Seresha Jaqen Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Seresha Jaqen

Vice Magistrate Seresha Jaqen

Related Character Bio

Seresha is the only true born child of Qarlon. Born from a Lysenes prostitute her father met during his time as a mercenary captain for the city. Seresha has a pale skin tone compared to her father and brother but shares their black hair. She shares her fathers tall and lanky figure.   Seresha Jaqen is recognized by most of Lorath as a very intelligent woman. Some say she is even smarter than her father. The young woman has certainly surpassed her father in her administration ability. Since her fathers tenure began she has organized the Maze Makers into an effective bureaucratic machine. Despite her success many of the city's leading men have grown to dislike her. Her lack of diplomatic tact and ambitions to one day lead the city have rubbed many the wrong way.  


Become the First Female Magistrate.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

Free City of Lorath
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
400 AC 21 Years old


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