Season 4, Turn 31 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 31

Days 1 - 15 of the Fourth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

King of the Rock, Continued

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Several days later, far from the unyielding fortress of Casterly Rock along the Gold Road at Hornvale:   As the carriage rolled along the winding road, King Otho Bracken reclined against the plush cushions, his thoughts drifting back to the tense exchange at Casterly Rock. Beside him, Lord Henry Piper rode on horseback, his gaze vigilant as he scanned the horizon for any signs of trouble.   The journey proceeded without incident, the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves mingling with the nearby murmur of the marching army. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape.   But then, in a sudden and unexpected turn of events, the tranquility of the day was shattered as an unexpected thunder struck, shaking the ground and splintering the carriage wheel. The air was filled with sharp cries of pain echoing through the air.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Piper's horse reared in alarm, its hooves skidding against the loose gravel as he struggled to regain control. Immediately, Lord Henry Piper's attention snapped to the king's carriage, shouting out to the King's Guard "To your King!" he shouted, his voice tinged with urgency as he surveyed the surroundings for any sign of danger.   The Kingsguard, trained to react swiftly in moments of crisis, moved to the side of the carriage, hands hovering over their sword hilts, ready to draw at a moment's notice. The air crackled with tension as they scrutinized the area, on high alert for any further signs of danger.   The King emerged from the carriage, his brow furrowed in concern as he took in the scene before him. "What in the Seven Kingdoms is going on out there!". Several of his men lay sprawled on the ground, clutching at their injuries as they writhed in agony.   Piper's expression darkened, his jaw set in a grim line. "It appears the thunder has come at last," he replied gravely. "Perhaps it's just an unfortunate coincidence."   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
As the reality of their vulnerability sank in, a sense of unease settled over the group. The once-clear skies now seemed ominous, the gentle breeze carrying with it a foreboding sense of danger.   With a heavy heart, King Otho Bracken realized that they had underestimated the power of the situation they found themselves in. In their pursuit of their goals, they had unwittingly invited trouble beyond their control.   And as they resumed their journey, the King couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that their every move was being scrutinized by unseen eyes. For in the realm of gods and men, there are forces far greater than mere mortal ambition, and the consequences of their actions could be dire indeed.  

Stagnant Banefort

  House Banefort | Kingdom of the Andals | Nyron
Since House Banefort and House Goodbrother have sworn fealty to King Otho Bracken and peace was established, they have known relative peace and happiness in the outer coast of the Westerlands and the Iron Islands. Though during this time, there has been little to no growth or development, namely due to the rocky and mountainous terrain that encompasses the Banefort and Goodbrother territories.   Lord Tyrus Banefort and his uncle, Lord Viktor Goodbrother, begin to work on methods to improve the overall economy and infrastructure of the Iron Islands. Their first step will be to speak with the Crown’s officials in Saltcliffe to collaborate.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
The Salt Cliffs representatives from the Crown have begun talks with House Banefort on the proposed idea of expanding mining within the major ore deposits around the Isles.   House Banefort | Kingdom of the Andals | Nyron
After speaking with the Crown’s officials and obtaining sponsorship through them, Lord Tyrus Banefort and Lord Viktor Goodbrother began an extensive ground search of the Iron Islands to look for anything of value, something that his father, the late Lord Marcus Banefort, had never cared to do. A terrific discovery was made! In various locations throughout the Iron Islands, rich deposits of iron, lead, and tin were discovered. The grandest deposits were found in the four largest islands, namely Great Wyk (Hammerhorn), Harlaw (Ten Towers), Orkmont, and Pyke.   This discovery is groundbreaking for the Iron Islands, creating a plethora of opportunities for not only its people, but to the entire region and Westeros as a whole. There is a lot of work that must be done as we are still in the beginning stages of setting our mines up. Ravens will be sent out to some of the greatest minds in the region for their assistance in getting everything up and running, as Lord Tyrus Banefort is not experienced in running such a large-scale operation.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
House Bracken will begin to invest heavily into mining operations within the Iron Islands, although with rough seas often and attacks from rogue Iron Born reavers, it may take years before a return to profit is possible  

A New Conquest for the Andals, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Surrounded by grandiose walls, a fulfilled man sits on a throne of iron. The curiosities of life have carried him to achieve everything a man of ambition would want; power, wealth, and family.   Otho Bracken had never intended to be King. His life truly began with a lust for revenge, after his father was viciously cut down by the dragons he has now tamed. Now, well, he has become the very embodiment of the man that had once ruined his life. A conqueror, a king, and a legend.   Life has a sense of humor in that sense. While he may wear the face of a King, bear the heavy crown, and be feared by his enemy and kin alike… a sense of regret lingers in his soul. There had been no choice, obviously. What else could he have done? Let the realm be torn apart? No, it had been his duty to bear the crown… to protect his lands and his family.   That, too, is a lie he told himself so many times he almost believes it. Otho was born to conquer, to lead. The Crown may be heavy, but it fits. He likes who he is. While wounds may still linger, he has inflicted more pain on his enemies than his own body suffers.   Now, before him, stands the embodiment of his legacy. His firstborn. Such a sad fate for his poor boy. He surely knows that he has been replaced by the blood of the dragon, but it is not a word that shall ever be spoken between the two men. He conquers, yes, the scraps of what Otho has not done. But an achievement nonetheless.   The trip to Casterly Rock had been long and expensive to his credibility as King. The time to reign is here, and order must first be brought down upon his ambitious son. And so, Otho sits and awaits his son to explain what he’s gotten himself into these past few months.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
As Alexander entered the throne room of the Red Keep, he felt the weight of his recent conquest pressing heavily upon his shoulders. His heart raced with anticipation as he approached the Iron Throne, where his father, Otho, sat in stern contemplation, holding Blackfyre, while flanked by Queen Helaena.   With a deep breath, Alexander knelt before the throne, his head bowed in deference to the king. "Father," he began, his voice steady but tinged with remorse, "I have returned from the Stepstones, but not as you commanded. I return from what I'm calling the New Holy Lands (Stepstones) and I have declared you the King of these new lands."   Otho's gaze bore down upon his son, his expression unreadable as he listened intently to Alexander's words. The air crackled with tension as Alexander continued, recounting his actions in the tumultuous archipelago and the bold move he had made in declaring Otho the King of the Narrow Sea and the New Holy Land.   For a long moment, silence hung heavy in the throne room, broken only by the distant echoes of the city beyond. Then, with a slow and deliberate movement, Otho rose from the Iron Throne, his eye ablaze with a mixture of anger and pride.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Otho's eyes stare firmly at Alexander, a sigh escaping his lips.   "Merely naming something as such does not make it so. Those Stepstones are a land of misery and pain, albeit an important strip of this world's misery. Call them as you will, but I will not engage with your deluded naming convention. Your conquest, however, seems like it was effective. You have learned well."   "King of Stepstones? Hmph. So be it. I assume you will actually handle the matter."   Otho winces for a second, deciding to sit back down. His expression remains hardened, fixated on his son.   "I have been away from this city too long. That damned trip to Casterly Rock was a mistake. Tell me, what other deeds of yours have I missed?"   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Alexander gauged his father’s mood carefully, understanding that his words must be chosen with care to soothe rather than inflame.   “Father, the Stepstones could evolve beyond their notorious reputation. With lords and knights embarking on pilgrimages to the region, initiating the establishment of law and order, it's conceivable that it transforms into more than a mere refuge for pirates and outlaws. There's potential for real governance there, and prosperity too.”   He paused, ensuring his father was receptive before continuing. “During my campaign, I also dealt with Vargo Mott, the Qohorik warlord. His threats have been...silenced, which should bring some peace to the neighboring seas and shores and open up trade routes once more."   Alexander shifted slightly, the topic sensitive yet significant. “Furthermore, the Dornish castle of High Tide is now without a lord following Jay Dalt's demise. Given Prince Dalt's...close connection to Queen Helaena, it seemed only fitting that the lordship could be offered to Her Majesty, if she wishes. It would honor her heritage and strengthen our ties in Dorne.”   Taking a moment, Alexander let the information sink in before touching on another alliance that could benefit the crown. “My interactions with Moredo Rogare have grown increasingly positive. Our relationship has developed into what could be considered a union of interests. The Rogare family’s influence, particularly in banking and finance, could prove a substantial asset. Their friendship could be invaluable to us.”   Lastly, Alexander approached a topic close to his heart, his voice softening with emotion. “Uncle Raynald fought bravely at Bloodstone, where he met his end. It's my wish to see him laid to rest in a manner befitting his valor. Following this, I aim to travel North. Queen Lyanna Stark commands the loyalty of the North. I believe an alliance through marriage could unite our realms in peace rather than conflict. It's a venture I wish to explore, with your blessing.”   Alexander remained still, his eyes fixed on his father, awaiting Otho’s response to his plans and hoping his proposals would be met with favor, or at least, understanding.  

Long Tom is No More

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
It is announced the death of Lord Long Tom. Many moons he has been bedridden and for many weeks unable to speak. While in mourning, Armstead observes all the burial rights as per his fathers wishes. A message is sent to the King, informing him of the position of Hand to be announced so a transition of that title may be done as soon as the crown wishes it. Rumors spread that Armstead has taken to drinking and using the opium stocks left over from old dealings with Jackson Dalt. These rumors are unsubstantiated, yet they seem to spread as if the truth since Armstead refuses to leave his keep during his time of mourning. He hasn't been seen much since the funeral.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Although Prince Alexander is in the North and unable to attend a service, House Bracken of Hasty Hall sends their regards. The loss of Lord Thomas Costayne is a loss not only for his family but for the Realm. Few have served the Realm with such success and longevity as "Long Tom" Costayne. The Flame atop the The Hightower will burn the sigil colors of House Costayne from this day forward in Honor of the Lord Hand.  

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
General Banyani Jaqen had joined his vanguard in the short crossing to Lorash. He hoped to surprise the local warlord defending the city by arriving by sea instead of taking the slow march overland. The main army was slowed by the rough terrain and the need to garrison the newly acquired villages of the Shivering Coast. His gamble seemed to work as the vanguard and the fleet began a siege of the lightly defended city.   “Who did you say was in command!?” Banyani sure he had misheard his messenger.   “Umm… Chancellor Vargo Mott sir, he is willing to parley with the command staff. ” Banyani and his commanders shared a look of confusion.   Vargo Mott or at least the man claiming to be him stood atop the battlements of Lorash. His face concealed in one of the Black Goat's helmets or perhaps a replica of one. The man was at least scarred like the Chancellor and his hands placed on the wall showed several missing fingers. He was almost sure the man was a fraud but then again he never met the Chancellor in person.   “You wish to surrender, Chancellor!?” Banyani shouted to the pretender just out of crossbow range.   “No Commander, I wish to know what Lorath is doing in Qohorik lands!? I have received no formal declaration of war!” The Chancellor shouted back in a deep gravelly voice.   “We felt none was necessary with your death, dear Chancellor. As well the fact that Lorash is rightful Lorathi territory.” Banyani's troops within earshot let out a battle cry taunting and insulting the city's defenders.   “You are mistaken, news of my death has been circulated by my enemies in Qohor. As for Lorash, my men still hold the walls. If your Republic wishes to reclaim it then I suggest you break camp and send a proper delegation.” The Chancellor's men shouted insults back at his troops.   “If you wish to continue your charade sir you best heed my demands. If you make me take this city by force I'll have you hanged and your men pulling oars for the rest of their pitiful existence.I have no time for some backwater commander to play make believe. Handover the city and you have my word that you will be granted an audience with the Senate. You can plead your case and your men can walk free.” The so-called Vargo Mott was briefly stunned.   “May I have a day to discuss with my officers?” much of the bravado had left the Chancellor's voice.   “You have till morning to give me an answer.” Banyani did not have to wait until morning as he and his forces were allowed to enter the city just as night fell.  

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Stonemasons and bricklayers and lumberjacks and carpenters have worked tirelessly during the last ... years? It surely feels like years. The building of the Greatest Sept is slowly becoming visible in all the chaos of craftsmen, cooks, helpers, army battalions and onlookers. It is time to find the greatest artisans of our time to fill the inside of the Sept with art worthy of the Seven!   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
The North is not exactly known for its artisans, but there exists at least one exception. Living in the port of Fisherton is a shipwright by the name of Stephan that is quickly growing a reputation as the best shipbuilder in the North, possibly in all of Westeros. Ships that he builds are of the highest quality in the Ironwood Fleet and many experienced sailors can quickly recognize the difference between one of his ships and ships built by others, though nearly anyone can tell he built a ship by simply glancing at it; Each ship built by Stephan sports a masterwork figurehead that could easily pass as a work of art fit for a royal palace or grand temple. Each one is unique, custom made to fit the personality and aesthetic of their future captain, and they are all carved with intricate detail far beyond what most would expect to see on a ship's figurehead.   Stephan the Shipwright is not a religious man by any stretch, caring not for the old gods nor the new. He will likely not seek out this job on his own, but he also would not reject it if offered to him. Stephan cares only for his craft.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
A raven arrives in Fisherton. It's addressed to Stephan the Shipwright.   Septa Elara Stormcress asks personally for a statue from Stephan. She had seen one of his masterpieces on a ship arriving in Storm's End.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Gary of Waterwend is a very skilled mason.  

Fleet of Pentos Dispute

  House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
The Senate Halls of Pentos are in furor. Despite so many advocating for the decision just weeks prior, just as many magistrates now seem to denounce the decision. Their true aim perhaps being to simply erode the city’s trust in the ability of House Mopatis to rule.   But Princess Ellyria Mopatis has announced the outcome of her conference, regardless of the senators, nonetheless. In a brave summit with Thaeros Naaris of Myr in Nontelos, witnessed by Moredo Rogare of Lys, a settlement was reached.   House Mopatis of Pentos announces an end to the war between Pentos and Myr. All hostilities between both Cities are to come to an end. Peace talks however, are confirmed to still be ongoing with Norvos and Ny Sar.   Free City of Norvos | Bio
The city of Norvos welcomes negotiations and peace talks. Our followers do not wish for any more bloodshed. The High Priest is missing and without his guidance we are unsure of the next steps, but war and fighting is not a step for us anymore.  
  • Message from Acolyte to the Gods Throne of Norvos
  • Tournament at Pinkmaiden

      House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
    Ravens fly out en masse from the rookery of the refurbished and expanded castle of Pinkmaiden. Birds fly over newly erected towers of the castle, expanded segments of walls reaching all the way down to the river line of the Red Fork, and across the fields and forests surrounding the vibrant castle that now are filled with construction. Work is at its peak as hundreds of people tie posts together and hammer joints into place.   The Ravens fly to all corners of Westeros and beyond, carrying one message from Lord Paramount Henry Piper:   "To all the noble Lords and Ladies that may receive my humble letter,   I am Lord Henry Piper, Paramount of the Trident and Lord of Pinkmaiden. I invite you here and today to what is to be the grandest spectacle Westeros has ever seen. I host a tournament for all who wish to witness or compete, and I ask that you as well not only nominate a champion, but also come and attend in person. Accommodations have already been prepared for your arrival to this unrivaled spectacle, and it would be my greatest honor to host you. "   "More than just more games to watch and compete in then ever held before, but the prizes have never been higher. competitors have the chance to win prizes from our pool of over 50,000 gold stags. Not only that, but the first place winner of this tournament may earn the chance to acquire the title of "Lord of Casterly Rock", if they think themselves capable.   So come one and all, I hope that my offer has proven tempting enough for you to accept my challenge. I shall see you all very soon.   May the gods watch over us all,   Lord Henry Piper   At the bottom of the page is a final paragraph detailing the specifics of attendance.   The tournament is to take place in a month’s time (two turns), with a small admission fee of 500 gold to cover the cost of fighters accommodations and provided luxuries. Further details of the rules of the tournament shall be provided upon admission.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
    "The faith deems it unnecessary to partake and shall not deign to trouble itself with attendance"   House Dayne | Kingdom of the Andals | Tadashi
    Lord Davos Dayne shall attend this tournament.


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