Godric Stone Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Godric Stone

Knight of House Torrent of Littlesister Godric Stone (a.k.a. The Bastard of Breakwater, Pryor's Bastard)


After the disappearance of his father in Braavos, a large shipment of gold and soldiers arrive at his mother's castle. With this new support, Godric begins to raise an army, with the goal of retaking the Vale Islands from the North and avenging his father. He blames them for their "betrayal" at White Harbor against Lord Richard, especially the Wildling known as Brittlefang. He is bitter for not having a close relationship with his late father. He is mostly illiterate but has been taught a little bit by his mother. He has been described as a violent man, resorting to it more often than not. He is a skilled fighter, especially with a long sword. An expert horse rider and excellent naval commander from his time fighting in the Great Northern War of 408 AC. Lady Mary Torrent is his ever presence mother, influencing her son to seek revenge, not only against the North but also Godric's father's betrayal of her name.  

Family Ties

Immediate Familiy
House Sigil


Above All We Stand
Kingdom of the Vale
Jack Handy
Date of Death
1st Fortnight of the Eighth Moon
392 AC 420 AC 28 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Greta Cavebear in a battle at White Harbor


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