Season 4, Turn 20 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 20

Days 16 - 30 of the Tenth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Host | Jack Handy
Myr has been razed.   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
I offered the mercenaries a sweet deal but they read it too late. A win win is now a lose lose. Oh what tragedy!

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
A great thundering of hooves rings over the Lorash Mountains. The men of Pentos have thrown open The Gateway and the Westergate lies undefended. Khal Hazdahn unsheathes his sword and with a roar the combined forces of seven tribes crash through into Norvosi territory.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
The Senate declare a state of emergency and have ordered the citizens of Limaosy to begin evacuations towards Shalorath.   Free City of Norvos | Bio
I commend the horse riders of The Gateway for announcing their intentions. And to the people of Limaosy, I swear by the gods the riders of the Hazdahn Horde will not reach your borders. And if they do, it will be by the will of the gods, and the gods I must obey. I also ask Qohor how these raiders have made it so far, I was under the impression you had the hordes of the Dothraki at bay.   Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
The horde has no intention of raiding poor fishing villages in the north. The rich central mountains contain plenty of loot for us!   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Deepdown was also razed by some remote general of my dear mother. I vote for Pentos next!   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
I won’t stoop down to there level but the Windblown company will be wiped off the face of this earth.   Free City of Qohor | Gaming Snake
As I said in a gathering at a meeting in Lys, if Qohor is left alone to fight dothraki on their own, we would rather pay the gold to save the precious lives of our citizens and land to be burned. With gold payment, we secured that Qohor will prosper as it is til now.   The only one that offered gold and men to aid us was Lys and Lorath, what they could spare. I think I remember Myr offering some help after the war which would be too late for us as we see how war is going now.   Now if you would have a chance to fight mostly on your own or pay them gold and supply them with some food so they don't raze our lands. What would you choose?   Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
The men of Qohor are as wise as the Dothraki are fair. We were easily able to come to an agreement there, and we await missives from any other cities interested in preserving themselves.

Sickness in the Seven

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Commotion spread like wildfire through the halls and minds of Greenshield Castle. Solemn prayers were gutted, and fear loomed like ever-growing shadows close to sunset. Everyone hustled around, seemingly without aim or purpose, exchanging whispers, pleads, and curses.   "HEAR MY CALL! Faithful disciples, worry not," a deep and rumbling voice echoed through the halls, demanding order. Contrary to the dominant and vigorous voice, the words were uttered by an old, bloated man, his skin marked by the folds of age, yet immaculate as if he had never seen a day of 'honest' work. His appearance seemed frail and weighty, and his sheer aura cried out for repulsion, as if his sins tainted everything close to him. Adorned in luxurious silks and exotic ornaments, only a few knew what lay beneath, what exceeded the mere rumors surrounding him. The man in question was none other than Sept Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfart.   His 'reputation' was known far and wide—his devotion, his temper. Yet he always managed to secure his position, supported by a small yet loud fellowship of fanatics. Those unfortunate souls who tried to put him on trial for his title as Sept were best left unspoken of.   "I come to you today after hearing the shocking news. Yes! What you heard is true. Our dear, dearest High Septa," a voice so solemn it contradicted any appearance, "was found sick, at the mercy of thy mother." A wave of gasps and shocked faces made the rounds, although the news was already known to most in the courtyard of the castle.   "Yet I stand here today not to bring news of misery; on the contrary, of hope," his words clenched in the stomachs like an invisible hand. Although simple and short, his words brought the attention of grim-looking fellas and the curiosity of silently praying disciples.   "During the last Father's Day, I received the disturbing notice by raven. The maesters pleaded to keep the news under the hood, to not create panic until further notice. Only a handful knew about it, and they tried everything within their might to heal her as soon and as best as they could. Time's up, though! The maesters, blessed shall they be, until today didn't manage to cure her holiness from the unknown sickness that befell her." Looks of confusion and curiosity spread as if to know what illness is causing this. Being the good interpreter he is, Cyrus continued, "No maester has ever seen something comparable," his words accompanied by a sense of mystery, "it's otherworldly. Her majesty has no fever, no wounds, no signs of illness whatsoever. She lies unconscious in her bed, till she doesn't. What plagues her can only be lifted, in spirit. Something, someone," he points upwards, lifting his crooked finger in solemn thought, "is talking to her."   The commotion erupts nearly instantly; what before were pleads rather than prayers now turn to devoted and uplifted blessings.   "BEHOLD," Cyrus shouts, and in one instant, the courtyard is silent. "The Seven who are One have taken her to an audience," he nearly whispers. "I know it, I've seen it," he says menacingly. "She has moments of otherworldly compulsions, blank eyes that gaze beyond, words, speech that transcends our mortal realm. We shall not allow fear to taint our minds; instead, we shall focus on our prayers, for her majesty is the chosen one."   With that, spirits are lifted, and the mood erupts in joyful relief. Amidst all the commotion around him, only a keen eye could spot the deception—the subtle but creeping smile that gives away the solemn look on Cyrus's face. None of good spirit but evil intent.  
Dear Faithful of the Realm,   I'm but a mere disciple of her Grace, but I'll try to mimic and follow her guidance to the best intent of possibilities-that is, until she will back on her rightful spot again. With this purpose in mind, I hereby declare an official crusade against all the sinners of the faith, commencing with those in Essos. We will work tirelessly to eradicate these sinners until they humbly bend the knee to the rightful God!   May the Seven guide our righteous cause.   In Devotion,
— Sept Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfart
  "Princess Jaehaera, I shouldn't be surprised at this point anymore, but you are a god-blessed surprise. Your reverent devotion and dedication to the faith are far from exemplary. Your plans to affirm a new sept in the Hollow Sanctuary are met with open arms," Septon Alastair couldn't contain his joy.   "I'll make the necessary preparations to see your vision succeed, with not only the blessing but also the support of the faith."

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Section 1 - Northern Claims
  1. The North cedes all land of the Vale Islands to the Kingdom of the Vale and gives up all claim to those lands for as long as this treaty is valid.
  2. The North cedes all sealanes in the Bite, with the exception of West Bite and the waters surrounding Widow's Watch, to the Kingdom of the Vale and gives up all claim to those sealanes for as long as this treaty is valid.
  3. The North maintains claim to all mainland territory north of the Neck.
Section 2 - Vale Claims
  1. The Vale cedes all mainland territory north of the Neck to the Kingdom of the North and gives up all claim to those lands for as long as this treaty is valid.
  2. The Vale maintains claim to all islands of the Bite.
  Section 3 - Other Terms
  1. The Vale will release Magnar Brittlefang from captivity and will be responsible for any lasting injuries sustained during his imprisonment.
  2. The waters of West Bite will be maintained as a demilitarized sealane and no more than (2 troops) shall be allowed to patrol those waters.
  3. House Stark vows to enforce all maintained claims and all renouncements of claims outlined by this treaty, on both sides, for as long as this treaty is valid.
  4. House Stark, in representation of the Kingdom of the North, will pay to House Corbray, in representation of the Kingdom of the Vale, an undisclosed amount of gold, accorded by both parties, some of which will be used to build a memorial at Pebble Island to honor all those that have fallen on both sides as part of our shared bloody history and the rest of which to be used at the discretion of House Corbray.
  5. This treaty can only be nullified if the Kingdom of the North and the Kingdom of the Vale go to war again after the signing of this treaty, and only by the defending side in such a war. (If the North declares war on/goes to war with the Vale, the Vale can choose to nullify the treaty. If the Vale declares war on/goes to war with the North, the North can choose to nullify the treaty)
— Signed by King Jamie Corbray and Queen Lyanna Stark
  Gornson | Frostfang Clan | rven
I have studied the treaty yet some questions remain. How does this apply to Solitude? It is held by House Costayne, which is neither part of the North, nor part of the Vale. Until clarification is provided, I will continue with my march towards Solitude.   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
Costayne is acting alone as far as I know, so I consider that a separate conflict. No peace has been negotiated with House Costayne.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
General Greta is relieved to hear about the return of Magnar Brittlefang, yet she wonders how his time in captivity has changed him. She has to thank the Northerners, for it was their diplomacy that won the war. Costayne still maintains a camp on the mainland, and it will require military intervention to be removed   She decides to sail back to White harbor to meet with her wildling allies and other Northmen to decide the next move of Northern forces. Privately, she is hopeful for the new state of the North, as although many great men have died, so have their all-encompassing personalities. The new generation seems to be more willing to work together for common benefit.   Perhaps this is just a reflection of the desperate times the North finds itself in, however. With the Southern Kingdom united, ambitious, and potentially antagonistic, the North will require cooperation to rebuild its strength.

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
The lumberjack camp in Williswood can now hold 500 people and it's still growing. The first logs will soon arrive on the construction sites in and around Hollow Sanctuary. The declaration of a holy crusade did reach the first true believers and they already gathered 5000 gold to use for the necessary equipment. It is unsure if the call will be suppressed in parts of the Realm, but it's spreading like wildfire in the Stormlands.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
***Event of the Faith: The building of the Greatest Sept***   Story 1/3: Stone and Spirit - Princess Jaehaera's Quest   Princess Jaehaera, the Dragonstone Targaryen, led part of her entourage to the mining site at Stonedance to gather some precious ores for the Greatest Sept of All. The air buzzed with anticipation as workers unloaded carts filled with mining tools and ale. The site, however, held more than just mineral ores and ressources—it concealed a shrine of mysterious origin.   As the workers approached the shrine with curiosity, a hidden trap sprang forth, impaling some unfortunate souls on spikes. Chaos ensued, threatening to halt the mining operations. Jaehaera, with a calm yet resolute demeanor, reached the scene to assess the situation.   Upon inspection, she sensed the aura of sanctity surrounding the shrine. Determined to unlock its true potential, Jaehaera decided to take matters into her own hands. Against the opposition of her brothers-and-sisters-in-arms, she advanced toward the shrine, her very devotion shielding her from any hidden dangers.   At the shrine, she discovers a modest altar adorned with an ominous-looking bowl. Pausing for a moment, her intuition guides her to discern the appropriate offering:   Option 1: Offer a handful of gold dragons
Option 2: Offer a selection of rare herbs
Option 3: Sacrifice a portion of your blood   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera contemplates the choices she had.   Trying to bribe the gods with gold seemed a moot point for her. The powers that be would either grant someone fortune or peril. Gold could help, but you would need a lot to make a difference against someone with enough determination. This wasn't her way.   The next thing that came to her mind was her Septa Elara Stormcress. She could mend wounds and give people new hope. "I wish I could do that, too." Jaehaera mumbled. But Elaras herbs all seemed the same to her. And she simply didn't have the patience to care for a never ending stream of ill people.   "I have prayed to The Seven and tried to live agreeable to the gods. I lost my family and many friends in the war, but this is who I am and what I am willing to give: my blood, my life. I am a fighter and will fight for you. Just show me the way."   She cuts herself in her left hand and lets her blood drops fall into the bowl.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
***Option 3 (Dedicated to the Stranger)***   Ignoring the essence of faith, Jaehaera sacrifices a portion of her blood into the bowl, seeking the guidance of the Stranger. The shrine remains silent, its potential untapped. Workers, fueled by a sense of fear, become highly efficient but reckless, working faster but with a higher toll of accidents. Under any other circumstance, the preposterous act of sacrificing one's blood would have been blasphemous towards God. Yet the Seven, who are One, discern the spirit of Jaehaera; they understand the depth of her devotion.   Although one might view the act as sacrilege, the Seven, in their infinite wisdom, recognize the sincerity of Jaehaera's intentions. While they might have wished for her spirit to find solace after her past traumas, the Crone, in her divine knowledge, understands that the timing is not right. One last challenge awaits Jaehaera, and the outcome is intricately woven in the annals of time – a fragile yet resilient thread, a sign of a fated individual. This destiny, freed by the ties of God, is destined to pursue, conquer, succumb, or succeed.   Such a rare gift, or curse as some may label it, is granted sparingly. It serves not only to test human resolve but also to unearth rare gems – souls strong enough to weather earthly suffering and capable of absorbing heavenly principles. Ultimately, these chosen ones are destined to bring peace and hope to humankind.   This holy mission, endured by few and succeeded by even fewer, has left their names lost in the sands of time. Yet the tides of destiny are changing. At this moment, a turn of the century approaches, marking the first time in history when two chosen souls stand simultaneously on earthly ground.   Enveloped in the silent watchfulness, the Crone weaves her unseen presence into the tapestry of life. She is the elderly woman hanging wet laundry, her knowing smile hidden within the mundane. In the midst of playful children, she is there, unnoticed, her divine gaze blending seamlessly. The young apprentice stands in awe, as he awaits orders from the Maester who is healing Caelia, observing from within the ordinary moments of life, her watchful eyes hidden behind the veils of existence.  
In the ta▯▯stry of time, a ▯o▯rney's thr▯ad we▯ves, To▯ards a real▯ where fate's whi▯pers deceive. Ab▯ssal ▯h▯dows, thr▯nes eng▯lfed in ▯ore, A ce▯seless w▯r, des▯iny's e▯er▯▯re. Goal wit▯▯▯ g▯asp, yet veil▯d in tw▯light's glow, Not ▯ere, not ▯ow, the ▯osmic c▯rr▯nts fl▯w. M▯▯t me wher▯ the jou▯▯ey's ech▯es blend, At dust's rep▯se, when sha▯ows trans▯▯nd. On▯y then s▯all un▯er▯tandi▯▯ unf▯ld, In th▯ q▯i▯t afte▯▯ath, the st▯ry r▯▯old.
  Story 2/3: The Ambush - Alexander Bracken's Quest   In the heart of Stonedance, Princess Jaehaera Targaryen gracefully handed over the precious goods to Alexander Bracken, their destinies briefly intertwining amidst the stone walls and sea breeze. Laden with the precious cargo, Alexander began his journey back to the Hollow Sanctuary, traversing the scenic route through East Kingswood. The cargo, a bridge between royalty and ambition, embarked on its journey through the winding paths of fate.   The convoy of carts, loaded to the brim with precious resources, was accompanied by the vigilant eye of Alexander, along with his skilled fighters. The landscape around them shifted, and an air of tension lingered as the group navigated through unfamiliar terrain. The distant echoes of rustling leaves and the soft murmur of the wind were the only companions on their journey.   Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as a group of thieves emerged from the shadows, their intent unmistakable. Armed and determined, the thieves surrounded the convoy, eyeing the valuable resources with greed. Despite Alexander and his men being better equipped, they found themselves overwhelmed, facing a numerical disadvantage of ten to one. Alexander knew that this confrontation could jeopardize the progress of the Greatest Sept’s construction, and he had to make a decisive choice.   Option 1: Confront the leader of the thief’s gang in a one-on-one duel
Option: 2: Make a run for it
Option 3: Try to negotiate with the thief’s gang


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