Season 4, Turn 04 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 04

Days 16 - 30 of the Second Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
The Duel of Oakheart and Bracken 420 AC
(This RP Death of a POV or Main Character, has been approved by both players.)   Amidst the chaos of the Battle of Old Oak, where the clash of armies created a cacophony of war cries and clashing steel, the fates of two formidable warriors hung in the balance. Lord Jack Oakheart, once a scholar and bard, had become a brutal man from his time in Essos within the Golden Company. He processed a raw and unorthodox fighting style, which he used to his advantage, even against knights such as Otho Bracken. Oakheart stood tall and resolute, his grip unwavering on the legendary Valyrian steel sword, Blackfyre. King Otho Bracken, a hardened and seasoned warrior, deadly in the art of combat, eyed his opponent with the fiery determination of a true warrior. He had been unstoppable that day, leading his armies into the heart of the battle, cutting down everyone in his way.   The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a blood-red glow over the battlefield, mirroring the bloodshed that had already stained its earth. Minutes turned to hours, as the battle raged on and a large full moon broke out of the smoke from the burning castle. Jack Oakheart had carved a path of death and destruction through the enemy ranks, having dueled and slew both Lord Racheval Serry and the valiant son of Lord Alester Florent, Ser Sam Florent, in one-on-one combat. But the cost had been high. His armor was battered, his body bruised and bleeding, his leg had been crushed beyond recognition. Each step he took sent waves of pain coursing through his weary frame.   On the other side of the field, King Otho Bracken stood unyielding, his armor adorned with the sigil of House Bracken, a black stallion rampant on a field of red. He had seen his fair share of battles and had left his mark on the annals of history by slaying several lords in mutual combat. Otho had long coveted the Valyrian steel sword, Blackfyre, and knew that if he could wrest it from Oakheart, he could legitimize his rule even further with Houses unsure of who to join in the war but he also wanted the glory of claiming the weapon of Aegon the Conqueror.   The clash between these two titans was inevitable. As the war drums roared and the trumpets blared, they approached each other with a grim determination. The air around them seemed to thicken, charged with the anticipation of the impending duel.   "Good Ser Jack, today our swords shall dance in the moonlight, and history shall remember this clash of honor and valor!" Bellowed Bracken.   Jack, unwavering, with his face emotionlessly, stared back at the River King. Then his face seemed to break for just a second, with a slight, devil may smile, he said, "Indeed, Ser Otho, may our blades meet with both skill and chivalry. May the outcome be as fate decrees, and our honor shine brightly in the moon's gentle glow.... May the Warrior defend you."   Otho nodded in agreement, as he lowered his visor and ran directly towards Jack's position.   With a swift, thunderous clash of their blades, the duel commenced. Sparks flew as Blackfyre met King Otho's sword in a dazzling display of skill and power. Jack's strikes were as swift and deadly as the wind, each swing an artful dance of death. Otho, more skilled but unfamiliar with Jack's style, defended himself with a stoic resolve, parrying and riposting with the precision of a master swordsman, although caught off guard at the same time.   After several minutes, there was a break in the action and Bracken raised his visor to speak. "You don't have to do this, lay down the Sword and I will spare you and your House. The Iron Throne is mine by right, you must see that," Otho's words cut like his blade.   Jack, spitting out a mouthful of blood and with a sly grin, responded,"I appreciate the offer Otho, I do, but my loyalty to Vaegon runs deeper than my fear of death. I plan to end this war before it begins. So let's decide who will live and who is worthy to meet the Stranger."   Otho tightens his grip on his sword, "So be it."   The duel was fierce and intense, with each man pushing his limits. Jack's grit, the passion he had for this man's death by his hand, was infectious, while the power and experience of Bracken was evident, as Otho's unwavering determination was a force to be reckoned with.   In a moment of brutal ferocity, as Jack noticed that Otho hadn't lowered his visor again, slashed Blackfyre across his face, leaving a deep gash that seeped blood and obscured the king's vision. Jack paused, unable to kill Otho while he was incapacitated. Was it nerves or did he really not have it in him to kill this man like a blind dog. In the end, the moment was too quick, as Jack didn't even have time to second guess his decision, with Otho seemlying shrugging off the slashed eye with a fierce, lunging attack right at Jack's guard. Meanwhile, Jack's leg, already crushed from his duel with Racheval Serry, began to finally betray him. He was unable to properly put weight on it, forcing him to move less and less, making him an easier target as the duel went on.   Fueled by sheer willpower and rage, Otho pressed the attack, his strikes growing more aggressive and relentless. And then, with a swift and cunning maneuver, Otho delivered a devastating blow, cleaving through Jack's weakened defenses and striking a fatal blow.   Lord Jack Oakheart fell to his knees, his lifeblood spilling onto the blood-soaked ground. Jack tried to speak but nothing happened. He tried again but could only cough blood, painfully wheezing for air. His grip on Blackfyre loosened, and the legendary Valyrian steel sword slipped from his grasp. Otho Bracken, victorious but grievously wounded, stood in front of his fallen adversary, his eye seared with pain and fury.   As Jack lay on the ground, dying quicker by the moment, his mind slowly wandered off, taking him deep into his memory and away from the battle... Away from the pain and suffering he was feeling. Suddenly he was experiencing a distant memory, long ago, alongside a small brook off the Mander river, several miles outside of Ashford castle. The year was 407 AC, and he was washing his boots off in the stream after he had stepped in cow dung. Siegfried Swann, the Black Swann, was leaning against a tree, polishing an apple on his shirt.   "You missed a spot," Siegfried teased Jack. "You don't want to track cow shit into Visyena's party!" He laughed at Jack.   Jack, only mildly amused, turned to him, still squatting by the water, "Thanks mate, I don't know what I'd do without you," he said sarcastically.   "Oak, can you believe it? The Queen! The fuckin Queen mate.... specifically invited us to perform for her," Swann took a bite from his apple. "If this works out, we won't have to worry about becoming the "Lords of Who Gives a Shit!" He said, cracking himself up. "We can drink, sing and get paid in gold to party with the Royal Court... Hell, maybe even Jay Dalt will pay us to write poems about his pirate days," Siegfried smiled from ear to ear. "We're gonna be rich my friend and without a care in the world!"   Jack finished cleaning his boots. He stood up and looked over at Swann, "Aren't you setting sail for Pentos soon? I thought your Uncle had plans for you to meet up with their Magistrate... What's his name? Hodor? Horror?"   Siegfried scoffed with a smirk, "Yeah exactly, the Horror of Pentos!" They both laughed. Siegfried continued, "Horro Mopatis, he's a powerful man and his family is one of the most influential across the Narrow Sea and it's my duty to ensure the future of House Swann by marrying his daughter," he rolled his eyes, mockingly repeating the words of his Uncle, who arranged the meeting. "I just don't see how though," he put his head down. "I always thought I'd marry for love, not duty."   Jack smiled, "Well look, maybe she's as beautiful as the Queen and you two will have 10 babies and unite the East and Westeros finally!"   "Yeah, somehow I doubt it Oak, knowing my luck," Siegfried responded.   "I wouldn't worry about it my friend," Jack grinned towards his friend. "Look where we are... somewhere lost in the Reach, surrounded by beauty and peace. Sleeping under the stars, playing at every tavern and inn that will take us. Life is good and it's only going to get better." Jack put his hand on Siegfried's shoulder. "In 30 years, when we are old men, laying in a pleasure boat around the Lys Gardens, all these issues will be a distant memory." Jack turned to the tree his friend was leaning against and hung his boots on a branch to dry. They shared a smile and prepared to make lunch, near the brook, off the Mander.   With a solemn reverence, Otho Bracken retrieved Blackfyre, the sword that had been the instrument of so much death and glory. He stood over the dead body of his foe. He knew the weight of the weapon and the legacy it carried. With the sword of House Targaryen in hand, he was overcome with emotions, still in shock from the entire ordeal. The carnage of the event, running through his body.   The Battle of Old Oak slowly began to die, just like the men scattered throughout the fields, their moans sounded like a symphony of the end times. Horns blared in the night, as word of Jack's death seemed to cause many of his forces to surrender. Almost all ravens, sent by panicked maesters, are shot down before they can deliver their warnings to others but one bird is able to escape as it heads for Summerhall. The Royalists army has scored a major victory early on in this war, but at a cost. With the death of lords from both House Serry and Florent, as well as the King of the Andals now missing an eye but in the end, Otho had his victory, the sword of Kings and most importantly, his life.   As his men rushed to him to celebrate, Bracken raised his arms, causing them all to halt. "Lord Oakheart is to be removed from the field... tell the maester to clean the body and prepare him for Summerhall....he will be given his proper burial rights ...and done so by his brother"   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
ALL HAIL, KING VAEGON TARGARYEN, LONG MAY HE REIGN!! House Allyrion follows in his footsteps and declares war!   House Dayne | Kingdom of Summerhall | Tadashi
Mighty House Dayne of Dorne says Aye! Hail King Vaegon!   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Pentos announces it shall hold a day of bereavement in the name of Lord Jack Oakheart.  
The man, so ever close to my daughters husband. Tied to my family through a series of marriages.   Jack, was the warmth on a summer's day. Ease to converse with and discuss. Truly, a man of culture so rarely seen in the position of leadership.   Old Oak we share with your pain. Truly and deeply. We are with you now and pray, not only to R'hollor, our God. But, also to the seven for whom Jack worshiped.   Rest now, humble Jack, The Green Bard. We take solace in the belief you are now in a better place. Shared with your best friend, a man whom I was close to and befriended also, Siegfried Swann.   We know you shall make beautiful music in the afterlife together.
— Horro Mopatis
  This message is shared out in Pentos. With several birds being carried out to known Lords and friends of Jack. So they know, Pentos cries with them.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
The wine goblet in her hand slips from her grasp, shattering on the floor. Her mouth hangs agape. King Vaegon bows his head solemnly, personally breaking the news to Ellyria.   “Bracken promised me. He promised in our letters that he’d spare Jack Oakheart. He promised…he…” The trembles from shock soon turn to rage, the woman’s face suddenly bearing an expression better suited for a beast.   “I knew that rat’s words were wind. There is only one end suited for vermin like him!” She turns to Vaegon furious. “He dies this season.”   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
ALL HAIL KING VAEGON, LONG MAY HE REIGN!   May Oakheart’s memory resound through the ages!   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Ravens reach all castles of Westeros bearing letters from her realm.  
  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Lies from Summerhall and Swann both, acting as if this war was started by us. It was his vassal who was the murderer and would not yield for a trial, choosing instead to bring about civil war in The Reach. And Swann, do not pretend King Bracken did not give Oakheart the opportunity to surrender. As to my attacks on Fossoway, well many warnings were issued on the matter while let us not pretend you didn't order attacks on my fleet and the Queen by the Dornish. The Dornish, my pretend allies, who I defended from Essos. But with Dalt no longer in power there, I understand a close bond was lost. but so be it TO WAR!!!!!   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
King Jamie, on its way to Summerhall, near Summer Hill "Oh Shit now I Gotta return"   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Actually, I said Fossoway. I didn't say which one. They are by their own words considered a pair and will not be divided. As my inlaws and bannerman, you would imagine Caswell would support my cause as Paramount of The Reach and help put down any who wish to undermine my authority here. This was and is not a war I wished to fight nor did I start. I have maintained peace in The Reach since I took over paramount duties. The reason war is upon us now is because I foolishly did not attend the parlay in Essos because I would have killed any Thenns I came across, which was apparently acceptable at parlays of late, and then allowed my bannerman to split allegiance, dividing The Reach and causing much infighting which has lead to this war.   House Fossoway (Red) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Ricky Norris
Aye if your bannermen marching in my lands is no war then I am sure you won't mind if mine make their way to Hightower?   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
A day of mourning is announced in Summerhall, to remember the legend of The Green Bard… But The King will not mourn. Not until Otho Bracken is dead.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Small landing craft approach the barrier island housing the Palace of Truth. The center of Braavosi government now sat silent except for the squalling of seagulls that now took up residence in the empty windows and balconies. As the sailors entered the palace they found the structure in good condition but like most of Braavosi Ruins anything of value had long been stripped away. The sailors got to work converting the palace into an ad hoc warehouse to store supplies for the main expedition on Braavos. Merchant Ships could already be sighted approaching the Docks to off load supplies.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Just outside Summerhall, on a hill overlooking the countryside where Jack used to play with Vaegon and Siegfried, Jack's body is mounted on a grand pile of old oak, in honor of his house. The hill covered with yellow daisies has been planted with Oakheart banners. Vaegon lights a torch and looks deep inside the fire for a moment. He will have his revenge against the one who killed his brother and friend. He approaches the pyre carefully, making sure he doesn't stand on any of the flowers. Before lighting the pyre he takes a pause and looks back at those in attendance. The members of House Swann, Queen Ellyria and Robert. House Mopatis, Horro and Aelyx. House Targaryen, Aegar and Maegan. Even both Fossoway brothers Duncan and David managed to attend the ceremony.   "Jack was known throughout the realm as most honorable and honest, pure and true. I know he would want his body to return to Old Oak, and I will make it so once we retake it in his name." Vaegon looks back at the cloth in which Jack's body lies peaceful on the wooden structure, remembering their time together at Old Oak. "Jack died a warrior's death. He wielded Blackfyre as a true Targaryen King like in the days of old. By cremating him in the Targaryen customs we honor his memory and deeds... And though he was not of the blood of the dragon, I thought of him as a brother." The pyre is set ablaze and Vaegon watches through the flames, whispering a farewell to his friend.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Jamie Arrives "I'm late I guess - made a pause- I never met him personally but I hate the fates and milestones of the Green Bard, so now who is the owner of Blackfyre?"   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Otho Bracken has claimed Blackfyre for himself now. I intend to reclaim it for House Targaryen   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Long Tom attends the funeral of House Serry House Florent when hears of Jack's demise. He heads to attend the funeral of Jack Oakheart as well offering to bring Jack's body to Summerhall himself. Tom leaves his first born son armstead in charge should he be taken prisoner or killed. No payment will be made for Tom's safe return in the event he is taken captive. It is clear the civil war has taken its toll on Long Tom, breaking his heart. He looks to have aged drastically in just a few full moons.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
The five children of House Swann can be seen weeping quietly at the funeral of the Green Bard. The closest thing they had to a father after the death of their own the year prior.   When the pyre is lit, several of the younger children cry openly. The loss of the man weighs heavily on the house, and the dark lines on Queen Ellyria’s face that day belie dark intent. Her grievances with Otho have now soared to even newer heights.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
In the wake of Lord Racheval's untimely demise, chaos swept through the Serry territory like an unrelenting tempest. The fight for succession raged fiercely, with rival factions vying for control of the Reach Islands and Casterly Rock. Ambitious nobles and power-hungry allies maneuvered in the shadows, seeking to seize the mantle of leadership and secure their dominance in the region.   Incursions from neighboring houses threatened the Serry lands, and oversight of key territories became a contentious issue. The once-steady ship of House Serry was now caught in a turbulent sea of political upheaval, casting a shadow over the future of their once-mighty house.   Amidst this turmoil, the faith of the Seven took a firm grip on shaping the course of events. Whispers of an enigmatic figure began to circulate, a symbol of unwavering devotion, and a mysterious presence that suggested that faith might guide the house's destiny.   In a time of uncertainty and discord, the Faith of the Seven had indeed emerged as an unwavering guiding force, its presence offering a glimmer of hope and stability in the midst of chaos. As House Serry's future remained shrouded in darkness, a delicate, reassuring light seemed to extend its hand, as if offering the sought-after serenity that the house so desperately needed. The enigmatic figure and the enduring power of faith became the subjects of intense intrigue and speculation, their significance growing with each passing day, offering a unique path forward in the tumultuous struggle for leadership.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
Though they have their differences, Lord Duncan goes up to Long Tom at the funeral and shakes his hand. He does not want the war to come, but he feels its necessity deep in his soul. For now, peace must exist between men, as the brief truce is held to honor this great man.   Free City of Lorath | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Horro stares indifferently at the Reachman who has arrived. The mere cheek of the man was somewhat astonishing.   Aelyx had to be held in place by his father. The man was a known racist. Spewing his hate against the Pentoshi. If he spoke one word of that here, the blade Qoy Samvi would be freed.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Martell forces have been ordered to take control of Lemonwood with as few casualties as possible. The Princess was not to be harmed. It is still unsure if the Princess was even present at Lemonwood or instead in King's Landing. Every corner is being searched in Lemonwood as we speak in search of Princess Helaena.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
There is no glory in one not being able to fulfill their promises.   Old Oak was never meant to burn, nor was Lord Oakheart meant to perish to my blade. But as time changes, so do people. I had heard a great many tales of Lord Jack and even had met him a few times myself. He was a man of honor, one of courage and strength. An ideal Lord, many would even say. But the Oakheart of the songs is not the one I slew. He fought with bitterness, as if death was the only thing he understood. A shell of his former self.   It is no matter now. He is slain, and I still live... I only hope that the history books remember that Oakheart was kind and just, not the animal I was forced to put down. May he rest in peace.   But the sons, brothers, and even Lords under me who were slain by Oakheart will never see a long and fulfilled life. What King would I be, if I did not avenge them? It is my duty. A duty that I have fulfilled.   As for you, King Vaegon, and your attacks, know this:   Everything I have is from my own talent. Nothing has been given to me except for the small keep of Stone Hedge and an old rivalry. You were born the son of a King, the son of a King who invaded the Riverlands and slew my father and forced me to bend the knee. But I had an appreciation for that man, the man who united the realm and kept the peace in the Riverlands. You have no stake in who he was, to what he accomplished. What have you done except hide in Summerhall and bring chaos to the very land that your father united?   We are kin now, like it or not. When Summerhall is mine I will give you a privilege that your father did not grant mine, and I will allow you to bend the knee to me without taking your head.   Or perhaps you will refuse such an offer as Lord Jack did, time will only tell. I will no longer fall victim to your deceptions. I promised you the Stormlands and Dorne in peace, and yet your slithering words took half of the Reach from me, cutting my realm in two. Do you think I am the fool?   You have plotted my demise since the day I took the Red Keep. You are no dragon. You are a snake.   (I apologize, I forgot that Vaegon isn't the direct son of King Aegor, simply pretend that I was referring to him as a part of your family's "honor" and about the restoration of Westeros.)   My son, Aegon, is the direct blood descendant of King Aegor. The claim that I have is both of conquest, the sword Blackfyre, and of blood.   You are the son of a second son whose only impact on Westeros has been to sow division and chaos. When I conquer your Kingdom, I will be more akin to Aegon the Conqueror than you ever will be.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
King Vaegon need not debase himself, to address any ludicrous provocations from a bloodsucking gnat such as yourself, Otho. Nothing given to you but a small keep?!   Even those across the sea know you inherited the entirety of the Riverlands from your father, and his father before him. Tens of thousands of men had pledged fealty to you the moment you left your casing. Men you used to betray your Queen. Stealing not only her throne, but worming your way into claiming the entire Realm itself.   You then coerced her daughters at sword point to submit. Turned a young, innocent maiden into a breeding sow. To steal the very name you now besmirch King Vaegon for!   Half the Reach declared for Vaegon, not because he asked, but because they recognized you for the disease ridden pest you are. King Vaegon resided in his keep, not marching to war with you, for one reason.   Out of peace! Knowing you would reveal your nature to us all. As you finally have. Conquer! That is the word he used. Is it plain to all now what his intent is? Do you think your independence will all last once he takes each of us one by one?   And of course, lastly…Lord Jack Oakheart was a kind man. And honorable. Never once has that changed. Your cutthroats antagonized his borders, killed his men, and insulted his honor. Your lackeys rape his lands, siccing the entire Reach on just one house. You even told your sycophants to break the peace and invade the Fossoways in the chaos. Jack acted as a lord should. Protecting his people, and his lands, to the very end. You are not fit to speak his name.   You are a thief. A bandit with a stolen crown. No. You truly are a parasite. A gnat feasting on the blood of a sleeping dragon. And now it wakes. And now the web you have ensnared yourself in has no escape. Death to the parasite that is Otho Bracken!   I offer the lordship of Evenfall Hall and the entire Isle of Tarth to any person who brings me the head of the pretender to The Iron Throne!   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Leave it to the Essosi to not know our history.   House Bracken fought bitterly in the Century of Blood. The world I knew from my casing was one of chaos and bloodshed. By the time I was twelve, I witnessed the banners of my father falter to House Targaryen. When House Bracken was weakened, do you not think old enemies emerged? A bloodied stallion is one that fools believe they can defeat. I proved all those fools wrong.   You do not know our history, our culture. Seemingly, neither does Vaegon. You call me a thief, a murderer. I have done neither. I have brought peace and order to many parts of Westeros that would have been consumed in a second Century of Blood if I had not taken the Crown. All my actions are to ensure that Westeros will never endure another time where a man slays a man without penalty.   Lord Jack Oakheart slew a man, and I gave him his penalty. The "Kingdom of Summerhall" is nothing more than a farce. A puppet whose strings cross the narrow sea. It brings me no pleasure to lead men to war. But when the war is won, and I stand victorious over Vaegon, I will rest easy knowing that my baby boy, Aegon, will never have to wage a war against his own kin. You will be defeated.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Not by you.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Others have said similar.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
King Jamie returns to the Eyrie after receiving a crow with 2 urgent matters to talk about. He also rushes as he does not believe that the rute will stay safe during the war   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
I see King Otho needs a history lesson. My father was no king. He was but the prince of Summerhall, the title which I inherited. I had to make my own name for myself and earn the title of king. My followers do not follow me for my name but for my devotion towards those who support me. I am as loyal to them as they are loyal to me. As kings we are meant to protect our vassals, but if they start fighting each other it puts us right against one another.   I do hope to meet you on the battlefield Lord Otho   King's Landing was never yours to take. And your ambition will be your downfall   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
I am certain I will be on the battlefield, the only question is whether or not you will be, Vaegon.

Vengeance of House Pryor

  House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~Lady Mary Torrent of House Torrent of Littlesister was once a beautiful young woman, who loved a powerful and wealthy Lord from Pebble. She dreamed that one day, the Lord Viceroy, as he called himself, would propose and make her his wife. But as months turned to years and he beauty began to fade, his visits to her castle became less and less frequent. She became bitter and it seemed to sour everything about her. And then one day, the Lord Viceroy went to Braavos and he never returned, leaving Lady Mary with a broken heart and a bastard boy that she named Godric. The boy was cruel and spiteful, but he was also brave and a warrior at heart. He even fought for his father in the Great Northern War of 408 AC, when he was only 16, proving his courage and grit... but that did not seem to impress his father, as he did not recognize the boy as his own, even though he would send gold and a basket of flowers to Mary and the boy once a year. In 418 AC, the flowers stopped arriving and so did the gold, for a while. And then, one morning, several large ships, with the sigil of House Pryor, docked at House Torrent of Littlesister and with them came more gold than one could count ... but no Lord Viceroy....   With his mother in his ear and enough gold to raise an army unlike many had ever seen in the region, Ser Godric Stone, the bastard son of Lord Viceroy Richard Pryor, began to set in motion a plan to avenge not only the father who never loved him but also build something for himself, a way to prove he was his own man, and a deadly man, not to be trifled with...


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