, calling his own banners and rallying the armies of several lords in a mighty rebellion against the Empire. The war for independence lasted for three years and, despite many defeats against Engelia, the northerners failed time after time to besiege Bratislen, which gave the rebels enough time and resources to fight back. By 330, they had won the war, mostly by attrition, in which a new kingdom arose, Snadov.

  • 358 EL

    The Fall of Engelia

    Following the independence of Snadov, the power of Engelia progressively diminished; Trerian tribes grew bolder, refused to pay their tributes, and even dared raid engelian outposts. Slowly, governors grew corrupt and inefficient until it became unsustainable. In 358, the Emperor put down his crown and yielded control over the Spear Peninsula, essentially granting Treria its independence. Hostilities with Snadov ceased completely and power became decentralized. In its place, a new kingdom emerged, Thortyr, ruled by the esteemed knights of The Order, refusing religion and adopting an isolationist policy, seeking stability and peace.

    Spear Peninsula